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Sacrificing for a HT

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Bill, please move this to another forum if this is not the right place.


Hey guys, I would like everyone to chime in here, the cost for hair transplantation is not cheap, I am not going to lie here. For some of us, the cost of a transplant is a downpayment on a house, etc.. How does everyone feel regarding this subject? We are spending a lot for hair, this is why I am torn on what to do. 8-10k is a ton of money! How do you guys feel?

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Bleachcola12:

Bill, please move this to another forum if this is not the right place.


Hey guys, I would like everyone to chime in here, the cost for hair transplantation is not cheap, I am not going to lie here. For some of us, the cost of a transplant is a downpayment on a house, etc.. How does everyone feel regarding this subject? We are spending a lot for hair, this is why I am torn on what to do. 8-10k is a ton of money! How do you guys feel?


The older you get, the easier it becomes.


For one, you become a better candidate, as your expectations are more realistic. And as you age, your income (presumably) increases, and you have time to save.


By the time you are 40, its not such a big deal. The cost of a HT complete restoration is 25K. That is two or three procedures.


To put it in perspective, most americans buy a new car every 4-5 years. That means they are spending roughly 20-25K every 4-5 years. If you keep one of your cars for ten years, then the HT will be paid for.


Just save $200 a month and in 10 years you will have it covered. Most americans spend $2oo each month on fast food, coffee, telephone, and cable. If you want the HT, you can find a way to save for it.

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This is the tough part about getting a HT....it costs a fair amount of money. I always tell people to put it in perspective..such as if your robbing your kids college fund or adding a second mortgage to your home, do not do it.


If you do as the Emp stated and either save the money or properly allocate a monthly payment,without causing yourself undue stress, then go forward.


You don't want to put yourself in the position to get your hair back, only to pull it out over your financial situation later on =)


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Bleachcola, good points. I faced a similar dilemma. I spent months deliberating if I am making the right choice spending so much money just to have a fuller head of hair. Depending on the amount of grafts you need, it can usually cost anything from $4000 to $25000.


That's a lot of money for anyone. Hence, it is important to do a lot of research before committing to a HT surgery.


Btw, right now, I am very happy that I went through the HT. I look a lot younger now than I did over a year ago. I am 35 yrs old, and recently, I have had really young ladies (around 20 yrs of age or so) glancing at me, making eye contact, and even smiling... something that hasn't happened since I graduated from college 10+ years ago. So right now, I don't feel that bad about having spent all that money. However, who knows how I'll feel in 10 yrs from now. So think through this very carefully and do your research well.

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I remember wrestling with this very subject before I started my own hair restoration journey. In my opinion, it's really a matter of how badly you want it.


For me, hair loss was pretty devastating. My ego, confidence, and life started to suffer because I fixated so much energy on my hair - or more accurately, my lack thereof.


It didn't take me long to realize that I'd be much happier with a relatively full looking and lifelong head of hair than the purchase of a new shiny car that I'd probably get tired of in 6 months to a year.


This is the way I justified it to myself. The average American spends approximately $30,000 on a new car once every 5 years. I figured if I could keep my car for 10 years and spend the additional $30,000 (much less for most people) on restoring almost a full head of hair from a class VI on the Norwood scale of hair loss, I'd be pretty happy.


Looking back, I still believe I made the right choice. While I'm a car enthusiast and don't tire of them easily, even the fanciest of cars couldn't buy me the confidence I've restored with hair transplantation.


I'm not trying to convince you to proceed with surgery. But it's quite possibly a viable solution for those who are good candidates and whose lives are suffering as a result of hair loss.


All the Best,



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I went through the same exact situation. I have a lot of friends that are balding / receding and sometimes I would just tell myself it wouldn't be so bad. But every morning when I looked into the mirror, I hated what I saw. My procedure was more than 10k but I believe it's going to be well worth the expense in the long run. I notice when I have a "bad hair day" (i.e. having trouble masking my thinning) I'm in a horrible mood. I don't want to be like this anymore, I want to live my life without having to worry about what my hair looks like.

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