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Everything posted by corvettester

  1. Yes, I don't think it will be such a big deal to monitor it closely. Basically, if I see a bunch of hair on my pillow when I wake up, or if my hand is covered in hair after shampooing, or if I feel thin on top while combing or styling, I'll know to get in gear with the Propecia. Like I said, I'm not against taking it. I just don't want to take it until it's necessary. Also, I'll be going back to see Dr. Dorin every three or four months for follow up visits over the next year, so that will help a lot too as I'll have documentary evidence to compare against. At the very least, it's still less maintenance than having to take a pill every day... Corvettester
  2. Adam, I just commented on your 8 month update because I didn't realize that you just posted a new update for 9 months. Anyway, I don't see much improvement from your 8 month update. To me, something isn't right with the transplanted hair. It's not laying right. It looks like the angling is off. It doesn't blend with with the native hair behind it... Of course, my opinion is based solely off the photos you posted, perhaps they don't capture the true nature of your result... You mentioned that you like it and that you're happy with the result. So if you're happy, then I'm happy. However, I think you should have expected significantly more growth and density from 3,000 grafts FUT. It doesn't matter that you have fair skin, the hair should be packed closer together and there should be a lot more of it, in my opinion. Again, I would not recommend returning to this doctor, even if he offers you a complimentary third procedure. I would do a couple of consults with some well respected doctors to get a second or third opinion before moving forward. At the very least, what could a second opinion hurt? Corvettester
  3. Adam, I had forgotten all about this thread... I didn't realize that this was the 8 month result of your second HT when I made my original comment above. So if I understand correctly, this is the 8 month result of your second HT for a total of 3,000 grafts FUT? If that is the case, then I have to say that I find your result even more dissatisfying. I thought that I was looking 1,500 grafts when in reality I was looking at what is supposed to be 3,000 grafts. I understand that you're only 8 months post-op, but from what I have seen, most success cases are precocious. The late bloomers are few and far between. Further, at 8 months post-op, I would not expect to see too much new growth, if any. Therefore, I think it's fair to start making some tentative assumptions regarding your result. Basically, I'd be surprised if you had an appreciable improvement upon your current result. If I'm right, I wouldn't go back to the same doctor if I were you. However, for your sake, let's hope I'm wrong... Corvettester
  4. Mattj, Exactly! The forelock and bridge are now and have always been thinner than the crown and midsection. Dr. Dorin noted as much. However, I'm not sure how effective Propecia is at treating the forelock and bridge, but it would definitely be worth a try if they started to go. In other words, I would start Propecia if I noticed thinning there. Corvettester
  5. I only do that for the Title of the thread so that I can draw my buddies' attention to my threads... Corvettester is not an egoist! LOL! Corvettester
  6. Gentlemen, I just had a nice follow up visit with Dr. Dorin. As usual, he was very welcoming and spent plenty of time with me discussing my concerns, one of which was Propecia. Basically, he said that if I wanted to start Propecia, he would prescribe it, but that he didn't think I needed it as of yet. Due to the dense and apparently stable nature of my Crown and Midsection, he didn't feel comfortable starting me on a drug that I would be on indefinitely simply for the sake of being overly-cautious. We also discussed the issue of side effects and Merk's updated warning label. Dr. Dorin had just come back from the ISHRS meeting in Alaska where he had discussed the matter at length with several leading doctors, including Dr. Bernstein. He basically told me that the recent controversy was overhyped and lacked credible scientific and anecdotal evidence. Thus, he said that he would feel very comfortable prescribing Propecia for me when the time is right. He actually offered to allow me to stop by every month for photos and to examine my crown and midsection if I was that worried about it. I declined his generous offer, but I told him we could just monitor it every three or four months, when I come in for my regular follow ups... Thus, I'm siding with Dr. Dorin's opinion that for the time being, it isn't really necessary and too much of a commitment and hassle to deal with. Of course, I'm open to starting it further down the road, at the slightest notice of thinning in the midsection or crown. Below you can see some pics of my crown and midsection (for high resolution pics, see my photo album or hair loss website, link below). The first photo was taken back in August, 2010. The other three were taken just yesterday, October 10th, 2011. I can see no difference among the pics, nor do I notice any difference in density when I run my hands through my hair. Let me know what you guys think... can you see a difference in my crown? Any thinning? What do you think about my decision to hold off on Propecia for now? Corvettester
