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I am currently on Avodart and rogaine, and I have been slowly receding at the temples and very mild thinning in the front. My grandfather on both sides did not start losing their hair until about 30 and they only got to about a NW4 by the age of 60, then nothing further. My father was about a NW 3 by the time he was 33 and then got a hair transplant. I know I will realistically never go further than a NW3 to maybe a NW4 based on my genetics. I am a slight NW2 right now. I will be 25 in a couple weeks, when do you think a hair transplant is in order. I have the funds to do it and would like to do it before my hair loss becomes to noticeable. I would love to hear your guys advice? I have been on Avodart for about 10 months and it has slowed down the process by not obviously stopped it. here is a pic


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  • Regular Member

I am currently on Avodart and rogaine, and I have been slowly receding at the temples and very mild thinning in the front. My grandfather on both sides did not start losing their hair until about 30 and they only got to about a NW4 by the age of 60, then nothing further. My father was about a NW 3 by the time he was 33 and then got a hair transplant. I know I will realistically never go further than a NW3 to maybe a NW4 based on my genetics. I am a slight NW2 right now. I will be 25 in a couple weeks, when do you think a hair transplant is in order. I have the funds to do it and would like to do it before my hair loss becomes to noticeable. I would love to hear your guys advice? I have been on Avodart for about 10 months and it has slowed down the process by not obviously stopped it. here is a pic

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  • Senior Member

I know you probably don't want to hear this, but........ Your not a candidate for a HT right now.


At 25, you are taking the right steps to control and combat your hairloss with non-surgical methods.


Unless there is something I cannot see in your photos, I think your best option would be to save the dough.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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The pictures are not the best for us to evaluate but it looks like you don't need a HT. I would seriously think twice about proceeding because it really does not look like you need it. Save your money.


Keep in mind that once you make the decision to get a HT there is no turning back. If you go with strip method you'll have a permanent scar that will never let you shave your head should you want/need to. I had a buddy that didn't need a HT but had 1000 grafts jammed around hairline and buddies shaved his head during hazing for hockey team--Needless to say he wasn't exited about his visible scar.



If you absolutely have to have HT because it bothers you, consider FUE where they don't take donor strip from back of head and there is very very minimal scaring should you ever shave head.

I personally only recommend strip method for those needing more FU or tight on cash.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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There is no magic age for a HT but the older the better because there is less of a mystery as to how much future hairloss you'll have. I would think that the average male has a good idea at age 30 as to what their hair situaion is going to be. Ofcourse that will vary.


I don't believe that Hasson and Wong will do FUE but could be wrong. Dr. Feller is the best known for it.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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  • Regular Member

hi ahlender,

Well it remeinds me of someone, 10 years ago :-)

In fact, 10 years ago i really didn t neet any HT...However i was so obsessed by thinning etc..that i finally made the step !! At that time there were no other medecins except of Minoxidil...Today with Rogaine and Finasteride, it seems that one can have better result...

Nevertheless, once u get into HT, then especially in a case of receding it s going to get u into a spiral of non stop filling in every "x" year...Not to talk about shock loss...

If i was in your situation again, i d probably, use vitamin and medecine appropriate to try to control/stop loss... keep the money in saving plan...and see how thing are doing in one year or so...

Dont forget, your case is different than a case of a Bald Spot NW4,NW5 or more... Those latter know what they don t have and what they can fill..

You don t know yet what u don t have..since u still have it (and i hope u ll keep it too :-) )

Good luck in your research...

Wish u best.

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Welcome to our community. The photos you posted would make impressive "after" photos. In fact they could almost get you kicked off this forum :-)


I agree that you really should not consider a hair transplant at this point. But that's not to say that some surgeons wouldn't give you one.


You've got a great treatment routine in place. Now get out there and enjoy your great hairline and youth while you have both.



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Welcome to our community. As many others said above, your pictures posted would make impressive "after" photos. Post some photos of the top of your head...maybe we are missing something.


Age is a factor in determining when to get a hair transplant, but it's not the only factor. With your level of loss (which looks like none by the photo), getting a hair transplant may only cause you problems. Do not get a hair transplant at this point and stick with the meds.


Just wondering...why did you chose Dudasteride and not finasteride? Dudasteride is not FDA approved for hairloss yet, but finasteride is...just wondering.



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Hey guys thank you for the warm welcome. I will take some better pics. I have become a pro at styling my hair so it is barely noticeable, however, when it has no product in it and a recent shampoo I assure I am a solid NW2. I was actually taking both avodart and propecia for about a year, then I just recently stopped the propecia. I stopped the propecia because I did not experience bad sheds and was getting decent results. Would you guys recommend propecia? Hair loss sucks that is all I have to say. How old were most of you when you were a NW2?

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I'm with about everyone else here..........we'd all love to have your hair!!


You may be thinning (I can't see it but that's tough to tell from pics), but as far as a loss pattern I just don't see one.


So, are you taking Avodart now and not Propecia? Just want to make sure I understand.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Your hairline looks to me to just be moving back to the "mature" hairline. When I was 25, my temples were WAY back (think Jack Nickolson 20 years ago) It took another 15 years for it to thin out enough to start pissing me off and to actually look balding. so, you are probably in pretty good shape. There are those guys blessed with the low thick hairline; they are just blessed, that's all. You're one of the "unblessed" it looks. However, I don't think you're one of the "cursed".

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  • Regular Member

Thank you guys.. I guess I just always hoped not to be facing receding hair lines and mild thinning in the front until I was at least 30, but hey cannot fight genetics. For most of you what would you say is the average time it take someone with hair like myself to go from a NW2 to a NW3?

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In total, it took me about 20 yrs to go from a normal 18 yr old hairline to a 4A; and I'm actually not completely 4A, still lots of hair in the middle front. That simply must be based on genetics I think. I saw a guy yesterday who was around 20 or 21. He had BAD diffuse thinning all over and an obvuiously balding circle in back. Count your blessings I guess. icon_biggrin.gif

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Were you running while taking these photos or is the camera one that is on the end of a pen? icon_smile.gif


I trust what you are saying but it is difficult for us to give thorough eval. with these pics.


B-spot was 10 I believe when he was a NW 2. I started losing at 19 and its been slowly leaving me for approx. 20 yrs. I am one of the lucky ones in that it is slow.


I think that you have a lot of good advise to go on.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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There is no way to predict if/when you will go from a NW2 to a NW3 unfortunately. If you feel you are losing hair (which is not indicated by your photos), then stick with some kind of medical treatment. Do what works...I know you said you were doing both dudasteride and finasteride...seems a bit much IMO. If dudasteride is working for you, might as well stick with that, as long as you don't have any side effects. This is just me...but I typically don't recommend it to people since it's not FDA approved for hairloss, however, it seems to have scientific evidence that it can work and is indeed stronger than finasteride.



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