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Can old minni and micro grafts,become f u graphs

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Thanks Tman,

I will check him out.I want to go to the best this time around since my last procedure was 9 rs ago and things have seemed to change for the better these days.I am checking out Dr.shaprio also.He seems to be a leading doctor in this field also.It is really confusing picking a doc these days with some many good ones.

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Yes, it's good you have so many top notch surgeons to now choose from. I do agree that Dr. Bernstein does outstanding repair work.


I suggest you read our "repair section" to learn more about various techniques for repairing or completing the older work.


Best wishes for getting a full and natural look.



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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by kjp:

I was wondering if older minni and micro graphs thats are unnatural be removed and reused as f u graphs? Thanks

If there are too many minis, and they are properly angled, you may do well to get fu grafts filled all round them.

No point trying to increase the surgical trauma.


If the minis are improperly directed, best to have them excised. They can be used, after dissection, as individual follicular units.

Can u post a picture to show what they look like?

7500 grafts till now. All by Dr. Arvind/Dr.A, New Delhi.

They include strip FUHT, FUE and body hair grafts.

Hoping to accomplish full hair restoration.

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There are a few ways to address your issue. I too had bad mini-grafts about thirteen years ago and they were mis-directed as well. They basically pointed straight up. I simply had FU's placed inbetween and around them for camouflage and it worked extremely well. The thing for me was that the grafts were not too low on my hairline.


If your grafts are too low on your hairline then you may also want to consider a brow lift. I've see it done and it works like a charm. Basically, your hairline is given a second chance to be virgin territory for grafting and the old grafts that are harvested are divided using microscopes and redistributed.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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