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Everything posted by HARIRI

  1. But dont give up on HT, you still need to do the final step. FUE the scar after the revision and some FUE also for the crown at Bisanga and you will be all done.
  2. Ah so you are planning to do another strip surgery with Dr. Rahal. This time you will surely strip out so the 4th one will be FUE with Bisanga. I got your point. By the way, try considering to FUE your scar, it would hide it very well, especially Dr. Rahal scars are very thin.
  3. Ok I will give you a hint, there is one saudi footballer by the name of sami aljaber, he had a very successful HT in Dubai, rumors says its NUHART. If its true, then make sure you do it with the doctor who performed the HT to him. He must be very well talented. But If you will go to Asia, then dont waste your time and make sure you go Thailand, its safe and terrorism free plus Dr. Pathomvanich is world class. Pakistan and India is under danger circumstances these days. All the luck.
  4. Haha, well you have to ask him about that. I have no idea.
  5. Oh yeah, thats weird really, me too whenever I click on the links it takes me to the main page??? I think they were removed somehow by the moderator. But seriously they were clear pics and nice cases. However try to search more in other hairloss websites, Im sure you will find more results for Dr. Keser cause Dr. Keser doesnt show results in his main website because of the Turkish law!!! If you tried to visit his official website and clicked on FUE patient pictures, it will say "Turkish regulations are not allowing to publish our patients "before" and "after" photographs in our website". You might see some on you tube, but honestly there werent as good as ones that were linked in the recommendation of dr keser thread. They were superb ones. IMO Bisanga is better, but Keser is too good also. So give Keser a chance since he is very close to where you are from I believe.
  6. Magneto, The best results from Dr. Keser I found was in this thread, but thread is locked according to what I was told because Dr. Keser didnt agree to continue the evaluation and that his donor extractions are very high and out of the universal safe zone area. However you can check the links, very beautiful results indeed. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/139030-potential-recommendation-dr-abdulmuttalip-keser-turkey.html Why are you thinking of having FUE with him???
  7. Dr. Feriduni in Belgium isnt famous and good as Bisanga. Many Belgian friends told me that. Bisanga there is like a superstar Doc. He is expert in FUE. While Feriduni is more of a strip Doc. I 100% agree with Stingray. If I was the one who would do a FUE procedure out of North America, I would chose Dr. Bisanga with no doubt at all. Go ahead buddy and book for a procedure.
  8. Good Job Dr. Panine. Its one of my favourite results of you. Looks so nice and full. Hairline really changes life.
  9. Anouar, Yeah I agree don't go under the knife again. Just get some FUE for the crown if you wanted, or just hold on with the help of concealers to see what science can bring, like hair cloning or histogen...Im so much hoping for the last one, Histogen is an amazing concept. I advice you to try do an FUE with Bisanga. Yesterday by coincidence i met one old class mate who was thinning obviously and had bad strip HT 2009 with (NUHART Dubai), when i saw him, I was like WOW. Tried to look for a scar, he told me you wont find it, I told him why? he said Bisanga worked on me (hairline and scar). Now after seeing a live result, seriously Bisanga is the one. He is extremely talented. But really Anouar, try to get along with Nanogen, It would be great for your self esteem. It works so well with hair, but bad for hairlines which looks obvious. But with a 60% density in hairline, you dont need it at all. It will work great on your crown, Promise.
  10. Anouar, you are my idol. I really want your density and style. Seriously you inspired me to chose Dr. Rahal since seeing and talking to you, Im really happy for you buddy, You look like a superstar. Hair is really life changing.
  11. In Dubai, there is one good doctor recommended in this network, called Dr. Humayun Mohanad, He is located in Pakistan but he has a new clinic in Dubai. Try to contact him. He is the best in Dubai.
  12. Stingray, I guess Anouar told me about you. Yeah I really feel sorry for the poor results with Armani although he used to be good strip surgeon but I guess he sucks in FUE plus he is super expensive, while Bisanga only charges 5 euro per graft and sometimes goes to 4 euro if the grafts were many. Dr. Bisanga really did you a good job. I really feel happy that he chosed Bisanga at last, cause honestly he would be my choice if ever i got stripped out or my maybe my next surgery after the coming FUT surgery with the great Dr. Rahal. Thanks.
  13. My Oh My, Great results Oz Guy. It was a long hard journey to Ottawa. But seriously it worthed it. For a Five months result, Its so amazing. Really happy for you, wish I would be lucky like you to have early growth.
