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My HT with Dr Feller


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Hi guys


Well most of you probably dont know me, as I was on another site until recently, but decided to post here now.


For a few years Ive been looking into having a transplant, and after much debate, decided to go for Dr feller. I had my op done in December 2008, and am now at about the 3 month mark.


To be honest, the whole process was pretty easy going! As you can see, my hair loss wasnt too bad to begin with though. I started taking propecia a while back, and thankfully, my hairloss was stopped at that point.


I stayed at the Days Inn in New York-very near the airport, and a nice small hotel with friendly staff. I left very early that day to get to the Docs office-I wasnt sure how bad traffic would be. The day went by easily for me- but not so easy for Dr Fellers staff, as I was one of the harder FUE cases, but true to his work, Dr Feller got about 1400 grafts out of me that day. Being a Doctor myself, I was very impressed with his skill and his staff. They really are fantastic, and do their best to put you at ease. Honestly, I'm not just saying this! The flight home was ok, most of my journey was spent in a fitfull sleep.


I took a month off work, which was really overkill- 2 weeks would have done the trick!

I was very careful with my head for a while, and had baths instead of showers, and never touched the area. Within 10 days the redness was all but gone- and here I have an interesting find:

Distilled witch hazel really works! How can I prove it? Well I decided to put it to the test, and only dabbed on the stuff in the front portion, but left some areas alone. Sure enough, in a week of application, the areas i left alone were visibly more red than the areas I treated! will put up some pics, see for yourself!

After about 2 weeks, the grafts started to shed. My God I got the fright of my life- I dont know why, since I knew they would come out eventually, but let me tell you, nothing prepares you for waking up and seeing them on your pillow! They look very strange too.


So all in all, after 3 weeks, I was pretty much back to square one! I lookied much the same as I did before the op! Very little shock loss, actually, not even sure if I had any!


But I guess everyone is different.


I got back to work, and no one guessed anything!

The Donor area grew back and looks untouched.


I am now at 3 months, and will put up my latest pics. Things are beginning to happen now, and i look rather furry in the areas where the grafts were placed.

My hairdresser is very confused! hahaha if only she knew...

Please feel free to ask any questions, and comments good or bad are welcome...

Good Luck to you all if you are taking the leap!


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Originally posted by spex:

Is that the white South African...? Great to see you back online mate - how are you doing? I will dig out your pre ops and add them here - Hope you are well!


Haha hey spex, yup its me! Good Grief I hope I dont have to hold up My ID again!

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Hi guys


thanks for the warm welcome!


anderson- i respect your concerns. Guys, we ALL know how this industry is! But surely if youve been around long enough, you would know dr feller is one of the good guys. Im not sure how I can convince you I am not a "made up" patient?

You are welcome to pm me, and ill give you my contact details.


My browser seems to crash when i try to post pics? is there a limit to the size of pics you can post here?? very excited to show you chaps a very fuzzy rec. area!

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"So any direct post op photos to his angles and directions? Any 3 month photos, something's happeing now for sure?"


Are you serious? For someone with a "journalism" background you sure haven't done much investigating to back your questioning of dr. feller's results. since you're a newbie though, perhaps you'll get a pass.


And just so you know, Dr.Feller is one of the best docs at documenting a patient's pre, intra, and post-op experience. he even has a small photo studio set up in the office for taking pics. I know this as a patient of his and from being on these forums for the past 3 years.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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1981 - I've got more hair on my right side at the moment, and i've read numerous posts about this happening, so i'm not concerned as it evens itself out in the end in all the cases of seen.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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Dear Members,


Though all members are welcome to share legitimate questions, concerns, and experiences with all physicians regardless of whether they are recommended or not, it seems obvious that new member "Anderson C" has joined to troll and attack Dr. Feller as a person and his results.


And though as the moderator, I typically make dozens of decisions a day on my own, I value your input.


What should we do with Anderson C? We clearly can't tolerate agendas to unfairly malign, so ignoring him can't be an option. I propose one of the following options.


A) It's unfair for a physician to be trolled and the target of unsubstantiated attacks - suspend his posting privileges


B) Give him one more chance (since he's been warned) to either subsantiate his claims and genuinely help patients. Failure to ignore the warning results in suspension.


C) Suspend him for a week and reinstate him if he agrees privately to be more constructive with his posts.


Your feedback is appreciated.



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A or B, Though if you give him another chance he'll probably carry on as before since every single one of his posts have been insulting Dr Feller's work, and patients who are all happy with their results.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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I agree - Anderson C is no journalist as his writing is incoherent (my favourite quote from him is "I am have had am HT...") and no matter what the subject or thread, he manages to voice his displeasure with Feller. If he has something to substantiate his claims, I welcome it. Otherwise, it sounds like an agenda.


I'd go with 'B' - give him a private (and public) warning that his posts must be constructive and if he elects to point out some displeasure with Feller, then be clear, create your own thread outlining all of the reasons, show photos, etc. and then let the open debate begin. But to simply 'slander' Feller in every topic regardless of what the topic is on simply disrupts good communication and hijacks someone else's thread.


If 'B' is carried out and he doesn't follow through, I'd also give him the option of 'C'.




1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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although Anderson Cooper has "agenda" written all over him since his first post, i think that it's very cool and classy move from you that you asked for member's feedback. i think that all members are thankful for that, and it injects a healthy vibe into the community as a whole. only if this was the case with NG2GB, this place would have been much "healthier" imo icon_wink.gif.

i vote for B right now. so far, after your verbal warning, i haven't seen/read any reply from him (unless he PM'd you). if he chooses to cross the line again, then it's suspension time (full 7 or 14 days ??“ your choice). after he gets back from his suspension and still same old same old, then it's time to say good-bye.


