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Everything posted by FUTzyhead

  1. Lorenzo- I'm roflmao... Here's why- Maybe it's just cuz it's realy and I'm tired... You wrote: "get him a nice Asian hooker" I read it as: "get him an Asian rice cooker" (my eyes aren't focusing yet this am...) btw- I'm always looking for an excuse too-
  2. Lorenzo- Let me know when we need to take Jo out to celebrate. I'll buy! (Cuz I know it doesn't take much...)
  3. EEK! I've never heard of back to back strips... I have no idea if that's good bad or otherwise. Of course I hadn't heard of Dr. Law, nor have I heard of anyone not knowing how many grafts they got... Will you be posting pictures? Sounds interesting- Good luck with it- Happy healing, and grow like the wind! FUTzyhead Futzy's web page
  4. jjones- I needed 5000 grafts to get the density I needed, and I was a NW5a... My choice was pretty easy because my hairline was almost like my dad's hairline and he's 73 years old. It was pretty obvious that I was headed in the same direction. His crown was a little farther gone, that's why I'm on Proscar and Minox 5%. While I do agree that after time (years) meds may stop working. If so, I'll switch to Avodart. If (after years) that stops working, I'll switch to whatever is the "new med on the block". Also- If all else fails and meds just QUIT working all together. I still have more donor hair to fill that crown. If all goes to hell and THAT fails, So- I'll have a bald crown- I am covered now right back to the crown now with my 5200 grafts... I think it all depends on the individual. You keep reading and asking- You're heading in the right direction. My take on FUE- I haven't seen results from 5-6000 graft sessions. I'm hoping to- I'd say that if you really want FUE, wait for a while- See if some great results come out. I think there's been a handfull of larger sessions done lately- If the outcome is good- We should be seeing pictures. If NOT, we won't. If you want to see what 5200 grafts looks like on a NW5a have a look: FUTzy's web page Keep in mind I'm only 4 months post op from my second HT so I have 60% more density to come. (60% of the 2219 grafts that is...) FUTzyhead
  5. I'd trust him. I'm sure if you went to another doctor you'd get someone who'll say, "oh sure- You'll do fine with 1000 grafts!". Maybe try the "shave the head and work out" path. Works for some. Try the meds- Wouldn't hurt- if they don't work/help- bag it... You could also ask his opinion of doing a HT hairline, with a hair system behind it. That's an old trick- Problem is that you spend about $3k per year for upkeep AND you'll have to wear it forever (otherwise you'd have a hairline and a back with no middle... Just ideas- Good luck!
  6. I keep looking at my crown too... Although- I think the meds are helping, and I can't think about #3 till all of my 2nd HT is in. (But it's still in the back of my mind, you know?) Pretty funny- you go from, "just give me SOMEthing up there" and now... gimmemore!!!
  7. I wore a ballcap and it covered my staples... I later buzzed my hair (all over). I had ONE guy ask me- I told him I was cutting my hair and the clipperguard slipped off and I buzzed a patch out of the top. Hense the ballcap... (just a thought) Everyone else was used to seeing me in a ballcap.
  8. yup- Relax- They will fade... take a picture now, and take a picture in a month and campare. 5 weeks is too early to worry. I'm not sure why you didn't notice them in prior surgeries...Mine were around for 2-3 months. But both of my surgeries resulted up in a "normal" looking scalp- Nice and smooth- Hang in there!
  9. Arfy- I was the one that gave the estimate of 8-10k grafts. But I was unclear if that was total available with strip or strip + FUE. I haven't looked into it as of recent, but that's the last figure I had heard/read. I suppose this would be a good question to ask in "ask a surgeon" forum. I think I will do this- and see what pops up... Now I'm curious
  10. On my website I have some 8 day pictures. Your scabs will be gone, but there will remain redness. If you are pasty white- I'd recommend going tanning a few times first. Then the contrast will be lessened. ALSO- If someone says something about your head being red/pink- you can say that you accidentally had the "head tanning lamp" on. Or that they must have changed the bulb or something... Futzy's site The only other thing that will be left is the incision marks. They will look like "large pores" (like how the pores on your nose seem to get larger as you get older...) If you have any hair at all, that helps to mask the pink... Hope this helps!
  11. It doesn't slow the growth- And it should keep fading away- I had a little numbness even at 14 months post op. (in an area the size of a quarter) I'm at 4 months from my 2nd surgery and I have less numbness now than I did at 14 months the 1st time. It's all different from person to person. When they cut you, they are cutting nerves... One thing you could do I suppose- I know that a good Vitamin B complex might help as B helps your nerves to heal and regrow. I know this for a fact. A while back I was taking Metabolife and Hydroxycut to lose weight. After taking it for a long period of time, suddenly I woke up one morning and my big toe was hanging down and I tripped over it. I went it for many testes, scans, electric shock tests... (great fun) Turns out that it wasn't the tendon or anything- It was nerve damage. The Doc told me to take a multi vitamin with big time B vitamins. He told me that it helps to repair and grow nerves which had been damaged. As soon as he said that, I had a flashback of the GNC gal telling me that Ephedrine based products can "rob" your body of B-vitamins. AHA!!!! I started taking GNC's "Megaman Gold" and after a couple of months I could move my toe again. I did research on the net later and looked up side effects of Ephedrine- One side effect was "nerve damage". When it happens, it starts at the extremes of your body. What's more extreme than your big toe? Sorry- Long story to say, "Vitamin B"! I think the mega vitamins have like 1000% of this, 2000% of that... and so on...
  12. My understanding is strip- So I suppose FUE would be a bonus
  13. Belgiumdude- Thanks for the post- I'm pretty pleased. I had 3000 and 2219. And I am not depleted yet. I think they say you have 8000-10,000 (average) so I guess I'm around the half way point. Gotta start planning for round three I guess. And yes- 4 months is about 40% density. If I hold my hair down into a part, I see hundreds of new hair coming in. The old growth is about 2- 1/2 inches long and the new is whispy and about an inch. BRING IT ON! I can't wait. By the way- I have a 2nd site- But many pics aren't working. Still waiting for Farrel to fix. my 2nd website
  14. missingit- you missed it. It's: futzyhead@hotmail.com Thanks for the compliment!
  15. I even had some hairs (below the scar) acting funny... They were sticking straight out- at 4 months I got a haircut, and all was normal again. I think that patch of hair must have been kinked or something. Very odd... Anyway- never fear- Just hang in there guys!
  16. Don't worry. I had the same thing with my 2nd surgery. It's a bit uncommon, but it happens. I was pretty stressed, but give it another month. Mine grew back at about 3-1/2 months or so...
  17. It's ALL personal, baby. I probably would have left it alone, but it's up to the individual. I got a ration of crap for going back for a 2nd HT, but I am sure glad I DID! Best of luck Bluesman-Looks great. Happy healing!
  18. Ohhhhhh... It's GREAT to be back!
  19. Definately. Especially when you are only 1 month post op. All of those incisions need time to heal. I was in a panic when I saw what you are describing. It took time, but it all faded until my scalp was smooth again. Hang in there!
  20. In cases like that, you just can't take chances thinking that it COULD be a hoax. You did what you should have done- You may feel foolish now, but you'd feel worse if it WASN'T a hoax and you had done nothing. I give you a "Standing O".
  21. I get my Proscar (Merck) for $11.00usd per month- Real stuff... Through McDonald pharmacy in BC... Pretty decent price!
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