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Finasteride sideeffect, what should I do now ?


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Hello to all the forum members. This is my first post and first of all I want to thank to the creators of this forum and people who regularly post here. Also, I am sorry for the long message!!I somehow found it unavoidable!!


I am a 28 years old male. Till last year, I had very very thick hair and I used to use tons of gel and water on my hair without ever worrying about it looking thin. I always got complements from people around me, especially women. They used to call me "the perfect hair guy". I was always considered a very handsome guy by females (I am not bragging here, they actually told me on several occasions). I have always been very conscious of my hair to the extent of paranoia. I always dreaded a possible future in which I might nor have any hair left on my head.

When I was around 25, I got a prescription for Propecia from the nurse that worked in my university even though I didn't have any hair loss at all. I took the medication for 3 months but eventually quit because of its price. I didnt have any side effects whatsoever at that time. However in May 2008, I went to India and I got Indian version of Propecis called, Finpecia which was very cheap. I started taking the medication and within 2 week I noticed significant shedding. I didnt know what was going on. I started loosing around 200 hair a day. Also my hair became oily. Before I took Finpecia, even if I didn't shampoo my hair for weeks, it would still be dry. But now if I don't wash my hair every 3 days, it becomes oily and feels lifeless. Anyways, I shed hair for around 4 months. I eventually got tired of this shedding and stopped taking the medication. As soon as I stopped the medication, shedding diminished to a great level. Its been over a year since I quit Finpecia. I dont see much shedding but comparing the pictures, I can tell that my hairline has receded quite a bit. I went from very dense norwood class 1 to a 2.5 or early Norwood class 3. Its so depressing! No one in my family is bald. My maternal uncles, around 60, have full head of hair. I wouldnt have felt as bad if I had lost hair naturally. But knowing that I caused this hair loss feels a lot worse. I didn't even need to take finpecia in the first place!! Its been over an year since I quit it but my hair still becomes oily after 2-3 days of shampooing it. I never had oily hair in my life. I was so depressed over it that I shaved my head last August (which I prefer over a receded hairline look ). I broke up with my girl in August so I am on the hunt again. Now since I am chasing girls again, I need my confidence back. I don't know how to live with less hair. Imagine having a gift all your life and then loosing it, because of your own mistake!!


Anyways , enough ranting. My question is what should be my course of action now ? I am scared to take finasteride again. Should I try Minoxidil ? What would you guys do ? I dont want a receded hairline. I would prefer to shave my head rather than a receded look.


By the way, I visited Dr Rassman in LA, in May, 2009. He looked at my hair for a minute or two and concluded that I am not balding. He didnt prescribe me any medication. I hold him in very high esteem so I never questioned his decision. But I feel like my hairline has receded since May 2009.



Here is the link to my photo album,



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Stopping and starting finasteride is a bad idea.


My question is what should be my course of action now ? I am scared to take finasteride again. Should I try Minoxidil ? What would you guys do ? I dont want a receded hairline.


If you DO have MPB you have to start on and stay on finasteride for the rest of your life.



By the way, I visited Dr Rassman in LA, in May, 2009. He looked at my hair for a minute or two and concluded that I am not balding.


At age 28, you are supposed to have a maturing of your hair, and perhaps this is what he meant.


You need to post the pictures for us.




but their size is exceedng the limit of attachment size of the message. Any idea on how can I post pics ? Thanks!!


Reduce the size of the photos with a photo editor.

take care...



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Worried about Hair:

I feel what your saying bro. Your depressed? Take alook at my pics of what my head looks like. Thats depressing lol. Anyways i took minoxidil for a year it doesn't do anything for a receding hair line, its meant for the crown. Thats what i was told anyways. I haven't done propecia so i cant help you out there.

I had the same problem attempting to put my pics up. What i did was i went to Hasson and Wong website i believe and when you go to an online consultation they have a link where you can download a Photo Resizer thing. If you dont see it on the H&W website try the True and Dorin website, but im pretty sure i got it from H&W website. Hope that helps you out

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When I was around 25, I got a prescription for Propecia from the nurse that worked in my university even though I didn't have any hair loss at all.


I'm confused, why did you start taking propecia in the first place when you weren't losing your hair?

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Thank you very much for replying to my messages!! You guys rock!



I will go to Hasson and Wong website and see if I can reduce the size of pics. Thanks for the help bro.


LT said,


I'm confused, why did you start taking propecia in the first place when you weren't losing your hair?


I did that to prevent any future balding. I read about some temporary sexual side effects but I didnt have any idea that finasteriade can make me loose hair, which it did.


mmhce wrote,


"Stopping and starting finasteride is a bad idea."


The only reason I stopped finasteride was because of the heavy shedding and temproal recession it had started. Even after 4 months it didn't stop but as soon as I stopped taking finasteride, the shedding diminished to a great level. But I still feel that my hairline has continued receding. I dont know when will it stop. May be until I am bald.

