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  • Senior Member

The truth is stamos that nobody really knows, but smoking does reduce blood flow and prolong healing times. Some smoke throughout and are fine, but it's best to be on the safe side



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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  • Senior Member

Mi fovase Stamos. You only smoke about 5 cig. a day. Although I agree you should quit, more for your health than your hair. I smoked before, during and after my HT (25 cig. aday). I still had great growth. But everyone is different. If I wasn,t a heavy smoker and smoked only 5 a day, I would deffintly QUIT!!!!!!!

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  • Senior Member

I had surgury w/ H&W and they never mentioned quitting smoking before or after surgery. They were pretty thorough on listing all things to avoid before and after surgery. If it was harmful to you growth, they'd of mentioned cigs when they tell you not to drink alcohol, so I'd guess smoking does not do damage to your hair, but then again, I could be wrong.

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In my opinion, it's a good idea to at least stop smoking for a time due to the possible increased risk of wound infection and skin loss. Some surgeons require a patient to stop smoking a week or two before surgery because of this.


As pointed out by Dr. Lindsey in another thread:


"The issue is that smoking decreases the oxygen delivery in small blood vessel areas; and although the scalp is EXTREMELY vascular, I am concerned about the local blood supply to the dense packed individual follicles being compromised by smoking and decreasing graft survival."


Best wishes,



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