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Everything posted by crowningglory

  1. Sharing the same experience! Very positive results with trx2. although one should not expect wonders appearing within days.
  2. That's not an encouraging thing to say especially to someone experiencing hair loss. He may still be living with the idea of the early days where a full set of hair means "authority", "class", etc. That doesn't apply these days. There are a lot of famous people sporting a bald head and they look good with it and they're confident. Doctors shouldn't prey on people's insecurities. That is just wrong and sad.
  3. Try using 1% Nizoral or a mild shampoo first. Your scalp maybe irritated with strong chemicals on your current shampoo. But then again, I'm no hair doctor or dermatologist and Dr. McLean suggested seeing one. Goodluck!
  4. Hair loss can be caused by a lot of things, these are genes (hereditary), medications (including chemo), and environmental/external factors (which is quite a lot to name). I just wish that treatments are as many as the causes.
  5. I have stumbled upon articles saying caffeine can help with hair loss treatment. I'm still thinking though how much caffeine should we take for it to actually work since too much of coffee or tea (and other caffeinated products) can cause anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, and irregular heartbeat and I don't it would work with just one cup of coffee per day since I always have one already. Lol.
  6. Nizoral and T-Gel works for dandruff. You can also use virgin coconut oil or lemon but make sure you rinse them off well.
  7. I believe all treatments' results wear off once you stop using them. So whatever result you've had with proscar, expect it to "wear off" and your condition to be back as it was before you started using.
  8. I've been using Nizoral for 2-3 times a week and it works great. If you're using 3 times a week maybe you can try cutting down to 1-2?
  9. That's a lot of additional supplements but I agree with RCWest that the most important is the Biotin. I don't know about Saw Palmetto but I've been reading some posts in other forums that it causes them grogginess and dizziness as side effects.
  10. It's funny to them because they are not the one experiencing it. Maybe if they experience what we're experiencing they'll laugh less and worry more.
  11. No, I don't think people in general are shallow especially not us who are suffering from hair loss and just want to grow our hair back. Some are just more conscious than the other but we're all "vain" in a way. Besides, hair loss isn't only for those aging already, hair loss now manifests as early as 18 years old to some unfortunate guys that are causing more "panic" and worry thus being considered "shallow" by some who are not experiencing losing their hair.
  12. Well explained and so easy to understand. Is MBP and AGA the same? I believe AGA is also said to be hereditary.
  13. Wow, the 10 hair loss myth busters. Well most of them I really didn't believe but I honestly thought that wearing hats can contribute to hair loss, although not really cause it per se but can help speed up receding hair line. Guess I was wrong then.
  14. So far, I haven't read of anyone who experienced itchiness DUE TO Nizoral but if you have been using Proscar for long and you only experience the itchiness now, use Nizoral 2-3 times a week only and leave it on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing off.
  15. I'd go with haircut on this. Unless maybe the dosage is high for you or something but to maximize the product and the results, just follow the directions.
  16. I think it depends whether you've been going out or have been sweating, in any case washing your hair off of dirt is not a bad thing. Use a mild shampoo when you do, just to wash off dirt and grease from the scalp and hair.
  17. It's great that some people who used lllt for hair loss have had success with it (unfortunate for some who don't). I haven't tried it as it's too expensive for me and with all the not so good feedback that I've been reading I'm still not convinced it'll be worth it. But it would be great if you could post your before-after photos for us to see.
  18. They make being bald look cool. If we all have the money we'd all look good I guess but a little thicker hair would be good for me.
  19. I agree with RCWest, you seem to still have a thick hair although your receding hairline is becoming prominent you can start early on Minox+Finasteride to prevent further hair loss.
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