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Best doctor for reconstructing hairline !


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Also i was wondering if 25-40 grafts per sq cm wd provide me with an aggressive hairline- dense packed?


No--- unless you have 15-25 fu cm/2 existing in the area you want transplanted.


If you and your doc determine you are a good candidate for a "dense pack" 50-60 is about the best IMO--- VERY FEW bald or balding men can afford to go more dense than this.


Of course, should you be one of the lucky SOB's who can go higher than this, then the first 5 clinics you listed will be able to go higher.

I am not sure about Dr. Tykocinski who is by all accounts an excellent doc as well.


To offer my personal opinion, regardless of the 5-6 happy patients of Dr. Path (who by all accounts is a great doc and does great work) I do not believe you can see a few before and afters and some postive reviews and book a surgery. If you are seriously thinking about him, I would recommend an in-person visit first.


Your doing a great job researching your docs--- looks like your going to be a happy camper once you pull this trigger!


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Tx Jason !


Glad to know I am headed the right way.I get the gut feel that things are gonna be just fine... icon_smile.gif


Okay here is a post from one of the docs which i wanna clarify with you guys.Suppose I go in for a density of 40 grafts per sq cm in a particular area and the graft happens to be a 2 hair follicle wd that be the same as 80 sq cm of single hair follicle graft? Hope i dont sound too unaware.


Doc's post:


"You can fill this area with anywhere from 25-40 grafts per sq cm--and in the first few rows the grafts must be packed at 40 since they are all single hairs(studies of over 40 show a fall off in hair survival). However, behind the first few rows we can begin to use double follicular units, that is,combine a single with a 2 hair bundle --it is placed within a single incision but appears as 2 follicular bundles. By placing 2 follicular units in a single incision they are closer together, and one can place 40 follicular units in 20 incisions, for example. If a patient prefers to have me place all single follicular units, I am happy to do that, but my experience has been that the issue for density is not graft numbers per sq cm, but hair numbers."


Got me a little confused there. Any light?

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Sorry you have not heard back from our clinic regarding your case. Could you please send your photos and details directly to info@rahalhairtransplant.com and I'll get back to you shortly with Dr. Rahal's thoughts and recommendations.


Thanks Mav!!



Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I personally would lean towards Dr. Ron Shapiro, Dr. Keene or Dr. Rahal if your primary goal is the best possible hairline. All others in your list are exceptional physicians also and it is a matter of who you jive with best.


Keep in mind that although it is great to research you also need to have somewhat of a short list so that it doesn't cause too much confusion and angst.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Hey NN,


Yes the longer the list the more the confusion. I have been pursuing the shorlisted docs for a while now but am yet to hear from Doc Shapiro, Rahal and Feller.I agree with your assesment of some docs being particularly gifted when it comes to hairlines.


If you cd just help me resolve the confusion as I have stated in my previous post.Please go through the Doc's post which have quoted in my post.Does the Doctor mean I wd be needing a density of 40 grafts per sq cm? Also is 40 sq cm of single hair follicle graft same as 40 sq cm of 2 or 3 haired one?



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Yes, yes, Hair restoration is art work. Shape of the face, how to emphasize the best features with the limitations of hair texture, forehead shapes, noses and ears. Do I leave the face long, or try to shorten it, etc? As we are all aware by our own thinning coif, hair shapes the face. There are many of us whose appearance improves with age as our hairlines do recede somewhat. (Just trying to keep it there is the problem._


This is living art and not just medicine, that's why you don't <STRIKE>just</STRIKE> look at f/u or individual hair numbers, or who's doing the greatest density, etc. etc. In my eye, Hasson & Wong's artistic eye is not as good as Shapiro's, for hairlines. But that's just my own opinion, my own visual perception. This is, after all, art! And at least to some extent art is in the eye of the beholder.


Yes, they're nice square, and soft edged hairlines, (Billo's looks great) but I don't always agree with the final shape and angle they choose. It's art both for the patient, and the practioner. But H&W do awesome infilling second to none, and some very beautiful full heads of hair when complete. Hence I've thought about going to them for the crown and middle areas. I liked what I saw of True's work artistically too. Don't forget that patient input influences outcome. You can ask for something that isn't appropriate to your head shape, hair color and type, and push a doc into something less than artistic.


But once you're in the pipeline with a group like this web site that Pat and Billo host, you're probably not going to get burned on your procedure. There will be fine esthetic differences that you will need to decide for your self. And after you see what you like on other people, you need to have a comfort level from your own live consultion, that the doc and you are sympatico in your objectives. ... And just like dating, and sales, remember that there are people out there who know how to read you well enough to tell you anything you want to hear. Be cautious, but trust your own judgment after you've done your homework. Look at heads and hair types like your own. Consider your own budget vs the guy in the picture.


Remember, the financial commitment is significant, but the consequences of a less than personal outcome are more significant.


Take your time. I began to think about it when I was 29, and corresponded by mail and did live consults, through my 30s, and didn't do it till I was 49. There is no need in this day and age to wait that long. There are just too many good practitioners out there to wait that long any more.


Good luck!




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Mav,PGP has it wrong,if you put 40grafts per sq cm with 2 hairs per graft it is the same as 80 grafts per sq cm with singles,you would have 80 hairs with either option.

You would just be paying more money for the 80 graft option. icon_confused.gif

Dr Hasson 2-08

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And for your second ? You should know that

the more hairs in a follicular unit[graft] the denser it will be with the same # of grafts .

example: 40gfs cm--singles===40 hairs

40gfs cm--doubles===80 hairs

40gfs cm--triples===120hairs


Hope this helps.

Dr Hasson 2-08

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I chose my surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Epstein (in Miami and NYC) For the following reason: He is a board certified plastic Surgeon who has been specializing exclusively in these proceduresfor almost 15 years and he is an inventor in the ht field.He has in my opion the best aesthetic eye(checkout his hairlines on his website foundhair.com)his donor sites are barely detectable and he is a caring honest Doc. On his website he has over something like 500 sets of before and after photos- and the work is great. Another reason if you have a tight donor lax area like myself,your scar can still me very minimal. I cant wait to post my progress in 12 days for my 0ne month progress with a shaved head for you boys.

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