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Is propecia really safe!


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  • Regular Member

After reading a few posts on the propeciahelp.com website it most certainly questions the use of this drug.There are a load of horror stories and people pleading with others to stop the use of the drug.Do any of the veterans on the forum and doctors share the same views on the use of this drug.

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A guy was on Propecia for 10 years and mentioned no symptoms while on the drug . Recently he went off the drug and his whole body crashed and he slowly trying to reclaim his life.


That's a pretty wild claim. Do you have the source to back it up? I can't help but wonder why he even came off the drug if it was working well for him in the first place.




Propecia comes with the possibility of side effects. There are many horror stories on Propeciahelp.com, but frankly, I'm not convinced that Propecia really caused the problems many are claiming to have. For what it's worth, I've been using it for 5 years and haven't had any noticeable side effects. But be sure to do your research, consult a doctor, and draw your own conclusions.


Best wishes,



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It's the closest thing we have to a miracle drug, and anyone cruising this forum should likely give it serious consideration. You can always go off it.


There is another thread with a link with some scientific claims against finasteride; my personal opinion is that there is a middle-ground, though one skewed towards the claims of the drug company.


Sexual sides, particularly, can be so difficult to pinpoint causality, since the mind can play such an enigmatic, yet definitive role. I'd also imagine anyone taking propecia is likely to be in a more vulnerable position to end up in a spot where "the mind" could be coming into play (that's simply a rough psychological profiling, so it could mean little to nothing).


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Honestly, after living one of those horror stories, I must say that the mind really has nothing to do with it. I took the drug for nearly 8months.. quit cold turkey.. went back to normal in 2 weeks... Then I decided to take the drug again.. quit after 1 week... and its been near 6 months and I haven't returned to normal.. So that's proof alone that the mind really doesn't have anything to do with it.. The side effects are real, not some figment of your imagination...

To answer the question, is it safe? I think for most yes. Once I return to normal I will take the drug again. I think when some people quit real fast they shock their systems.. which is what I believe happened to me..


So if you are thinking of taking the drug I would definitely say go for it.. and thats from someone who is still dealing with the side effects.. With the new treatments they are developing I don't think you would have to take it any longer then 6-7 years.

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Every day for me is a struggle. I want to start with Finasteride, but my doctor told me that it's not safe at all, especially for a young man like me (22) because those pills must be taken for life time. Every morning when I see those hairs falling out, I'm feeling so depressed and I just can not live like that any more. What should I do? I don't know.

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Minoxidil 5% - 2x per day

Ketoconazole 2% - 2x per week

Merz Vitamin pills - 1x per day


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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by mmhce:
but my doctor told me that it's not safe at all,


Why would your doctor tell you this?


He told me that the side effects are severe and permanent in most cases and there are 50% chances of side effects,(less than 10 % according to Merck). He is experienced doctor in hair loss. What should I do, cause I can not go on like this any more. Should I try Saw Palmetto first, or something else herbal?

Current regimen


Minoxidil 5% - 2x per day

Ketoconazole 2% - 2x per week

Merz Vitamin pills - 1x per day


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  • Senior Member
He told me that the side effects are severe and permanent in most cases


I'd be very surprised if your doctor really said/meant this. If he did, you should go to a different doctor IMHO.


I'm not saying side effects don't happen since a lot of people do experience them (no doubt more than the clinical trials suggest). However, your doctor should be giving you information based on the facts so you can make an informed decision (and he doesn't appear to be doing this).


I admit that the jury is still out on whether propecia can cause permanent side effects. I am willing to believe that for a tiny minority of cases, propecia can cause, or at least trigger some long term side effects.


Bear in mind that millions of men take this drug for hair loss and for prostate problems. If 'most cases' had permanent and severe side effects I think we'd hear a bit more about it.


If your hairloss is bothering you as much as you say then you owe it to yourself to try propecia and minox.


PS: saw palmetto has undergone no clinical trials so it could be less safe than propecia. There is also no real evidence that it is effective for treating hair loss.


Just my 2 cents icon_smile.gif

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  • Senior Member
He told me that the side effects are severe and permanent in most cases


Please consult the Coalition doctors on this forum, (about this advice), as well as Coalition doctors from other parts of the world (Europe and Asia) and garner some other information.


This advice doesn't seem right.

take care...



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BULLSH&*%$!All you guys want to do is down play the situation.This crap is poison.


I'll repeat it again for the thick headed~Do you think the corrupt FDA cares about U? Greed is everywhere pharmseutical companies especially.They pay off the doctors with kick backs & insentives.They are stuffing their pockets at your expense.Merk is a huge global company and their reps are on this site trying to convince you its safe~WRONG!!!!!!!!!


You guy are intelligent do your own research. I'm here to tell you the statitics are wrong it affects a vast majority of men.


Try weening of the drug for a few months and get some blood test while keeping a log or journalBe your own best judge.This stuff affect your natural Test.


Go w/an HT but have a good course of action/strategy but putting irregular substance in your body is not healthy.

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The results and side effects will be different for each person, no matter what treatment you decide to take but I think the whole 'pharmacuetical companies against the world' conspiracy theory is a little much. But hey that's your opinion right!


A lot of very well respected doctors prescribe Propecia Pale Rider and it's a little insulting to think that they are stuffing their pockets also.


Good to get your opinion on it but no need for the thick headed comment, we are entitled to our opinion too.

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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by ScottishGuy:
He told me that the side effects are severe and permanent in most cases


I'd be very surprised if your doctor really said/meant this.


Just my 2 cents icon_smile.gif


Why would I lie about that?My friend is taking Propecia for 1 year and he is suffering from testical pain and low-sex drive. I think that the side effects are shown in more than 75% of the patients. BUT, i will take it anyway.My hairloss is bothering me as much as I've sad.


But it will be Proscar cause I don not have enough money to pay for Propecia every month. One box with 28 pills costs 100$ in Macedonia.

Can someone please tell me where can I order Proscar online, because no one will give me a prescription for Proscar in my country Thanks in advance.

Current regimen


Minoxidil 5% - 2x per day

Ketoconazole 2% - 2x per week

Merz Vitamin pills - 1x per day


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