  14. Yes, I agree. As they say Customer always right. The Doctors advices and plans for the patient for long term, but the final decision is for the patient whether he goes for it or not. Thats why I decided to do 50 FU/cm2 for having a NW6 father, to just have some grafts for the future. Long term strategy should always be considered, not just temporary satisfaction. Concealers such as Nanogen or toppik do help a lot and can still even work on a 30 fu/cm2 perfectly.
  15. Thanks Everybody. Today he decided to go for Dr. Bisanga at last. Honestly speaking Dr. Bisanga is considered the best FUE surgeon in Europe and maybe in the world if I'm not mistaken. His work is very consistent and looks so amazing. He really must be recommended in Hair Transplant Network. Thanks everybody again for the contribution.
  16. Thanks Dutch, but Rahal is not from Europe and H&W not from europe neither and doesnt perform FUE. However I will try to convince him to do it with Feriduni although I find Dr.Bisanaa who is from Belgium also more famous and popular. Thanks anyways.
  17. Magneto, Yes there are plenty FUE results with Dr. Rahal. I'm sure MattJ or Adrian can refer you to some if you asked. I bet Dr. Rahal is good in FUE as much he is good in strip. Cause at the end its all about handling the graft and implanting them into the balding area. Its just thats its $8 per graft I heard. Are you up to do FUE work? However there is only one poster of an FUE procedure of Dr. Rahal at hairtransplantnetwork.com (Hair Restoration Site for MYFUE2010) ...
  18. Hi Everybody, My cousin from Cyprus is planning to do FUE job to plant some hair in his crown and into his strip scar. He is insisting to chose one of these two Doctors only... Dr.KESER from TURKEY or Dr.BISANGA from BELGIUM Please chose one and mention the reason as it will be very helpful to him especially that HRN members are very educated in HT. Price and location is never the issue for him. He means the work quality and results.
  19. Dr. Rahal. No doubt. I agree with Corvettester and roberthair, I haven't seen any complaints against him on the forums either.. Dr.Rahal is very ethical and full of good manners. Very passionate to patients and very understanding. Among all doctors from Shapiro, Hasson and Wong. I choosed him after 2 years research for a repair. When you mentioned hairline, everyone gave you one answer. RAHAL. His hairline design are amazing just like Armani, very artistic. Go to Rahal buddy. You will get excellent HT plus good price as you mentioned. Mine will be this July hopefully (2200-2500 grafts). Once you go RAHAL you will get it ALL.
  20. Me too Bonkerstoker, I'm a big user of Toppik and Nanogen. This definitely looks to me a concealer job in my opinion. So its almost impossible to get this huge results and this super density with only 3600 grafts and only 5 months!!! But if I was wrong, then congratulation Sparks1 for the 100% yield, your hair looks awesome for real.
  21. Well, for 6000 grafts and 6 months, You should have been with better results at least than this. Thats for being honest. Its not a complete failure but give it another 2 months, I agree with what corevettester said. I just dont get it why some clinics take high scars out from the safe zone. That may looks safe temporary but in long term will thin. The scar is a part of the hair transplant therefore your comment that is irrelevant is invalid. However I feel your pain Aman, I really do. Its bloody expensive. The tickets to travel to Vancouver and the rate plus tax. I would go nuts if i were in your place. Fingers crossed for month 8, otherwise they should offer you another free operation to add some density if you have enough laxity. Honestly if i were in your place I wouldnt do 6000 grafts in one session, its too much. I would have done 4000 and leave the rest for next time. As RC West mentioned, too much trauma. But hey after all, you look much better than before, Now you can play with toppik and nanogen to get full coverage as you have some hair that the fibers can hold into. Wish you all the best buddy.
  22. Looks like Dr. Pathomvanich's work was better. You should have done your 2nd with him again. However im interested to see more photos of your receipent area, I wish you could upload more. All the best and luck TomA.
  23. I agree 100% with Anouar. That makes a lot of sense. Being conservative should also be in the way removing strips from the donor area carefully and not in danger way that can cause infection etc... because of long linear scar above the ear. Hope for more Rahal results to be posted. Good job.
  24. 5 months only!!! wow. Fast growth really, I guess its because of Dr. Rahal's magical touch. Looks absolutely flawless.
  25. Oh man what a bad luck, Im in Reading now (30min away from London by train) and going back home 7th of May. Really a bad luck. All the best to Dr. Rahal. British repair patients get ready to be saved.
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