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Can I drive 2 1/2 hours home after my HT?

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I was told by Dr. Feller my upcoming HT would be done about 3pm. However, I know the procedure could take longer if he ends with a higher FU count or various other reasons.


My concern is trying to drive home to south Jersey during NY rush hour. I imagine I'll either be in extreme pain since I won't be able to take any pain meds while driving or falling asleep at the wheel/being drowsy since I did take the pain meds (the Belt Parkway is treacherous enough!).


I know the easy out is to stay in a hotel that night locally (or partially on the way home), but I'd rather not have to fork out another $100+ like the night before.


I don't expect any kind of ongoing sedative except possibly valium in the morning (I might not need it, but I think the Dr. mentioned it). What kind of shape should I expect to be in post surgery?

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  • Regular Member

I was told by Dr. Feller my upcoming HT would be done about 3pm. However, I know the procedure could take longer if he ends with a higher FU count or various other reasons.


My concern is trying to drive home to south Jersey during NY rush hour. I imagine I'll either be in extreme pain since I won't be able to take any pain meds while driving or falling asleep at the wheel/being drowsy since I did take the pain meds (the Belt Parkway is treacherous enough!).


I know the easy out is to stay in a hotel that night locally (or partially on the way home), but I'd rather not have to fork out another $100+ like the night before.


I don't expect any kind of ongoing sedative except possibly valium in the morning (I might not need it, but I think the Dr. mentioned it). What kind of shape should I expect to be in post surgery?

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Dude, pay the $100 and be safe. It's a long day. The pain is not all that bad but it can be a little sensitive when you try to move your head around. Why risk it. You just paid Feller a large sum of money so whats another $100.00. Either way I wish you luck.

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Cease and Desist all thoughts of driving home!!!!!


You will need to arrange a person to drive you or call a cab.


If your worried about a measily 100.00 bucks after spending 5-10K on a HT.......... while I can't quite call you a tightwad, you certainly are trying to pinch a penny!!!!!!


Do yourself AND your fellow man a favor and get a hotel, cab, or have a friend drive you home.


Take it easy bud!!!!!!


BTW, Let us know how things go.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Most Docs will require you to have a driver to take you home or to the hotel even if you decide to take a valium before surgery.


Please do yourself a favor and stay one night after a long day of surgery, you will be tired and when the local pain killer wears off you

would be in some pain in your donor area which could get very distracting driving. Also, you will not be able to turn your head too much while driving just after HT.


I did this a few weeks ago and drove home right after. I did not take a valium before so I could drive and they numbed my donor extra before I left. Since I only had a 45 minute drive, I took painkillers when I got home before the numbness wore off and it worked out well. Perhaps you can cut your drive down and get a less expensive hotel part of the way home??


In the grand scheme, what is an extra $100 with what you are spending on the HT and possibly preventing your worst nightmare, a car accident post HT? Do the right thing and get the hotel my friend.


Good luck with your surgery! icon_smile.gif





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Thanks for the input. Since I took all your advice in the first place about using a coalition doctor, I think I'd be wise to take it again. It's not that I'm cheap (although my wife's opinion might differ icon_biggrin.gif), but why spend money when I don't have to?


I was basing it on several posts where guys drove home after the HT with no problem. Of course, most of them probably lived closer than I do. I also never knew about the potential head turning problems.


Guess I've got another night on the town without the wife and kids! Ok, so I'll be sleeping most of the time, but I'll get out of helping the kids with homework and the garbage. icon_smile.gif

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Had my procedure done with Dr. Feller as well. I drove home after surgery and my drive was about 45 minutes. Now, it would have not been a problem but what happened was that they forgot to give me another dose of that pain killer they use during the surgery right before I left which is the normal procedure. Halfway home the pain hit me and it hit me HARD. It was a good thing I hit little traffic because the pain was so severe I dont think I would of been able to have kept on driving. My point is during the first twenty minutes before the pain hit I had no problems driving. 2 1/2 hours might be a little extreme though and there is a chance the pain shot they give you may wear off. Taking the pills is probably not a good idea to do while your driving. Personally I would have to agree with these guys just stay another night and take the pain pills IMMEDIATELY when you get to your room. You do not want to wait on this believe me. Good luck

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It just occurred to me that I might be facing the same deal the next day. Won't I be on the same pain meds and have potential problems driving? Or has the pain subsided enough the next day that I would need a smaller dose?


