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Hair transplant from person to person

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30 minutes ago, Mitu Allogenic said:

Thank you! So I am first patient who received hair follicles from another person non related with me.ย 

So your saying youโ€™ve had this done ?


id say it was certainly possible, but itโ€™s definitely not ethical.

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It's a bad idea. It basically ends up being an organ transplant. You risk having your body attack the grafts as foreign objects and killing all the grafts. You could even be risking your life and you may need to be on immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of your life.

The only possible positive these days is that grafts are so small now that it may be possible to do it without triggering a severe immune reaction, but then again you'd be transplanting thousands of grafts, so that would seem to negate any idea of getting away with it.

I wouldn't do it.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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4 minutes ago, Mitu Allogenic said:

You are the first who said is certainly possible. If you google or GPT no one said is possible.

Anything is possible these days, might not work every time but I wouldnโ€™t say itโ€™s impossible and as @Al - Moderatorsaid I wouldnโ€™t recommend it

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1 hour ago, Mitu Allogenic said:

I had like 4 k follicles in 3 sessions each 6 months apart

Are you for real? Pics? Who was your โ€˜donorโ€™ then. To paraphrase AI above everyone has a unique genetic code and so you risk the grafts dying from attacking antibodies.ย 

If they were able to somehow do this successfully it would indeed be a breakthrough. So Iโ€™m skeptical about this post .

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Why should not be for real? My case was presented in a medical magazine. Just google Allogenic hair transplant. Surgery was in Romania.


I will come with photos if there is any interes. But I am not agree with ethical issue. I have a disease and this was an option. I consider sharing my case could really help some other ppl.


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Oh wow, that was an interesting read.

In the context provided in the paper it makes sense, but the topic's thread title is a bit misleading. This is an extraordinarily niche case but I've learned something new today!

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19 hours ago, Mitu Allogenic said:

Why should not be for real? My case was presented in a medical magazine. Just google Allogenic hair transplant. Surgery was in Romania.


I will come with photos if there is any interes. But I am not agree with ethical issue. I have a disease and this was an option. I consider sharing my case could really help some other ppl.


It's an ethical issue in the vast majority of cases because it risks serious harm to the recipient patient. Your case is very unique (and fascinating!) as you were already takingย immunosuppressants prior to the HT, mitigating that same risk that others would be subject to. That's the critical difference in your case it would seem.

Would be great if you could share more photos and details with us.

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6 hours ago, Berba11 said:
On 4/18/2024 at 10:37 PM, Mitu Allogenic said:

Why should not be for real? My case was presented in a medical magazine. Just google Allogenic hair transplant. Surgery was in Romania.


I will come with photos if there is any interes. But I am not agree with ethical issue. I have a disease and this was an option. I consider sharing my case could really help some other ppl.


Some pics would be great. So you are still taking immunosuppressants?

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