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Dr. Haber - 2982 grafts FUT procedure

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I wanted to start up a post in an attempt to leave what I hope will be a positive review down the road and to potentially help with anyone who may be considering or going through a HT as this forum and it’s members have been so helpful to me.

About Me

I am a 32 year old male who began losing my hair in my early 20s and eventually progressed to a NW5 pushing a NW5A (this may be debatable by a few on the forum, but wanted to include for context)

After a few consultations I began the recommended 1mg of finasteride to prevent further hair loss in January of 2024. Weighing the cost of the hair transplant and knowing that I would need multiple surgeries for full coverage I ultimately decided to proceed with Dr. Haber to start with restoring my hairline.



Day of the Procedure

7:00am: Arrival at Dr. Haber’s office which is before the normal office hours and the door and lights were off. After a few minutes I was greeted by one of the staff members who escorted me back to the room to change into a short sleeve button up for the HT. Contract forms were reviewed and vitals were taken.

7:15am: Dr. Haber enters the operating room to design my hairline and get approval before moving forward. Pictures are then taken in a separate room with the design marks.

7:30am: Slight trimming of the hair around the incision sites and preparation for anesthesia. I began to feel lightheaded at this point, mostly due to nerves but I also did not have a chance to eat prior to leaving as the hotel did not begin serving breakfast until 7am. Dr. Haber and his staff provided food and drink to stabilize my blood sugar. Try to learn from my mistake and be sure to eat something light before if you can.

7:45am: Anesthesia is applied and checks to make sure you are numb. I would compare the sensation to wearing a bicycle helmet when the anesthesia is in full effect with mild pressure. The staff used a back massage tool near the sites before injection which I found to be an effective distraction. Bathroom breaks are encouraged before the first strip harvest.

8:00am: I laid face down for the first strip to be harvested and given to the surgical team to trim, size, and count appropriately. There was virtually no pain but you will hear some slight sounds. Wound is then cleaned and sutures are put in.

First strip yielded ~1800 of the 2800 target grafts.

8:30am - 11:30am: Injections are administered to the top of the head so that incisions could be made by Dr. Haber for graft placement. Dr. Haber began with the hairline and wanted to ensure there was some abnormalities so that it was age appropriate as opposed to having a straight hairline.

Graft placement by Dr. Haber and staff. Zero pain and when I was able to feel something they were quick to administer anesthesia as needed.

11:30am: Repeated the numbing and harvest for the second strip.

Second strip put the total slightly over target at 2982.

12:00pm: Lunch is provided and then resume with graft placement by the staff.

12:30 - 4:45pm: Graft placement into the incisions made by Dr. Haber by the staff on an alternating basis. Once the hairline and fill in was constructed we had about 600 grafts to place in the mid-scalp per my request that Dr. Haber placed at the end of the day.

Dr. Haber and the staff were extremely friendly throughout the day and very conversational. The day ended with pictures and discussion of post-op care.

5:15pm: Returned to the hotel via Uber and began applying ATP spray every 30 minutes as instructed. Dr. Haber called later in the evening to check in and provided his cell phone number for any questions or issues.

Friends called in room service for me so I did not have to leave and eventually fell asleep with my neck pillow and hotel pillows stacked to a 45 degree angle. Slept for around 3-4 hours as the adjustment to the angled sleeping was difficult and I had an early flight, so I’m sure the anxiety kept waking me up.

Below are the pictures, you will notice some slight bruising on my forehead from the wrap/procedure that eventually faded after about a day. I’ve also included a picture of one of the incisions, the other is extremely small and difficult to find.





Day 3: Continuation of ATP solution and Tylenol Extra Strength every 6 hours. Instructed to shower 24 hours after the surgery and lightly dab baby shampoo onto the grafts and pour water from a cup. There was some slight itching on the sutures and hairline but antihistamines helped. I am starting to notice some scab formation but it’s minimal due to the saline solutions.

Sleeping is getting better and there are a few headaches but overall reducing physical activity to near zero (which is tough for me because I enjoy exercising daily).

Definitely find myself thinking that things are dislodged or I’ve “lost grafts” when pouring the water but thankfully there are tons of posts and videos from this site that have reassured me I haven’t.


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Great write-up. Thanks for posting. Dr Haber doesn't get many reviews on here, so I'll definitely be following this one to see how well it turns out.


3 hours ago, Apk0214 said:

I began to feel lightheaded at this point, mostly due to nerves but I also did not have a chance to eat prior to leaving as the hotel did not begin serving breakfast until 7am. Dr. Haber and his staff provided food and drink to stabilize my blood sugar. Try to learn from my mistake and be sure to eat something light before if you can.


