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Yes, we can't clone individual hair follicles, but we have the technology to clone human beings. Why couldn't we just clone ourselves in order to harvest hair from our clones and dispose of our clones? Seriously, people call it a "moral" issue, but who cares? There's like 9 billion people in the world and there's no need for another one of me. We should be able to do whatever we wanted with our clones. So there you have it. We actually do have the ability to give everyone back the mops they had in high-school, but because of BS moral issues, it'll never happen.

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norwood scale, If you are indeed being serious then you have issues much more pressing than baldness. Please get yourself some help.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Originally posted by hairthere:

norwood scale, If you are indeed being serious then you have issues much more pressing than baldness. Please get yourself some help.


I have a full head of hair at this point in time.


And no, it's not an issue. Obviously the majority of people think if you don't have the same thoughts as 99% of the rest of the population, you have psychological issues.


Actually, what I am saying is QUITE logical and actually makes sense in the grand scheme things, no matter how much you want to pretend life is like some Disney movie.


Is the World overpopulated? Fact

Does it really matter if we kill clones of ourselves, especially considering the world is overpopulated? No.

We'd just be killing ourselves, so who cares.

Will you being able to truly have a full head of hair get you laid more often? Yes.

Do you live once? Yes.

Would cloning yourself actually increase the quality of your life? Yes.


But no...it is so CRUEL! We killed a genetic clone of ourselves!!! Like you don't participate in killing everyday. You pay your taxes which contributes to the war. The food you eat is killed because of you. Your immune system kills bacteria/viruses in your system. Killing and dying is apart of life. Quit being all disney about it.

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With your logic I should be able to kill YOU if it tickled my fancy and for no good reason. How do you feel about that ? In the grand scheme of things your life is about as worthwhile as a flea, and YOU are merely one human being out of billions.


Have you seen the new movie "Hostel" ? Your logic is that of a megalomaniac and pretty much identical to the torturers in that movie.


You shouldn't be suprised if your "clone" somehow survives his ordeal and comes looking for you and teaches you a lesson!

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Okay, outside of the fact that you sound like a morally bankrupt sociopath (redundant, I know, but fitting), let's address something. Once your clone is "born" and is a living being what makes you think you would then own this other human being that is completely separate from you and have the right to murder that human being?


Your argument that you would just be killing yourself is also just plain stupid. But if you believe that, then get cloned, actually kill YOURSELF and see how well that works out for you Einstein.


Bill you'll notice that I did not insult the OP. I just said what he sounds like and that his argument is stupid, not him. He might be the world's next evil genius for all I know.

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@ Labrat69


You're absolutely correct. You could kill me if it tickled your fancy and it wouldn't make a world of difference. I am just one human out of billions. What is your point? In fact, earth could disappear tomorrow, it wouldn't make a difference. Compared to the universe, Earth is an invisible dot.



Morality is a human abstraction.


As for me owning my clone, yeah. My clone would be a baby. What could a baby do? You'd just need to wait for them to reach 4-5 years of age or so, and take what you need from them. Whether skin grafts, hair, etc.


And yes, it would essentially be killing yourself because it is your clone. Obviously your clone wouldn't have been subjected to the same environmental factors as you, but if you just kept it locked in a room for study, it wouldn't know what life is about anyway.


We actually wouldn't have to kill the clones. We could use them in lab experiments instead of rats.


Doing this could actually bring about a LOT of good in the world. I think the positives far outweigh the cons. But I know it'll never happen. lol


And oh no, it looks like sparky is calling me a nutter! How will I sleep tonight?1


Fact is cloning seems like a good thing. Say you screwed up in life and ATE a bunch of bad food. You could use your clone for heart/liver/kidney transplants. It wouldn't just have to do with hair. It would be like giving yourself a second chance in life.


BTW, sparky, based on your argument, you could be considered a "hypocrite." Though there's nothing wrong with being a hypocrite, IMO. You pay your taxes in order to avoid going to jail, but you know your money is contributing to killing. So you were willing to support that in order to save your own skin and not go to jail? Where's the morality there? So it's ok to be moral when it comes to one issue and not the other?

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Thats a completly empty arguement, I dont have a choice about paying taxes, nobody does except for shiftless layabouts sponging on the doll. I'd rather go to jail than murder a clone.


If you eat a bunch of bad food then you deserve your bad heart.

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Originally posted by Sparky:

and you are a complete nutcase, why are you even posting on here? just to get people backs up by the look of it.


how about instead of resorting to first grade tactics and calling me a nutcase, you actually debate and deconstruct what I said? I haven't insulted anyone here, yet you guys have called me be a bunch of insulting terms.

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Originally posted by Sparky:

Stop planning to murder then. I havent insulted you, I do literally think you have got a screw loose, theres no debate to be had here, I'm not gonna get drawn any further into this.


I'm not planning to murder anything. I don't know how to clone and no scientist would ever take part in it. It is all purely hypothetical.

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"But no...it is so CRUEL! We killed a genetic clone of ourselves!!! Like you don't participate in killing everyday. You pay your taxes which contributes to the war. The food you eat is killed because of you. Your immune system kills bacteria/viruses in your system. Killing and dying is apart of life. Quit being all disney about it."


A) I either pay my taxes or go to jail. B) I can distinguish between killing and eating an animal for sustenance versus killing a human being so I can have a full head of hair.


Maybe some day you will realize how sadistic you sound. Obviously you wanted to get a reaction from members of this forum. Congrats.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Ok, this thread was going downhill from the very beginning. Thus, I am locking this topic.


Norwoodscale, it's morally inexusable to kill another human being (clone or not), This community respects human life and its members. I hope you learn to appreciate the value of each human life, even well above precious hair follicles.



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