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ejl7's Blog

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1 year post-op review with Dr Parsa Mohebi

Hey guys, I just wanted to update you with my progress. The results are in, though I'm not at all surprised. I'm happy, in fact, delighted with my results. It's been a long year after my surgery and finally I can post more pictures. Although, progress was slow even though at 5 months post op I could see my hairline fill in, the crown did take awhile. Around the tenth month I did notice the crown filling in slightly and as of today I can honestly say that it looks a whole lot better than it d



Dr Parsa Mohebi 6 month post review

I just came back from my 6 month post op exam with Dr Parsa. I have noticed significant changes in my hair line. I didn't have any bleeding, I didn't even notice any hairs fall out. Though most of them did, as evidenced in my mirror on my crown. But I didn't worry for it was meant to be. After about the third month, I kept scrutinizing my hair hairline with a magnifying mirror to spot any new growth, but no....I couldn't see any. After about the fourth month however, when I was out of



Replying to blogs, making friends....

Hey guys, I have a hard time posting replies to messages that I get. I also cannot seem to "friend" anyone as this action is not allowed. It seems rude, inappropriate and sends the wrong message. I do want to get involved and be able to reply and message and friend other community members. Is there a glitch in the system?   Sincerely   Ejl



The illusion of fullness.

"I just realized something incredibly surreal. It seems that most of us are concerned with a multitude of grafts placed on our scalp during surgery. We are commonly led to believe that a perfect head of hair contains about 90 grafts per cm2 particularly in the donor area. Some have less some may have more. Before I had my surgery with Dr Parsa I also visited Bosley and the new hair institute, and grilled them with questions; there I was told that no one surgeon would guarante the density we had



Dr Parsa Mohebi Procedure 8/1/2012

Hello to all my fellow members. I just had my surgery today with Dr Parsa Mohebi. It was the most wonderful experience ever. I was treated with such respect and their accommodations were truly noteworthy. The moment I went in Dr Parsa and I reviewed the procedure that was to take place. I signed the appropriate papers and was welcomed into the operating room with five assistants standing by. Yes, that's right, Five! Dr Parsa gave me some valium and then numbed me with a topical and he wen



Dr Parsa Mohebi

I am going in for my second hair transplant procedure on wed, August 1st. I am looking forward to it for my surgeon is Dr Parsa Mohebi. He is planning to perform up to 2,700 grafts, covering my temples, hairline and crown. I cannot wait. By the way, I'm having trouble responding to posts, so don't take any offense please. I will post pictures of the procedure.



Initial Consult with Dr Parsa Mohebi.

Hello everyone. I'd like to share with you my initial consultation with Dr Parsa Mohebi that I had on Saturday, June 30th. I am a class3 Vertex and I had my first Transplant 18 months ago with Dr Ron Chao. He was not listed as one of the Doctors recomended on this fabulous site. However, he offered a good deal at bargain prices and after meeting wth him I felt comfortable. Now a few things bothered me after the procedure which I shall talk about further down the road. Those reasons are what



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