 I found that it's a good idea to bring a bunch of granola bars or something similar on the trip to leave in the hotel. This way you know you'll have something to eat. After the procedure you probably won't want to do much, so it's a good idea to have something you can eat that evening and the next morning that doesn't need to be refrigerated or heated.



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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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6 hours ago, Al - formerly BeHappy said:

Great write-up. Thanks for posting. Dr Haber doesn't get many reviews on here, so I'll definitely be following this one to see how well it turns out.



 I found that it's a good idea to bring a bunch of granola bars or something similar on the trip to leave in the hotel. This way you know you'll have something to eat. After the procedure you probably won't want to do much, so it's a good idea to have something you can eat that evening and the next morning that doesn't need to be refrigerated or heated.


Agreed, I’m usually not one who has any issues with getting blood drawn or anything so it was definitely a weird sensation but wanted to include that so people don’t make the same mistake.

Day 4:
Currently going through scab formation and I’ve seen varied responses on the forums for when grafts are fully adhered and normal shampooing and washes can occur.

The post-op packet says I should be fine by the 8th day and I noticed that the study posted by several people regarding Dr. Bernstein’s research stated 9 days so I may wait the extra day just to be careful. I’ve continued to use saline spray and antihistamines to help with the itching but also want to make sure that the sutures don’t get infected. Headaches and swelling have subsided by this point.

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Excellent write-up excited to follow your progress 🙏

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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9 minutes ago, Melvin- Admin said:

Excellent write-up excited to follow your progress 🙏

Thanks! Hoping the density is good and following up to get an electronic copy of the hair counts for the grafts that I can share later if people want to see for reference.

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31 minutes ago, Apk0214 said:

Thanks! Hoping the density is good and following up to get an electronic copy of the hair counts for the grafts that I can share later if people want to see for reference.


I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Day 7:

Minimal changes but ensured that I applied slightly more pressure when washing the scars and continuous application of ointments to reduce itching.

Majority of my itching occurs at night in the recipient area as scabbing has occurred. I usually wear a surgical cap at night which would deter any potential subconscious scratching.

I’ve been instructed to begin using the pads of my fingers to assist with removing them along with any crusting tomorrow. It seems like the majority of my grafts have been retained and I expect some shedding will occur after I resume regular showers.

Closely observing the hairline it looks like only singles were used so I’m hopeful for a good result down the road.


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Nothing unusual looking so far which is good news. Yes you should be rubbing the grafts when you wash your hair at this point, but don't try too hard to get them all off at once. You may get a few that want to hang on a few days after the others are gone. That's OK.



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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Day 8

Finally able to start working the crusting and scabs off by gently using my fingertips. I did notice a few hairs attached to an unknown object.

There is no blood associated with any of the massaging with the fingertips so I’m 90% certain this is regular shedding and scabbing from what I’ve read on the forums but I guess I didn’t expect it to start this early?

Post Op instructions stated to shower daily and massage until all scabs and crusts are gone before returning to regular shampoo intervals.



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Yep. You are fine. Looks like normal shedding with scabs. Shedding starts as early as about a week in some people.



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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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14 minutes ago, Al - formerly BeHappy said:

Yep. You are fine. Looks like normal shedding with scabs. Shedding starts as early as about a week in some people.


Appreciate the reassurance! I see most posts have shedding starting at 2-3 weeks so I was slightly worried. Hopefully that’s a good sign

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In case you ever wonder


I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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1 minute ago, Melvin- Admin said:

In case you ever wonder


You must have a 6th sense because I just stumbled on this and the shampooing for the scabs video you made. Thank you so much for all the materials and effort you have put in for those of us going through it. It’s very easy to read and think you are prepared vs. actually going through it sometimes

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Day 11

Continuation of daily baby shampoo and conditioning using the recommendations from Melvin’s video on scab removal. It’s honestly hard to tell if I’m removing them and they are growing back or if it’s just a lot that needs to be removed over the course of a few days.

Feeling is starting to come back in certain parts of the scalp and I’ve been able to resume normal sleeping positions and showering routines. Redness in the scalp has subsided greatly over the past few days.

Stitches have pretty much dissolved and added a picture for reference. The scar tends to look a little worse with my skin type without much summer sun so hoping this will fade with time and proper care. Also the hair around this area was trimmed, so no fear of miniaturization since I know it looks thin here currently.