1. verbal warning

2. suspension for a week

3. you are out!


three strikes and you out - the only fair system imo.

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I say give him a chance to contribute something useful to the forum. if it's just another senseless bash against one of the very best doctors in this industry then we know his agenda and he should go.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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First to 1981, I too apologize that your thread has been temporarily taken over. However, since the majority of responses from the questionable "Anderson C" have been on this topic, I felt it was necessary to address him here and poll the opinion of our members. Of course, since this is your thread, your opinion too is highly appreciated. I also promise that we'll bring this thread back on target shortly :-).


Thanks to all the fair and thoughtful feedback everyone has provided me with thus far on handling "Anderson C". Whereas we certainly want to provide a free and open environment for patients and physicians, once we conclude a member has an unfair agenda (no matter who he/she is - patient, doctor, or clinic), it's time for them to go.


Based on your feedback, I've agreed to give him another warning. Below, I've pasted the private message I sent him to give him a chance to either A) substantiate his blanket statements with facts and evidence or B) cease and desist. Ultimately, I believe that all genuine members will desire either sharing their personal experience or helping other members with their questions/concerns. Targeting a particular doctor or patient and making antagonistic remarks is far from appropriate and continuing to do so even after the warnings, will be considered "agenda driven".


Therefore, at your request, let's give him one more chance - which was my option "B" above, and the most highly voted upon.


I sent him the below private message which now counts as his private and public warning:






I've stated publicly already that all members are welcome to share genuine experiences and opinions on our forum. However, from your first to last post to date, you've been trolling and targeting Dr. Feller with unsubstantiated blanket statements. Whereas I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt and consider you a legitimate poster, to date, you haven't given me any good reason to believe you're not out to unfairly malign a good surgeon's name. Therefore, I will give you one last chance.


If you expect to be a part of this community, I expect the following:


1) If you are going to continue making blanket statements about Dr. Feller, I expect you to back them up with facts and evidence (which should include links). I also want you to do this in a single thread, preferably, one you start (not multiple ones). I also expect you to do this respectfully. This will give other patient members a chance to offer their feedback. But once you've put it all out there, I expect you not to beat a dead horse - that is - I don't want you to continue to malign him just because you aren't his biggest fan. Therefore, this does not give you free reign to continue this discussion forever. Once you made your points and have an opportunity to discuss it, that's it!


2) I expect you to either share your hair transplant experience/photos, ask your own questions, or post to genuinely help patients with their questions, concerns, etc - this should include topics other than those involving Dr. Feller. I believe all genuine members will ultimately do one of these.


However, if you continue to make blanket statements about Dr. Feller without substantiating them, and prove you have no interested in genuinely helping the patient members of our community, I'll assume you have an agenda to unfairly malign Dr. Feller and your posting privileges will be suspended.


So you understand our guidelines for providing a fair and balanced discussion for patients and physicians, see Maintaining a Safe and Fair Environment on our Forum for Patients and Physicians.


Your cooperation is anticipated and expected,



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I also beleive that Dr. Feller is truly a gifted surgeon, does pretty solid work. That being said, I don't include him in my top 5, top 10 definitaly!!!If this guy is just giving his "opinion" and has nothing to gain, (if it can ever be proven), then let him post whatever he beleives good or bad. That's life. IMHO...



Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

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If this guy is just giving his "opinion" and has nothing to gain, (if it can ever be proven), then let him post whatever he beleives good or bad.




That's exactly the point. But it looks real bad when a new poster is targeting a particular person (doctor or patient) with negative blanket statements. This makes it appear as if this poster does have an agenda and something to gain.


If this poster is genuine, he'll begin to either provide legitimate feedback for his claims or move onto other topics not related to Dr. Feller. Continuing to follow and target one person is the equivalent of internet stalking, and though there may or may not be a law to prevent this, we won't tolerate it on our forum.


I hope this clarifies why we're making a serious issue out of it.



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I agree Bill. I beleive that although the internet has been a great tool for everyone, sometimes people tend to forget that behind every post, there is an actual human being...it's so hard to filter the "true" from the crap. That is why I beleive everyone should be given the benefit of the doubt at least once. So yeah, if he doesn't answer his posts terminate his a--.......



Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

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Bill --

I'm as diplomatic as the next guy, but this Anderson guy needs to get off of this forum.

If I thought there was even a one percent chance that this guy was simply stating his honest opinion, then I would agree that it it is obviously his right to do so. I think it is blatantly obvious though, that this guy is just attacking. Frankly, he isn't even very good at it. If he's a shill for a doctor, it's unfortunate that that doctor couldn't even find a shill who could write a coherent sentence. He seems to think that he's going to magically change everybody's opinion of what they're looking at by telling us to "use our eyes." He's bringing nothing intelligent or insightful to the discussion.

The guy is also making VERY serious accusations by saying that there are patients following "scripts." In fact, with his supposed "journalism background" he should know that those sort of accusations are libelous.

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Dear members,


Thanks for all your feedback on how you feel we should handle "Anderson C".


Since this poster has chosen not to substantiate his claims, i agree with the members that suggested removing his offensive and unsubstantiated posts since they serve no purpose but to defame and libel Dr. Feller's good name and hard earned reputation.


Additionally, since many posts on this thread in reply to Anderson won't make sense anymore, I will need to remove some of those as well.


Over the next day or so, I will begin cleaning up this thread and remove unfair and unsubstantiated posts and any replies to him since they no longer make sense. I will however, keep several of the posts showing how we collectively chosen how to handle this poster.


Thanks for your feedback and support in this matter,



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