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Getting a second hair transplant - opinions and views please

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Hello all...32 year old male looking to get a second hair transplant here.


I had my first procedure back in 2015 with Dr Bhatti at Darling Buds. I was pretty pleased with my experience and was satisfied with the results. I believe I had 3000-3500 grafts (I need to check this) 


I am now looking to get a second transplant. As you'll see from my photos, the crown area is the area that needs most attention. I would also like some more grafts added to the frontal hair line and into the mid scalp area to add some more density.  


I have been in touch with Eugenix and they think I need around 2500 grafts to achieve the desired results. I have seen some unbelievable results on here from Eugenix, particularly @Zoomster+@Melvin- Moderator amongst many others (apologies, I have forgotten your usernames)


I feel comfortable putting my trust in Eugenix, but felt I should see if any of you guys have any comments or thoughts regarding which surgeon/clinic would be best for my particular needs as of course everyone is different. 

I have seen a couple of posts regarding some issues with donor area when it comes to Eugenix. They feel my donor area is still sufficient for what I need, without going into the beard. 


Anyway, if any of you guys have any advise, opinions or thoughts, I would love to hear from you.


They aren’t the best photos and some are under harsh lighting. 

Thanks in advance guys! 








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Your case isn’t particularly difficult. Many clinics can handle this fairly easily. Are you on meds? The crown looks diffuse, but still has a great deal of hair that can revive without surgery.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Hi Finchy

This is a case that really shouldn’t be too overthought ..it’s straightforward in otherwords plus the logistical side of things re accessing Treatment in India don’t seem to faze you .

Just pull the trigger ..IF you’re prepared to take finasteride..an absolute necessity especially so for diffuse guys .

Good luck ..DM if you need no problem 




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Thanks for the replies lads. @Zoomster @Melvin- Moderator


I should have mentioned earlier, I have been taking Finasteride since before my first transplant. I started in 2014 I believe. So unfortunately that hair isn't going to develop anymore than it already has. 


I have also had SMP which was done in 2019. 


I think you're both right, when I have fibres in (basically all the time) then I can get decent coverage. As I said, the first transplant was fairly successful I would say. I'm now looking to address the crown and get that filled and add some more density to the Mid-scalp and hairline, which Eugenix seem more than capable of doing. 


I guess my only concern would be the donor area as I've already had a number of grafts removed from there previously. Would you say I still have enough (roughly 2500) in my donor area not to worry about issues after extracting there?


I was thinking about having a look at some of the recommended clinics in Europe. However, I don't mind the travel to India (I'm from England) although of course closer to home would be easier. 


Would either of you guys recommend a certain package with Eugenix for what I'd need?


Looking forward to following your boys' journey over the next few months!


Cheers both 

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Is my donor area below average? 

Having just received some feedback from one of Dr Bisanga’s patient advisors. They have told me that I would need an in person consultation to assess my donor area and to check the recipient areas as it is no longer ‘virgin’ scalp. 

they also said growth is not able to be guaranteed. 

I do understand this as they want to make sure results are optimal, I am now wondering if my donor area is strong enough for what I need. And if the recipient area will be good enough for new grafts. 
As I said in a previous message to @Melvin- Moderator + @ZoomsterI have been in touch with Eugenix. I have slight trepidation now as there have been a handful of less than ideal cases with donor management recently (although it’s important to point that that is amongst the hundreds of successful/well managed results)

I would love to know if anyone has any thoughts on my donor area(s)


I have also included some photos of beard as I may need to go down that route for the crown if I don’t have enough grafts. Although I am very limited in my knowledge with regards to this. 

thanks all










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I would take it exactly for what it is.. BHR wants to assess the donor and recipient in person after previous surgery to see how the shape of it is to come up with the best treatment plan. I think it has nothing to do with your specific case.

Edited by davidn
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@finchy..your donor looks similar to what mine was pre 3rd HT ..for what it’s worth I’m pretty sure Dr Bisanga and most others would of said I’m not suitable for a 3rd surgery  ( just like most did back in 2019 pre my first HT ) ..when @Melvin- Moderatorsays their is no best Doctor in the world only the best for your particular set of circumstances he is 100% correct .

In my opinion Dr Sethi is the No 1 in the world right now for your particular set of circumstances..way below average donor ,already transplanted into recipient yet fab beard that he can go to town on .

The above is my own humble opinion..others Im sure will chime in with other suggestions..

Feel free to DM me if you’ve any other questions 

Good luck 


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The above is a perfect example of how lighting can truly affect the appearance of one’s hair and one’s result.  in some of the photos above, the front and midsection look quite thick and even the crown looks only a little thin in some of the pictures with normal lighting. However, on the bright lighting, the crown looks very thin and even the midsection and some of the front looks rather thin.

Because of the various lighting conditions, it’s difficult to really suggest how many grafts you might need to meet your goals.  Thus, if you want members to provide their opinion on what they think most accurately, I suggest taking photos of your scalp under natural lighting outside without a flash.

The reason I say all this is because based on some of the photos you presented, I would suggest you might need closer to 4000 or 5000 grafts however, when looking at other photos, I would agree that 2500 would be sufficient.

Of course, no opinion or suggestion on graft numbers from members on this forum should replace a physician’s estimate.

regarding selecting a surgeon, it seems that your preset on one particular clinic but it’s obvious that you are still looking since you’re asking for opinions. In my opinion, just make sure you are thorough in evaluating all physicians/clinics you are considering based on consistency in providing outstanding results. Looking at one or two patients is a good start but The best assessment of a surgeon/clinic would be to look at a multitude of patient results posted by both the clinic and patients.

i’ve shared this many times on the forum but I will share it again below which essentially is what I suggest anyone researching physicians do to ensure they have selected the best surgeon for them.


How to Select an outstanding hair transplant surgeon. 

1.  Start by looking at the surgeons recommended by this community, in particular the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.  Surgeons recommended by this community have met a demanding set of standards and are approved based on meeting those high standards.  Many online hair surgeon memberships don’t have any criteria other than to pay a membership fee.  Furthermore, physician members of the coalition have met an even higher and more demanding set of standards and have proven to be amongst the best of the best in the profession.

2. Now even amongst a list of outstanding surgeons, not all surgeons are created equally. Therefore, while it’s tempting to select a surgeon based on price or location, try to avoid this as many individuals travel great distances to undergo surgery with an elite surgeon they are most impressed with. Thus choose a surgeon based on their proven ability to produce outstanding results rather than because of cost or location.

3. Narrow your selection down to 3 to 5 surgeons you are most impressed with.  You can do this by using this discussion forum and others to view examples of patient results posted by both the clinic and their patients.  Speak with and meet with real patients in person if possible. If not, video chat works pretty well.

4. Come up with a list of consult questions to ask each surgeon/clinic you are considering. I’ve created several different posts on this forum with good questions to ask doctors.  If you need help coming up with a list of good questions, please let me know.

5. Consult with each doctor you are considering and ultimately, choose the surgeon you feel can best meet your goals.

I hope this helps  

Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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