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Is a HT a good idea for me? (Photos)

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10 hours ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:

While your hairline doesn’t look bad from the front picture you have shown, it’s the top down photo that shows the real picture.  Now, I haven’t read all the replies so I apologize if you already answered this. But how old are you?   And are you on finasteride or minoxidil?  Based on the photos alone I’d say you’re likely a good candidate for hair transplant surgery.  But this also depends on your age, aggressiveness of your hair loss, your family history of hair loss, treatment regimen, etc.   

Regarding your donor, it appears on the dense side which is good.  Now you do wear it white short near the neck/nape area so it’s hard to tell there, but how is the thickness/density of the hair in that area?

Feel free to contact me if I can be of any assistance.

best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant 

Thanks for your input. I’m 31 and been on Finasteride for 6.5 months. It may have stabilised the hair loss but hasn’t regrown any hair as of yet. As far as family history is concerned, my father is bald but my grandfather on my mother’s side still had good hair in his 60s when he passed away. I would say the hair in my doner area is thick enough. 

How many grafts do you think is around the mark to restore my hairline and add good density all over? Do you recommend one surgery for the front then one for the crown, or just one surgery to correct both? 

Thank you. 

Edited by Adrenaline7
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On 11/9/2022 at 5:06 AM, g8n2h9k3u7 said:

Don't pay any attention to Bicer rejecting you lol, she is overly conservative - even relative to the fact that hair transplant surgeons as a whole tend to be conservative in general. I had similar hair loss as you and she also rejected me. Every other elite clinic I contacted accepted me. 


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On 11/9/2022 at 5:34 AM, Gatsby said:

Six months is really not long enough to see the full benefit of finasteride. I would give it a year and you could also add minoxidil also to see if you respond to this. How old are you can I ask? Dr Bicer has a valid point about potentially causing damage to native hair an 99.9% of other Turkish doctors would have had you in the chair just for the money. I see you have some MPB in the crown too. My advice is to wait and stick with the meds for another six months. During this time do as much research as you can. All the best.

you say doctors accepting surgery are unethical ? 

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You don't need HT yet and DO NOT lower your natural hairline.

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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I think your hair loss is similar to mine, just that I have more of my hairline intact and more hair loss throughout the midscalp back. I think you should stick with medication for the time being. Perhaps look into dutasteride 0.5mg or add minoxidil to the mix if you already arent taking it.

Would you ever consider FUT? That way you can preserve your grafts and plan your hairloss as if you are a NW7. You seem to have good hair characteristics so you may be able to get away with using a little less grafts. 

I believe you are a good candidate for a hair transplant, but given your little amount of time using medication I think your best approach would be to do things slowly. Perhaps give finasteride a full year maybe a little bit more 1.5 years and approach your hair loss in stages of hairline/midscalp. Then midscalp density and crown.

Do not rush into anything. Once you commit to any type of surgery remember that it is permanent whether it is successful or not. But using the medication before can help you maximize the best outcomes. Just look around the forum and see what other people in your situation have done and do your research first. 

Also, never lower your hairline if you have diffuse thinning. You never know how severe your hair loss is or how aggressive it becomes. Just because it slows down does not always mean its done. I think you should look to enforce what you already have and work for density throughout the scalp and get the "illusion" of density vs getting native density. Make sure you understand that you will NEVER have the same density as long as you have future hair loss. 

Follow my first hair transplant journey

3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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  • 4 weeks later...
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I may go a bit more conservative with the hairline than I originally planned due to the advice in this thread, although I do want to reconstruct it and straighten it up a bit, otherwise what’s the point of even getting a transplant? I’d never be happy with it. 

It’s really confusing how I’m being told by some clinics/forum members that I have minimal hair loss and am a great candidate with a good doner area, then told by others that I don’t need a transplant at all, then told by others that I’m in a dangerous position with diffused thinning and shouldn’t risk grafts. A lot of mixed signals coming from all directions haha. 


Another question I have: I’ve been quoted 1500-2000 for front and 1000 for crown by a forum recommended doctor who believes this will fix hairline, mid section and crown. Does this seem on the low side to anyone else? They charge per graft so I’m concerned this will become a lot higher on surgery day. 2000 for the hairline is believable (if they’re planning a conservative hairline), but with this amount of diffused thinning all over is 1000 grafts really enough to cover it with decent density? Or do you believe two surgeries and more grafts is a better assessment of my situation? 

Thanks to everyone so far! I feel like I’m becoming more and more educated by the day, and glad I ran a mile from going to Turkey after my initial research. 

Edited by Adrenaline7
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