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Everything posted by JayWalker

  1. Well you sound sold, but like I say, I wouldnt rush, I know you want your hair sorting, I get that. But, have you seen/spoken to any previous patients of this outfit? I just wouldnt use anyone that I wasnt 100% sure is tried and tested, and pressure to book? nah, walk.
  2. Honestly, whilst this doctor maybe an undiscovered gem, I'd seek a few consultations with some coalition doctors and get a feel for it. Dont rush into it, speak to a few and see who you get the best feeling about. I spent about a year doing this before booking my surgery. You do look a good candidate (although Im no expert of course) for some restorative surgery. Are you currently taking propecia/minoxidil? if not, I would start treatment on that to halt any further loss. Good luck, its a great thing to do if done correctly, I was a Norwood 3 before my journey, having jus completed my second transplant, currently in the waiting part of it all. You dont need to get back to them tomorrow, dont let them pressure you to close a sale, you only get a few shots at this, make sure you make it the right choice.
  3. Did you find it that bad, why? I just did my second one, first was easy really, second one was a total breeze.
  4. You have a seriously enviable head of hair now. Total knock out result!
  5. 8 days out now, no scabs hardly this time at all. The recipient site is better this time after 1 week, than it was after a month last time.
  6. 3 months is the very very beginning. Your end result will be nothing like things are now, just relax, it will come.
  7. 6 Days post op now. Healing much quicker than last time. Very little scabbing and redness subsiding nicely.
  8. Whilst my redness hasnt gone, its healing far far quicker than last time.
  9. They sure do. Itching is common, definitely dont scratch, you're doing the right thing with the spray.
  10. A bit more detail. The first collage shows my head as it was pre transplant in 2011 and just before the second in 2014. This second transplant although lower in grafts, yielded more hairs as a significant amount were doubles. 462 singles 1085 doubles 33 threes This second one shows more detail on the work carried out on the second HT. Hopefully should be a real change for me one it all fills in. This second procedure looks nice and densely packed. I have found the second op much easier in terms of discomfort, maybe due to the scalp having endured the trauma before. Cant recommend Dr Dorin enough, was a total walk in the park.
  11. I dont know the area covered to be honest. My hair is actually quite fine in calibre but has good density. Surgery took 7 hours this time, was a breeze, great setup at True & Dorin. Thanks.
  12. Just arrived home, 2 days post op now.
  13. Recipient area seems to be healing quicker and I have no irritation. Early days to say for sure, but positive so far.
  14. I am using this product after my second procedure, I will report my findings in comparison. So far it's definitely doing something.
  15. Scar is slightly longer this time but not quite as wide (as in height)
  16. Looking great, you've come a long way. That will change massively as it matures. I thought mine was finished at 8 months, but it really did thicken up after that time.
  17. Yes, here's hoping, about as good as it gets in my eyes, that first one. This one wasnt a huge strip either and Im told I have good skin quality, so hopefully if Im careful all should be well.
  18. Going for my cleanup today so will get all the info plus the professional pictures. Slept well last night, woke up frequently but this is fine as I opted to use the ATP Liposomol spray.
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