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I've read other cases where some guys shed on finisteride while they didn't on Propecia. If it's true, it is unusual because it is *supposed* to be the same thing.


However, the first time I took finisteride, I didn't experience a shed. I had great results but the medicine eventually lost its effectiveness and I ended up back where I started. Contrary to the belief that you shed much more if you get off, I noticed zero change after I stopped.


But afer stopping for 4 years, I started again in preperation for my HT. This time I shed like crazy so I quit again. It has taken about 5 months but I have regained most of what i lost on the shed. You probably will too.

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My question is what should be my course of action now ?


You "might" have had what is called Reflex-Hyperandrogenicity, a rare side effect from finasteride and other hormone-modulating drugs.



Course of action? If you want my advices, I would:


1- get tested by an endocrinologist to make sure you don't have any hormonal disorders at this point, and monitor your hormonal condition every 6 months (including DHT and testosterone levels).


2-refrain from taking any such drugs unless you are officially diagnosed with Male Pattern Baldness. Finasteride tablets are not candies, as you have seen, and like minoxidil, these drugs are a lifetime commitment.


3-not have a hair transplant anytime soon, and not do so until you are absolutely certain of your condition and your balding pattern, if you have any...




I think Mr. Rassman was right, it looks like hairline maturing... probably precipitated by hyperandrogenicity.


I know you said you don't have any hair loss cases in your immediate family, but just to be sure, I would also investigate the hair loss patterns of old generations in your family, since MPB can skip generations...



Best of luck

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What if my receding hairline is not just maturing ? What if it continues to recede beyond where it is now ?


I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but beside getting tested by an endocrinologist (an important step in your specific case) and following up a couple times a year to make sure you don't have any abnormal hormonal fluctuation, and investigating old generations in your family to see if someone had MPB (MPB is genetic), there is only one thing left to do, and it's to monitor your hair loss situation (if any) over a long period of time (a year or two "at least") to see if there is any progressive hair loss.


That period of time should also help with getting used to your new mature hairline and find new ways to style your hair accordingly.


Having thick hair all over, and just temple recession, is an advantage on the long run for an adult I believe... think about Johnny Depp.


Remember, you have seen a doctor that saw "thousands" of other cases before you... and he told you you don't have signs of Male Pattern Baldness.


I cant take fiasteride now. Should I try Roagine ?


Like I said, these meds are serious and are a life time commitment. You don't want to see what a minoxidil (rogaine) hair shed looks like once you stop it. If your hope is to re-grow your "old" hair line, minoxidil won't help at that, nor any other medications. In other words, I wouldn't start minoxidil just for the hairline (without an official MPB diagnosis) and possibly risk more shedding after stopping eventually.


My understanding of your specific hair problem is that you need to "wait" before making any life-altering silly moves (such as rushing to get an aggressive transplant upfront, or embarking on new medications that may worsen your situation) and make sure you start from a stable ground (hormonally) and that you have enough time to take a step back to assess your situation more clearly.


Just take pictures of your hair a few times a year, compare them every year, and see if there is any real progressive hair loss (compared to NOW).


Then maybe eventually, with the supervision of a doctor, you could start propecia again (the official brand, not generic) if you officially have MPB and you are committed to take it everyday for a life time without ever stopping, and an ethical hair transplant doctor could "boost" a little bit of that hairline, without giving you back a teenage hair line.


And trust me, I know it's hard... but try to relax and take a step back icon_smile.gif


Best of luck

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Thanks serious. Your suggestions are really very good.I have decided to not go for transplant right now because of the fear of shock loss and future hair loss that might occur. Also, a hair transplant will prevent me from shaving my head which I prefer over a receding hairline look. I was thinking of starting minoxidil but I have read many reports of people shedding from minoxidil. I will probably wait for sometime and then fly to NY to see Dr Feller and get a thorough miniaturization mapping done and if he thinks that I should be on Propecia, even after knowing that I had an adverse reaction to it, I will take it. I wouldn't ever go for a transplant unless it restores my original hairline and density. I have heard that if you are Norwood 3 then transplants can restore original hairline and density. I am probably Norwood 2 or 2.5 right now but I don't know where will I be in future. If I maintain the hairline I have right now or even Norwood 3 when I am in 40's. I will think about transplant. But till them NO NO.


I would rather shave my head and tone my muscles. That will help me pull some chicks icon_cool.gif


Thanks again for taking your time and writing detailed responses to my questions!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Starting on Rogaine will mean some more shedding again, till it stabilizes. And it is a life-long medication. Stop it and you will lose whatever hair you gained from it.


Your doc is right. From what I see from your pics, your hair is very good and what you are thinking is a receding hairline is just your natural aging pattern. I wouldn't worry too much about it. You are lucky to have so much hair. Rock On!!!!

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