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Day 18

Light shedding during showers but still enjoying the last few days of the hairline until the inevitable ugly duckling phase. Hoping the density looks ok in the previous pictures with the age appropriate hairline.

I resumed light physical activity this week and will hold off on anything more until at least the one month mark if not longer to be precautious with the scars.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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One Month

Resumed going to the gym and continuing to shower daily to reduce infections due to bacteria and sweat. Concerns regarding itchiness in the recipient area and a few pimples were communicated to the doctor and I was advised to use some dandruff shampoo for itching and monitor for “lots of pimples” before potentially starting an antibiotic.

The doctor also communicated that all transplanted hairs are usually gone by the third week, and advised to lightly pull on the transplanted hairs to assist with shedding. If they resisted then I am supposed to leave them be.

Continuing to shed during showers and I was able to gently brush and assist some but there are still a decent amount of transplanted hairs left. I’ve read on other posts that this may not be a concern and I should be able to let it run its course?


This is also marks my 3rd month taking Fin and I’ve begun taking a 5000 mcg biotin pill in the morning (no Min but the doctor said we could explore an oral min prescription down the road). I have noticed some significant shedding in the top bridge and vertex area but hoping we will see some stronger hairs come back. Referring back to the original post, I will most likely see how this first FUT HT turns out then address the crown area once we feel the loss has stabilized.


I was able to get a haircut to trim around the ears and neck this week but the donor area is slightly noticeable since I haven’t instructed my barber to even it out yet and I’ve included a side view as well as an update of the scar (which appears to be healing some).



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  • 3 weeks later...
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If I am going to put an honest review, the density in the front is not gonna be good. The density all around probably will not be good. You are gonna have to wait for one year and get another 100% and anyone who knows something about hair transplants will say the same. But since you are a NW5, that is honestly understandable. Good updates even though me and you experienced different things. I didn't get the call in the evening because he knew I was upset mid surgery. I ended up calling him around 8:00 pm and we had finished the surgery at like 1:30 pm. I am at the 3 month mark basically and still no results. Honestly, I feel as if almost I lost some existing hair due to the surgery. I am under the impression he doesn't work well the diffuse thinners and doesn't know how to densely pack in grafts. But if his 1416 grafts he did on me doesn't yield well, I am going straight to court. 

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Posted (edited)
34 minutes ago, ZaynSzn said:

If I am going to put an honest review, the density in the front is not gonna be good. The density all around probably will not be good. You are gonna have to wait for one year and get another 100% and anyone who knows something about hair transplants will say the same. But since you are a NW5, that is honestly understandable. Good updates even though me and you experienced different things. I didn't get the call in the evening because he knew I was upset mid surgery. I ended up calling him around 8:00 pm and we had finished the surgery at like 1:30 pm. I am at the 3 month mark basically and still no results. Honestly, I feel as if almost I lost some existing hair due to the surgery. I am under the impression he doesn't work well the diffuse thinners and doesn't know how to densely pack in grafts. But if his 1416 grafts he did on me doesn't yield well, I am going straight to court. 

I am also experiencing some shedding but it’s hard to say if that’s a result of starting Fin in January since there is usually a preliminary shed. My expectations are still aligned with what I’m seeing in terms of fixing the frontal third and I’ve already budgeted to have another in the next year pending the results but will most likely be looking for doctors who specialize in diffuse thinning and FUE procedures for the mid scalp and some of the crown while saving grafts for future procedures.

Sorry to hear you did not have a positive review. I’m about to hit the 2 month mark, so it’s definitely too early for me to see results for comparison purposes. 

Hoping for some results for us both down the road and I’ll continue updating to see how things progress.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Apk0214 said:

I am also experiencing some shedding but it’s hard to say if that’s a result of starting Fin in January since there is usually a preliminary shed. My expectations are still aligned with what I’m seeing in terms of fixing the frontal third and I’ve already budgeted to have another in the next year pending the results but will most likely be looking for doctors who specialize in diffuse thinning and FUE procedures for the mid scalp and some of the crown while saving grafts for future procedures.

Sorry to hear you did not have a positive review. I’m about to hit the 2 month mark, so it’s definitely too early for me to see results for comparison purposes. 

Hoping for some results for us both down the road and I’ll continue updating to see how things progress.

That was my BIGGEST mistake. Not going to a doctor that has experience with diffuse thinning. I literally offered to shave my head for haber to work and he said its not necessary. NONE of his patients shave their heads it seems which is kind of odd if im being honest. I should not have listened though and came in with a complete buzz so I could see the graft placements better, my mistake. As far as the itching though, mine was quite bad bro especially around my crown / scar area. It took 1-2 months for it to settle down but still somewhat itches. 

