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Posts posted by aim4hair

  1. Aim4hair,


    Do you plan to document your progress? Thanks for the shot of your donor.




    I would think it depends on the density of the recipient area. For majority of the patients, if you transplant to 50 to 60 per cm2, they will look fine with a #1 guard or any hair length but there are few patients who have 100-120/cm2 in the recipient area and the density of 50-60/cm2 probably won't look even. For these patients they're likely to need another session to bulk it up. You wouldn't want to dense pack too much in the first round or the blood supply is compomised.


    Again, I'm not going to have much post op views of the recipient or donor area with #1 guard. However, the patients that I've spoken to feel they can sport a #1 guard cut in the recipient and donor area without any spotty looks.



    You welcome Janna, yeah ill make a thread with more info soon once i have the time for it.

  2. should i rub the foam all over the nw7 area to be proactive just in case im programmed to end up being nw7 or just on the top of my head, im nw3A or 4 i guess.

    also i had an HT for the hairline and midfront area, i had very little native hair there, so should i apply rogaine on that area as well for the little native hair i have left between the transplanted hair (since the transplantd hair does not need rogaine).




  3. Fair comment - hadn't read the updated warnings since I started on Propecia 7 years ago. At that time it was stated that any sides would go away after discontinued use. I've checked around and seen the updates that were made later.


    I wasn't trying to hide any info, as you make out.


    It's important to put the side effects into perspective. It remains the case that only a small percentage of men get side effects and the vast majority of those who stop taking the drug see their side effects go away.


    I was talking in general, sorry if I sounded aggressive, it just pisses me off that many of the doctors that advised me to take fin never mention that it has potential sides and those who did told me that all sides will go away for sure once you quit which is not true. I don't expect patients as me and you to be always updated regarding sides of meds but it's a shame for doctors to try to hide those info and it's more of a shame if they don't know and are not up to date regarding meds they advice their patients to take.

  4. In the past i consulted with some docs who only adviced me to take minox to maintain some hair due to the potential sides of fin. Are you gonna use rogaine ?

    TBH im confused about the whole minox thing, since usually doctors look at it this way:

    1) some doctors would recommend it and beleive it's enough to maintain your native hair if used at least once aday, and they even mention in their sites and emails that after HT the patient should use fin OR minox (yes it's OR not and).

    2) some doctors beleives it's useless if used without fin.


    I think it's worth it using rogaine if you not gonna use fin.


    One more thing if you so sure that u will end up being nw6 in the near future and not sure about doing additional HTs, then you might wanna go for FUE or HST instead of FUT, at least you will have chance to buzz your hair short and move on.

  5. It is a very small percentage of people who suffer any side effects, and those who do find that those side effects disappear when they stop taking the drug.


    That is not true some sides might be permanent and don't disappear when stop taking the drug, the FDA confirms that and forced merck to modify their label to mention that info. The possibility of permanent sides are also mentioned in propecia website.

    Im honestly sick of doctors and ppl try to hide this info and just tell ppl that once you quit the drug all sides will disappear. Regardless the percentage of ppl getting sides, the possibility of permenant sextual sides is scary as hell and ppl should be aware of that fact before making such a big decision.


  6. Hey guys,

    Im currently using minoxidil spray and planning to switch to rogaine foam once i finish the spray bottle.

    I don't wanna rub the foam with my fingers so nothing can be absorbed there! So i was thinking to use disposable rubber gloves to rub the foam, is that OK ? Would it affect the result in any way ? If not, can i use any rubber gloves or i should use specific ones ?



  7. Nice to see hear it all went smoothly Aimforhair and be good if you could make a new thread regarding your whole experience with Dr Gho when you are back.


    I am sure others will interested in this case.


    Personally, I am skeptical about number 6 as no surgeon in the world would guarantee that.


    If someone has had 8 procedures from him, that would be even better to see how the recipient area looks and the hypothetical negligble scarring and regeneration of the donor supply.


    Thanks chrisdav, i'll share images once im back.

    As for number 6, they guranteed that for me verbally, actually they didn't have to add any graft between native hair since i was going for hairline and mid scalp but they did to make things look natural and when i raised my concern they gave me that gurantee.

    So far i beleive there is no shockloss but with short hair it's hard to tell for sure. If there should be any shockloss when does it happen usually ??

  8. Hey Guys,

    Just wanna let u know that i had my procedure 3 weeks ago, im still not home so i won't be able to upload pictures since i only have ipad with me, but i will be welling to answer questions for now.

