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Everything posted by MDM

  1. Good choice Fortune! The SMG is top notch, and you will be very well pleased in a short time. My HT by Dr Shapiro on 12/15/03, and things are popping up and growing, much to my delight!
  2. And, we're not about to look like Uncle Fester again, Man!:-)
  3. Yep, I think you're correct. It's more like a pimple than an ingrown hair, and once I popped the little suckers(which took hardly any pressure at all) I put neosporin(sp) on them and they cleared up in no time. Hope things are going well with you!
  4. Justin, You're looking great my friend! You may remember I had mine done at SMG on Dec 15,2003 so I think you and I are right there together. One thing I found out is that even though I had 2460 FUs my actual "Hair Count" was 6041. That's a bunch, man! Janna had to get on me from time to time for wiggling my foot when she was putting in the FUs. But I had an absolutely great experience with all of them, the ladies are an exeptional bunch. You and I are gonna be very happy campers pretty soon!
  5. C2E, The numbness is normal, sometimes it may take a full year before it is completely gone. The thing that is a concern is that you have a number of cuts without implants, normally the slits are made when the number of implants are known. I would suggest that you read this site and at least contact one of the top docs you find talked about here, before going back to the Dr who did your first one. Dr Shapiro did my HT and after a little over two months I am very happy. But there are a number of other top HT docs mentioned on this site. Good luck!
  6. Dr Epstein is a great HT doc congrats on choosing a very good one! Yeah, pretty soon you and I will be absolutely smiling at our new look.
  7. Tioto, I had my HT in December with Dr Shapiro with 2460 FUs and 6041 actual hairs placed. I don't remember the breakdown, but it sounds as if mine was somwhat similar to yours. It's very interesting to see actual hair counts. Mine was my first and I needed coveage, I assume one might see some difference on a second when fine tuning. Thanks!
  8. Thanks to all of you for your input. This is the very best forum for HT discussion and info around! BTW, all of your HT work looks great, just hope mine turns out nearly as well!
  9. Thanks T, I have been wondering about how many actual hairs on average are transplanted, but also what the split is as far as 1s,2s,& 3s, and how it is determined. I appreciate you and Rugger answering, maybe some others will too. Thanks!
  10. You guys have been kind to post your HT experiences, including the number of FUs that were transplanted. Can you tell me how many actual "hairs" were transplanted, in your recent operations? Thanks!
  11. You guys have been kind to post your HT experiences, including the number of FUs that were transplanted. Can you tell me how many actual "hairs" were transplanted, in your recent operations? Thanks!
  12. TS808, Good advice, young guys you need to consider what he has to say!
  13. What is your website address, or email addy? I'd like to talk to you. Thanks!
  14. Do some careful reading of this forum about the top docs in the world, and check with more than one doc. DO NOT decide upon a HT surgeon based upon proximity! Travel is cheap and some of these top docs will even help you on travel! Good Luck!!!
  15. Backnats, When I had my surgery done by Shapiro on 12/15/03 Dr Shapiro used staples, I had 2460 FU's. It probably depends upon the patient and the procedure as to which method is used. Good luck!
  16. If you're pretty thin people will be able to see the topik in the sunlight, if they are overhead. It can be embarrassing, so be careful!
  17. I'll amen those thoughts! I had mine done on 12/15/03 by Shapiro, and the whole process was far better than I imagined. It sure makes you feel better knowing that you are in very competant hands! Dr Rose was doing some touch up work on a guy in the other room. He had already done a superb job on this fellow from his first surgery. This guy was 12 months from his first and he looked great! So I know you will be well pleased with the results. I certainly am after only two months, things are sprouting up all over.:-)
  18. Pat, who owns and operates this site, had his hair transplant done by Dr Shapiro, and he has been so kind to honestly relate his experiences. However you will notice a list of many doctors who perform quality HT work, and you can see examples of their work. You can also talk to "mentors" who have had their HTs done by different doctors, but who also kindly relate their experiences in order to help others. Dr Shapiro is often mentioned because he is considered one of the best in the world. However, if you carfully read this forum you will frequently notice other top docs mentioned. This is absolutely the best HT site you'll find!
  19. Tioto, I think Dr Feller recommended using the 2% Minoxidil solution on the transplants. He can correct me if I'm wrong. It may have to do with the fact that you are placing it on a very tender area that has undergone some major trauma. You might ask Dr Feller.
  20. I think i remember Dr Feller saying that it is probably best to use it up to a year since hair growth cycles vary. After that all the transplants should be in. Maybe just use it at night and shampoo it out in the morning. You might ask Dr Feller for specifics.
  21. Since I had my 2480 FU HT in December of 2003, I can tell you for certain that they are not a "hairmill"! This is Dr Shapiro's specialty and he does the recipient cuts, the donar cut & staples, as well as supervising the whole process. He was very compassionate and thoughtful, as well as very proficient. I always felt completely comfortable, and knew I was in competent hands.
  22. Thanks for the info, I'll look into it. I am 7 weeks from 2480 from Dr. Shapiro and I have seen some hair dots, and "some" very small hairs popping up. I lost about 50 or 60% of my transplants so some have remained. I use 2% minoxidil on my recipient area, and of course propecia. Good luck to both of us!
  23. Where do you get it? How much does it cost? What are the potential side affects? Does it work as well if you don't work out regularly? Your situation sounds great, good luck!
  24. I had 2480 FUE's on Dec 15, 2003 with Dr Shapiro, and you are right, Ron and his staff are top notch and very caring! I had a lot of "peeling" early on but it is pretty much gone now, a little bit here and there but nothing like what I had. Someone from this site called Shapiro's office and they told him that they thought it was due to the Biotin spray they gave us, since they never had a problem with the grafcyte spray they had used. The tech was going to recommend to Ron that they go back to the grafcyte spray. I had some red spots as well, but only here lately did a couple get swollen enough for me to squeeze. I made sure I got all the junk out and then a lot of blood that I stopped with warm water and cloth. I then used neosporin for a couple of days and they have healed up as good as new, no more problems! I'm like you, I have treated my transplants with kid gloves. About 40-50% of my transplants have fallen out, but some seem to be growing. I also seem to have some little dots and some hairs(just a very few) starting to sprout. Now mind you this may be some of my imagination, but my wife says she sees the same thing, so who knows?! Everybody is different, but one thing for sure you and I had the best in the business working on us, and it'll pay off! You need to go to a post of mine labeled "thymuskin" under another general heading and read what Cliff from Washinton DC told me about his HT from Dr Shapiro. It'll make you feel great! Hang in there, remember this is the worst few months, waiting for our HTs to start growing! kindest regards, Michael
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