I'd also be driving after the morning rush, so the trip could be done in around 2 hours with no traffic.

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Jersey, By the next day you should be able to get by with regular strong doses of advil on day two. Driving will be fine with just advil, however, you still will not be able to twist your head around much so be careful.


By far, the worst of it will be your first evening. Take the strong stuff and MAKE SURE you bring ice packs with you, the donor area will feel much better when you apply cold to it.





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Everyone's advice above is sound. Of course, I'm the one who took my own staples out for my third surgery...so what did I do after my second surgery with Dr. True? You guessed it. I drove home. I drove about 3 hours home from Manhattan to PA, and had no problems. I admit, however, it's BETTER to take it easy...however, if you have no choice, it is possible. BUT, it is wiser not to do this icon_wink.gif.



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I also drove home after both my HT's. They gave me the valium early in the day to relax me so 4 hours later the effects had worn off. I had two rather small HT's with strip method so I knew it would be no problem. Unless you are absolutely sure you can handle it you should play it safe and sleep nearby or have a driver.

I never needed any painkillers the day of surgery or the day after and after, etc ... Not even a Tylenol. Everybody's different, Bill even took out his own staples with his mechanic's pliers icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by Jersey23:

It just occurred to me that I might be facing the same deal the next day. Won't I be on the same pain meds and have potential problems driving? Or has the pain subsided enough the next day that I would need a smaller dose?


I'd also be driving after the morning rush, so the trip could be done in around 2 hours with no traffic.


Jersey -


You SHOULD be able to drive home the next day with no problem maybe using Advil or an equivalent if you need it. Neither of my HT's did I need pain killers the day after, but everyone's different. If I were you, I'd at least have the ability to stay a night or two after the HT if you need it..............the first night would be manditory because you really don't know what you'll feel like, better to take the meds for preventative measures. The next day you should be okay, but just to be on the safe side try to be flexible enough that if you don't feel like traveling you don't have to.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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I believe I had two valiums throughout the day for my second HT. It was interesting...the plan was that my wife (who was with me) was going to drive home...but she wasn't comfortable driving in that wretched city with all the traffic and craziness. She felt bad, but I just said I'd do it. Since there really was no good place to pull over until we were only 30 mins from home, I drove the rest of the way. I can't remember exactly how soon before I had the valium, but i'm sure it wasn't that recent. The first valium made me feel kind of silly, but i still felt fine. I didn't notice any effect of the second one...so either way, i was good to go.


BUT, again, probably wise to have someone else drive you or take public transportation.



Bill even took out his own staples with his mechanic's pliers



hahaha...well not quite...I used the one's the Dr. Hasson sent me. There were some that hurt, but it wasn't that bad icon_wink.gif



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Just curious, if lets say god forbid, you or anyone had an accident and someone really got hurt, would the doc have some liability if he knew you planned to drive and had given you a valium? Sounds like maybe you went against the docs order by driving in place of your wife?? Not sure, what do you think?





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Good question. I honestly have no idea...perhaps we should ask Bushy, our forum attorney icon_wink.gif. I would venture to say yes, he would have some liability, however, in my case, I had every intention of having my wife drive and Dr. True knew that. So in my opinion, that should eliminate his liability - though the law is tricky. It seems like lawyers can play a lot of games and find a lot of loopholes in order to win their case.



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I was not allowed to drive myself home after any of my proceedures. This was a condition imposed by each of the doctors and I'm sure there was some concern about liability issues. Looking back I would have been in no condition to drive. I was so woosy from the sedation and the pain meds that all I wanted to do was sleep. Although my last proceedure was 11 years ago I feel this advice is still sound.

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I ended up booking the hotel for the night of the HT. Hopefully, I'll be on the less potent stuff the next morning so I can drive home. Thanks again for everyone's input.


Of course, I'll be looking for your advice post HT too.

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