    Thanks god, Im really pleased with the experience so far, so let's hope it remains like that.


    My op was performed *by Dr. Gho in Amsterdam and below are some details:

    1) During my email consultation, they guaranteed that they can do atleast 1200-1400 grafts with the possibility of adding more grafts depending on my donor. Luckely, on the treatment day they said my donor is good enough and they were able to extract 2080 grafts.*

    2) Only one technician did the extraction and she was done pretty fast.*

    3) Dr. Gho did the hair line and the holes.

    4) 2 technicians at a time placed the grafts

    5) the op covered the hairline and mid scalp area.

    6) they placed some grafts between existing har on the back to make the result natural if i lose more hair in future, and i was concerned about shockloss since some of my native hair is kinda thin but they told me there will be no shockloss and ever since they started doing HST they never had any case who experienced shockloss (they sounded pretty confident about this)

    7) The treatment went smoothly and everybody in the clinic were very nice and professional.

    8) I was told that i can always come for more treatments and that there is somebody who had 8 procedures so far with no issue and can have more.

    9) Dr. Gho was in Jakerta, Indonesia just before my op, and they are expecting to open their clinic there this year.

    10) There is a plan to open a new clinic in Dubai, UAE in the coming 2 years.

    11) Recovery time was better than i expected, i didn't have swelling and by day 4 post op (op is day 0) i was able to go out without a hat with no evidence that i had an HT, even the scabs kinda blind in.

    12) all scabs were gone by day 9.

    13) im 3 weeks post op and many of the new hair did not fall yet, and im pretty happy for that since i still have a hairline that frames my face and look way better than i did pre op. Maybe some/many of the new hair already shed but i cant notice since my hair is short.

    14) i shaved the back and sides before yesterday to grade 1/2 with no visible scars.


    As for the final result i guess it's still too early to judge. I hope all goes well.

  9. You ended up having HST with Dr. Gho?


    If so, you should definitely make a thread and share the experience with some images!


    I only got an ipad with me right now but I will share my experience once im backhome in couple of weeks.


    I dont wanna hijack this topic, but for now i can answer any question on the HST thread or through messages.

  10. As long as the scars are invisible to the naked eye and patiens are able to shave to the skin with no white dots, then it's scarless from patients prospective.

    Who cares if there are some scars that are visible under a microscope. Ppl on the streets don't walk with microscopes just checking out your donor area.


    As for dr. Wesley procedure, on his website he said it would be available as early as 2012 but then he changed It to 2013, He has an option on his site where you can request info about this scarless procedure, i did that but i never heared back from him, not even an email as a reply to my official request through the site.


    So currently i think the only scarless procedure is dr. Gho's HST. I had my procedure couple of weeks ago and today i shaved my donor grade 1/2 with no visible scars, i will shave down to the skin if/when the transplanted hair fall off and will be able to tell if there are any tiny little scars or dots, but so far things are looking good since i will always sport the buzzed look and having no scars was my top priority.

  11. regarding the look, i think there is a big diffrence between buzzing while you have nice hairline and 5 o'clock shadow look and between buzzing/shaving with no hairline (baldness).

    I kinda agree you have the right head for the shaved/buzzed look, if i were you i would go for the 5 o'clock shadow look with nice hairline and keep the hair buzzed, this way you would not need as many grafts as someone looking to have their hair long (which for advanced cases the density will never be satisfying IMO).

    Regarding the doctors, are you planning to use body hair as well or only scalp hair ?

  12. Dr Rahal accepted to do FUE for me, 6000 grafts devided over 3 sessions 6 month apart, but he is very expensive, however after I re searched and asked him, I found out he doesn't do manual FUE and needle placement, rather he uses micrometer machine and lateral slits, which is not in my interest,


    So 2000 graft maximum in each sesion with 6 months waiting in between L

    This is intresting since i was under the impression that Rahal does bigger FUE sessions. Did he explain why he is advising this approach. ??

  13. Wow. Very interesting. Are there any long term cases where significant growth has occurred? The cases I saw only resulted in mainly baby hair growth but I haven't looked extensively at it.


    I think your talking about rogaine regarding babyhair, im no expert i just been reading alot about it, if you check other forums there are so many information about this.

    I beleive the main reason of RU is maintenance and making the existing hair stronger just like propecia, the new hair growth might happen in some few cases though.

  14. yes, you can get it pre-mixed (good for 6 months).

    based on my reading, RU does not cause shedding, in fact if it works for you then your shedding will be stopped in like couple of days.

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