  7. Dr. Dorin 1,305 FUT: 2 Month Update This week marks my two month update from my second HT with Dr. Dorin consisting of 1,305 grafts FUT. Incidentally, it’s also my one year update from my first HT with Dr. Dorin of 1,696 grafts FUT. So two months out and all is well. I experienced no noticeable shock loss, no swelling and no discomfort or complications. My scar is healing well and is smooth and level with the rest of my scalp. The numbness has completely subsided and my head feels whole and normal again. I’m just starting to see the first hairs sprouting out in the past week or so. Just like after my first HT, I only had about 30 FUs sprouting by the second month. Everything is looking normal and feels fine. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to see much new growth from the photos, which is due to the fact that so much of the hair from my first HT covers the newly sprouted hairs. However, I can see them coming through when I look closely in the mirror, not to mention I'm starting to get pimples just like last time. Basically, I feel like this update reveals more from my first HT than from my second, but as expected, my second HT ended up cutting some of my new growth from the first, hence making it a little spotty in some areas. Thus, I don’t think it’s really fair to call this my final result from my first HT because the second HT cut so much of the hair from the first… All in all, things are looking good. I’m eager to achieve the density that I desire and I hope that this second procedure will give me just that… By the way, I have more, better quality pics in my HTN Profile Photo Album and Hair Loss Website, link below. Corvettester
  8. YouOnlyLiveOnce, Any Updates for us? I just found a thread (http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/162047-14-months-hair-curls.html) where you said "Im about 10 months out and I've noticed my hairs up front don't let straight like the rest of my hair." I'm having a similar issue and I was wondering if yours had corrected itself? Also, you mentioned in another thread a few months back that you were having density issues, has that worked itself out? Corvettester
  9. YouOnlyLiveOnce, I see that you mentioned that you're transplanted hair isn't laying straight like your native hair. Is it sticking up straight? Also, how is your density issue coming along? Did it thicken up or are you going to have to go back for a second pass? Are you happy with the result? Corvettester
  10. Any update? I see that you said that "Im about 10 months out and I've noticed my hairs up front don't let straight like the rest of my hair." http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/162047-14-months-hair-curls.html Has this issue improved? Also, you mentioned on another thread that you were having density issues, how is that coming along? Corvettester
  11. Jordan, I'm having the same problem with my left temple. Basically, the hair in the left temple won't lay flat. Instead, it just kind of sticks up straight. I must say that it has improved since 6-8 months post-op (I'm now 12 months post-op), but it's still not normal yet. My doctor thinks it's due to immaturity as well. My theory as of now is that due to the immaturity of the actual hairs (they're more brittle and curtly than the rest), coupled with the lesser density of the transplanted hair, that is what causes it to stick up straight. I figure once the hair grows in from my second procedure, it will weigh down the rest so that it will finally lay normally. I assume that gravity needs a chance to work. As of now, if I don't put product in it, it sticks up straight and looks funny. However, this is only on the left side, the right side lays perfectly natural. Perhaps it's relevant to mention that I had a lower yield on the left side than the right... Anyway, I'm waiting it out for now. Like I said, it has been improving over the past couple months. I'm hoping that it's just a matter of time. By the way, who is your doctor? Corvettester
  12. Couldn’t agree more! It doesn’t stop with bad hairstyles either. Some guys will drop 10-15k on a hair transplant, only to use cheap/low quality shampoo, conditioner and styling products! As far as styling products go, I use either Material, by Texture ($23) or I'll alternate with Rough Luxury Molding Wax, by Oribe ($34). Both products aren't cheap, but they're good and they each last two or three months. As if using cheap hair care and styling products wasn’t bad enough, I see a lot of guys who still go to Joe the Barber for the same tired, old haircuts. That might be fine if you’re in the military or work in some uptight corporate firm, but if you’re younger, you should go to a hairstylist. Be sure to bring pics from magazines or online to show to your hair stylist so they know exactly what you're going for. You don't want any miscommunication on this issue. It’s just such a waste to get a new head of hair only to ruin it with bad hair care products and cheap, unoriginal hairstyles. It’s like putting a bumper sticker on a Ferrari! I can only imagine that those type of guys are simply so happy that they finally have hair that that is all that really matters… but why stop there? I haven't had my hair cut in four months and I'm going to wait another month or two before I go in for my next one. Letting it grow out has given me more versatility and styling options, not to mention, it makes me look younger. Attached you'll see some of the looks I'm going for with my next hair cut... The Strokes! I'm actually going to use the exact same hairstylist they use and ask her to give me the piecey, layered style, except suited to my hair!:cool: Corvettester
