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Hey guys,


Im getting closer to making my decision to go for a ht, but I have one problem: I have NEVER seen a ht results in person.


Proposition: why don't we get as many guys from this forum together as possible, including both prospective patients and those who have already undergone surgery? Have you guys ever had a "convention" type thing from this forum? We could meet up for dinner and drinks. I think it would be cool to actually meet some of you guys in person and it would be a great opportunity for us hair transplant virgins. Especially if we could get the hall of famers' to come!!!


Maybe Vegas or somewhere? I know Im game.

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  • Senior Member

Hey guys,


Im getting closer to making my decision to go for a ht, but I have one problem: I have NEVER seen a ht results in person.


Proposition: why don't we get as many guys from this forum together as possible, including both prospective patients and those who have already undergone surgery? Have you guys ever had a "convention" type thing from this forum? We could meet up for dinner and drinks. I think it would be cool to actually meet some of you guys in person and it would be a great opportunity for us hair transplant virgins. Especially if we could get the hall of famers' to come!!!


Maybe Vegas or somewhere? I know Im game.

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  • Senior Member

Sounds like a plan. What airlines are we all flying on, and where will you be booking our rooms at?


I need a vacation but have been unable to afford one since dropping three large on a HT, but thanks to your generosity I can afford to visit Vegas and make some new friends!


Will you be providing a small stipend to cover gambling as well?


Whatever your cost may be, just think of the advice you will receive from a bunch of drunk guys with HT's.


In a word: Priceless.

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shit! Well, I love Wynn. Ill get a room and you guys can crash on the couch and floor. But if you guys get drunk and order some hookers you are NOT using my bed!


Im SERIOUS about a meeting up. I think it would be really cool. I know it might not be the best time to bring this up with the holidays, but we could plan it out for after new year. If any body is interested let me know.

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There is a small gathering going on this Sunday at 4:30 p.m. at Rockefeller Center in NYC. I don't know where you live but if you are able to make it then I would recommend it. There will be patients from more than one clinic there including H&W, Feller, maybe Armani and who knows who else will show. Look for Bushy's thread elsewhere in the forum to find out more.


If something is put together later on next year I might be able to make it and I'm sure others would like to join in as well.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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thanks Jotronic. But, I live in San Diego and Im planning this with the idea of doing it after the new year since I know the holidays would be tough to get everyone together. So, does that mean you might show up? Im sure EVERYONE will be buying you drinks all night! But you have to do your famous scalp exercises on top of the bar with the whole bar full of bald men following your lead below you...


I want Dr.H to do my hair for Christmas.

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sounds great eh? Yeah I would love to go out to NYC again, went there for the first time two New Years ago, but this is so last minute.


Are you able to make it out to the West Coast (or Vegas) after the new year spex? It would be great if we could get a group together out here.

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I love Manhattan (especially Soho)! Almost all the girls there have long dark hair and eyes, smile and say hello, and don't walk around with their nose in the air (as if their fake tits smell) like the girls out here on the West Coast.


I wish I had known about these "regular" get togethers ahead of time. You guys need to broadcast this shit better! When is the BBQ summer cook off taking place as it's obviously too late for the X-mas get together?


You Eastcoast and British guys should consider coming out to the West Coast. You can tan up that pasty white skin of yours and at the very least we can get drunk in Vegas, make quite a scene with Jotronic performing scalp exercises on the bar, and talk to all the hookers about balding, MPB, and hair transplants. Surely, they will appreciate such a discussion. Ill pay for the one hooker with the best head (of hair)....


Keep us West Coasters (and mid-westerners) up to date regarding your get-to-gathers. I seriously would have come if I knew a head of time. And consider our West Coast Chapter. We have a lot to offer over here (i.e. blonde bimbo gold diggers and hookers in Vegas)...

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  • Senior Member

hi ng2gb

i was in vegas this halloween with six mates,all hairy sods. we stayed in the mirage for 5 nights,what a great time we had.

i know what you mean about the hookers,some are snotty but most are a great laugh especially as they are trying to relieve you of your dollar bills.

all the women have big boobs and the coctail waitresses are very nice.

i`m going back next year same time. icon_cool.gif

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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if you guys come out here Im gonna talk in a British accent the whole time:



..."alright then, Im looking rather smart this evening. think Ill find myself a hot bird I can chirps with and get me leg-over. Take er upstairs, get her knickers off shag her rotten and have her out the door before the first cup a' tea 'n the mornin'..."




Vegas in Halloween? Im in! Have you and your friends had hts?

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hi ng2gb


i have had 2 small poor strip surgeries with a total ba****d called dr norton in the uk and a 1043 fue with a greek clinic all poor choices.

all the other guys are hairy sods and have no idea about my hts

here is my american bit

hey girl your such a hot chick


her reply- whatever bald dude

my reply -your so hot tonight sexy

her reply-fook off prick

my reply-i`ve got money

her reply-whats your room number icon_wink.gif

her reply-i luv you

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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hi emu

thats great .that poor bloke,that sheila with the chainsaw is what my sheila was like when she found pokemymom on my pc.ooops

i wont be making that mistak again.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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