I forgot to add this in! Did he take a microscope at all and check your hair grafts. Or did he literally feel it with his hand and "Tug" on your donor area. 

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51 minutes ago, ZaynSzn said:

That was my BIGGEST mistake. Not going to a doctor that has experience with diffuse thinning. I literally offered to shave my head for haber to work and he said its not necessary. NONE of his patients shave their heads it seems which is kind of odd if im being honest. I should not have listened though and came in with a complete buzz so I could see the graft placements better, my mistake. As far as the itching though, mine was quite bad bro especially around my crown / scar area. It took 1-2 months for it to settle down but still somewhat itches. 

I forgot to add this in! Did he take a microscope at all and check your hair grafts. Or did he literally feel it with his hand and "Tug" on your donor area. 

I had a few consultations where my grafts were measured which I brought to my video consultation and when I came for my surgery it aligned with the graft counts that he was projecting. From the consultations I attended the tugging is to check for elasticity as well as projecting the graft measurements.

I have seen some other doctors who are using microscopes as well as 3D technology for more accurate graft calculations as well. I would see who other members on the forum suggest and start planning as most of the well known ones have a waiting list for consultations and surgeries are usually booked a year and a half or two out.

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3 hours ago, Apk0214 said:

I had a few consultations where my grafts were measured which I brought to my video consultation and when I came for my surgery it aligned with the graft counts that he was projecting. From the consultations I attended the tugging is to check for elasticity as well as projecting the graft measurements.

I have seen some other doctors who are using microscopes as well as 3D technology for more accurate graft calculations as well. I would see who other members on the forum suggest and start planning as most of the well known ones have a waiting list for consultations and surgeries are usually booked a year and a half or two out.

I am looking at Dr. Nadimi right now. But I believe she charges $10 per graft man. Like that is honestly sickening. For 2k grafts itll cost about $20k. Like I have no idea if this is even worth it. $20k just seems like SOOO much to pay for 2k grafts lol. Can I ask how much you paid for yours and how many grafts you had done. I paid $6500 for 1200 grafts (He said we ended with about 1400).

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, ZaynSzn said:

I am looking at Dr. Nadimi right now. But I believe she charges $10 per graft man. Like that is honestly sickening. For 2k grafts itll cost about $20k. Like I have no idea if this is even worth it. $20k just seems like SOOO much to pay for 2k grafts lol. Can I ask how much you paid for yours and how many grafts you had done. I paid $6500 for 1200 grafts (He said we ended with about 1400).

Mine was exactly double that for 2500 plus some adjustments for extra grafts. I was also coming from out of state and filling a spot that had a cancellation which may have been considered in the quote.

From what I’ve seen the work from Nadimi is very good and if I had the means I would consider it, but she may be booked out for several months.

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On 4/15/2024 at 4:13 PM, Apk0214 said:

Mine was exactly double that for 2500 plus some adjustments for extra grafts. I was also coming from out of state and filling a spot that had a cancellation which may have been considered in the quote.

From what I’ve seen the work from Nadimi is very good and if I had the means I would consider it, but she may be booked out for several months.

Btw, they tried finessing me in a way so I would be careful. In their contract it states " If Doctor Haber doesn't tell you the amount of extra grafts before he places them, we will not charge you extra for them". When I was yelling at them they said "We did an extra 200 grafts that we werent even gonna charge you for" lol. I said you literally couldn't because the contract says you cant. I literally cannot wait to sue them for this crap work on god.

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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, ZaynSzn said:

Btw, they tried finessing me in a way so I would be careful. In their contract it states " If Doctor Haber doesn't tell you the amount of extra grafts before he places them, we will not charge you extra for them". When I was yelling at them they said "We did an extra 200 grafts that we werent even gonna charge you for" lol. I said you literally couldn't because the contract says you cant. I literally cannot wait to sue them for this crap work on god.

So they said they weren’t going to charge you for so they didn’t? Or were they threatening to?

Regardless of my result I am going to try and refocus the thread back on the intended use for updates from my perspective for feedback and support during the growing phase instead of comparing experiences.

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15 minutes ago, Apk0214 said:

So they said they weren’t going to charge you for so they didn’t? Or were they threatening to?

Regardless of my result I am going to try and refocus the thread back on the intended use for updates from my perspective for feedback and support during the growing phase instead of comparing experiences.

Your right. Either way, you will need a touch up procedure no doubt. But good luck to you my friend! Hopefully you only need another 1k grafts for your desired result.

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