  13. Good stuff! Thanks for clarifying. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't missing something, but now I understand. Stabilization is good enough for most of us. I think only the greedy ones will expect regrowth... although quite a few do get actual regrowth. Corvettester
  14. Gentlemen, I'd like to update the community on my experience and progress so far with Biotin. For the past 5-6 weeks, I've been taking a Biotin supplement of 6,000mcg once or twice a day with my meals. Within the first week I noticed that my face and body hair were growing much faster than normal. I went from shaving my face 3x a week to shaving 5x a week. Also, I went from shaving my chest once a week to twice a week (chics dig a shaved chest!). Funny thing, I had to take the clippers to my leg hair too! LOL! I was wearing shorts recently on a hot day and a couple friends kept cracking jokes on how hairy my legs were. They were right though, I was looking like Teenwolf over here! :cool: As far as new growth or prevention of hair loss, I can't say. I doubt that Biotin will do anything to prevent hair loss or to regrow any hair that I have already lost due to MPB. I don't think that is the purpose of Biotin. I think what Biotin is good for is improving that overall quality of the hair that you do have. What I have noticed is that my hair is now much more fuller, of better quality, more alive and more voluminous. My hair feels so much healthier! Also, I feel like it is much more easier to style now and that it looks visibly better. What's more, I keep catching myself running my hands through my hair, especially the midsection and crown. I've never done this much before, but for some reason I've been doing it frequently since starting Biotin. I actually enjoy it now because my hair has so much more body. I used to hear women and hair commercials talk about "healthy" hair. I never really understood what they meant. How can hair be healthy? How can you feel it if your hair is healthy? Well, now I know exactly what they mean. My hair feels and looks healthy. I do hope others will have a similar experience to mine. To give balance, I guess it's fair to theorize that I could have previously suffered from a Biotin Vitamin deficiency, but I think that is doubtful. So far, I've only used the GNC brand because it had the highest dosage I could find, 6,000mcg. Once I finish this bottle, I'll try the Solgar version to see if I notice any difference... I'm really interested to hear if anyone else has had a positive or negative experience with Biotin, so please chime in. Are there any brands you recommend? Since I've seen such a dramatic improvement in the quality of my hair, I'll definitely be on this stuff for life. Corvettester
  15. By the way, I can vouch for Biotin. However, I don't think prevents hair loss or regrows hair. What Biotin is good for is maintaining the overall health and quality as well as promoting growth of the hair that you already have. I always wondered what women meant when I heard them talking about this or that product making their hair feel so "healthy." After a month on Biotin, I know exactly what they mean.... I have noticed a definite improvement in the fullness and texture of my hair. It just feels healthy! I keep finding myself running my hands through my hair lately, which is a new thing. It feels different; it's not greasy, yet fuller. It seems more alive. Also, I have noticed that my hair is growing substantially faster, especially my face and body hair. Before starting Biotin, I shaved 3x a week. Now I'm shaving 5x a week. All and all, I've had a great experience with Biotin and I'll be on it for life! However, I don't expect it to prevent any hair loss, nor do I think it will regrow what hair I have already lost. It just makes what I do have look and feel a lot better. I also feel like my hair is much easier to style now because it has more volume... It's definitely been noticeable to me, and I'm usually not the type of guy to notice such things... As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to start a new thread on my experience with Biotin. Corvettester
  16. I too am interested to learn more about how food intake and exercise affect testosterone and estrogen levels. It's clear that food and exercise, or lack thereof, alter our hormones; but to what extent would it impact our DHT levels? Could it be that the less testosterone and more estrogen a man has, the less hair loss he would experience? I don't know the answer, but I think it's an interesting question worth examining... Has this issue been discussed elsewhere? Corvettester
  17. Aaron, What exactly should I bee seeing here? It's probably just due to the poor photo quality, but I don't see any significant gains... It does appear that the diameter of your crown shrank somewhat. Also, your midsection seems to have stabilized, if not beefed up a bit. However, that could be due to having what appears to be slightly longer hair in the 3 month pics. I could hardly tell the difference between the before pics and the One Year pics. To me the best improvement seems to be that the hair in the midsection in crown appears to be thicker or of better quality... Could you explain what appreciable differences you noticed, because I can't really tell from the photos you provided. Thanks. Corvettester
  18. Yes, I understand that I have to lose a lot before I even notice it. However, surely I'd notice something if I were looking for it. I mean, I'd wake up to a pillow covered in hair, or a hand full of hair in the shower, or notice a bunch of hair while combing or simply running my hand through my hair. Basically, for now I'm monitoring it closely. I'm taking photos every three or four months too. I will come to a decision in the next couple months on whether or not to start. I just want to make the most well-informed decision possible. I once spoke with a guy my age who had some sort of rare reaction to Propecia. It made his hair very oily and greasy and within a month or two, he went through a major shed that never grew back! Apparently his doctor even agreed that he had had some sort of allergic reaction to Propecia and was one of the very rare cases where it actually makes your hair fall out! Stories like that scare the bejesus out of me. I mean, I know the odds are low, but so are the odds of having a low yield with an HT... but I was one of the few who did! So I'm not playing the statistics anymore. My experience with my HT has proven to me that you simply cannot rely on minimal risk as an assurance because you could very well be one of the unlucky few. Corvettester
  19. Richie, Thanks for the post. I'm glad it's worked out well for you. It's encouraging to know that since I have such a strong crown and midsection, my chances for shedding are less. I was not aware of this before. Also, it's really good to know that you were able to lower your intake to .8mg a day with no loss of hair. I'd rather build up than build down as well: the less meds, the better. I'd still like to hear from anyone else regarding any shedding or lack thereof that they experienced after starting Propecia. Corvettester
  20. Capelli, Thanks for the input. You make a good, well-reasoned argument. Does thinning really happen that fast? I mean, I figured that if I monitored it closely, I would be able to tell if my crown or midsection was about to go. All but one man in my family (paternal grandfather) has had a solid midsection and crown well into their late fifties/early sixties. I'll be posting some pics of my crown and midsection next week. I have pics dating back almost two years so I'll be able to examine them to see if there is any noticeable difference. Corvettester
  21. Now this is interesting... it's also a first. Thanks of sharing RCWest. The threat of experiencing a shed is a major hang up for me. I mean, I've spent the past year waiting for this transplant to come through, and it didn't pan out like I had anticipated. So I had to go back for a second pass, and now I have to wait another year for this result. The thought of losing any ground, even in the short term, doesn't sit well with me. As mentioned previously, I wear my hair long, it requires at least 10 months of growth to reach the length I like. To shed a bunch of hair now, even with the knowledge that it will grow back, gives me a lot of apprehension. Anyone else have any experience or information about shedding? Corvettester
  22. Danny, If I went through a shed, how could it not make my hair look thinner? From what I've read on the HTN, shedding is quite common, if not the norm... This is the first that I've heard that no clinical evidence suggests Propecia causes shedding. Corvettester
  23. Questions Regarding Shedding after starting Propecia. 1. How much shedding is to be expected? Will it be throughout my head or just in the crown? Does everyone shed? 2. Will it be noticeable? I mean, is it going to look like I'm losing my hair all over again? As you can see, I wear my hair long, so when I lose hair, it takes a really long time for it to grow back to an acceptable length. For example, my current hair length requires 10 months of growth. 3. When does the shedding typically start and for how long? 4. Is there anyway to minimize the shedding? For example, instead of starting 1mg of Propecia a day, what if I sarted at .5mg once a week for a month and then twice a week for another month, and then three times a week by the third month? Are there any types of strategies out there to minimize sheds and side effects? As it stands now, my midsection and crown are solid. So there is no urgency to starting Propecia. For this reason, I thought it might be wise to start myself onto it gradually so as to decrease the risk of a massive shed or even severe side effects. Corvettester
  24. Thanks for all the input so far guys. This is an interesting topic. I think it's clear now that in the US, HIV+ patients must be accepted regardless of the procedure, elective or not. However, my original post was referring to Canada. If anyone else has any further information on Canada's laws regarding such matters, it would be great to hear. As of yet, I'm still not sure if it is an actual law or not. If anyone knows for certain, please chime in. Thanks. Corvettester
  25. To me, the most revealing photo is the last one. Personally, if I were you, I'd want to close off my temples/corners a little more. With your amount of hair loss, at age 39, you could afford to be a little more aggressive, in my opinion. I think you'll end up wanting more than 1,300 grafts FUE, probably closer to 2,300 when it's all said and done because it looks like you want to address some thinning a bit further past the hairline, behind the forelock. That will give you an age appropriate hairline and close off the temples with sufficient density. However, with the design that you've proposed, I do think 1,300 is enough, but I'm not sure it will give you sufficient density. I'd shoot for 1,800 if I were you, save yourself the second pass. Either way, you're in a very auspicious position to have an excellent result. This is due to your minimal hair loss and favorable hair characteristics. I'd be more aggressive if I were you, but that is just my opinion. Good luck with your decision. Corvettester
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