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Looking for feedback on my hairloss


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Hi, new member, wondering if the good people here can assess my hairloss.

I am 36 years old, not on any treatments currently.

My father was nw5 by 36, complete loss of frontal hair, but retains some hair on top and in the crown but the forelock is gone.

Maternal grandfather was nw3 by 30 and as life progressed his forelock got very thin but he did not have crown or vertex loss to my knowledge.

Mothers mothers family has the best hair genes I know of.

For me I've alway had an m shaped hairline. Receded in the corners but my centre forlock comes right down to my top forehead wrinkle and actually sits quite low.

Around 10 years ago I noticed my left corner was not as thick as the centre or right, fringe looked thinner. I noticed it was easier to remove hairs on that side.

Around 5 years ago I noticed the hair behind my left temple was a bit poorer and I once got a comment that my scalp was showing and I was thinning.

It has slowly got worse offer time. I have tried to avoid finasteride like the plague but I'm at a point where it looks like if I want to stop this I am forced to take it.

My right temple seems to have almost no thinning, can hardly remove a hair which is in stark contrast to my left side which is diffused around an inch and a half intowards the middle of my head.

My crown and vertex seem solid, again unable to remove a hair, and if I do is a healthy terminal one.

I also experience itching and burning in my left temple but pretty much never anywhere else. I am a bit stumped why my left has been thing for so may years but my right is good. I reckon I've lost 50% density in this inch by inch and a half area. 

I know no one can predict my future loss, but at my age, given I'm way ahead of my father at the same age and better the my maternal grandfather, and combined with these pics maybe people could give my an idea where I might be going?

I'd also like to know of I have a persistent forlock since its so thick and sitting so low?

Many thanks for reading

















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Get on oral finasteride or dutasteride immediately and you have nothing to worry about. 👍

Catching your hairloss early with medication is a billion times easier then letting yourself become Nw 5-6 and then playing catch-up spending tens of thousands of dollars on multiples hair transplant surgeries and still looking thin...


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12 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

You have killer hair, especially for 36! You could start minoxidil or Finasteride. All the best!

Thankyou, I've been very lucky despite terrible hair genes on my dad's side, all the men went bald and my dad was essentially bald at my age. My hair is all good apart from diffusing inwards on my left temple, I assume my right will catch up at some point.

Is it possible to say at this point that my crown and vertex is potentially safe? 

I really wanted to avoid finasteride but if I don't take it I reckon I'll diffuse into a nw4 with tuft at the front in the next few years.

My thoughts are to try .25mg finasteride for a while and see how my body responds. 

I have also read somewhere that  people with low bodyhair don't react well to fin and I have none, no back or chest hair. I also only have a thin beard which only came in around 30, about this time my hair got worse.

Thanks for replying

Edited by jr1986
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Research finasteride (oral and topical) and once you understand it, if you feel comfortable, this will more than likely completely slow down any potential progression you are due to experience. 

From what I can make out in the pics, Minoxidil won’t do anything of major benefit for you - perhaps you have some miniaturisation in the zone 2 area I suppose, but the areas of obvious recession you have faced in the temple area are slick bald, so your best course of action is to preserve what you currently have (which is very good for 36) through a 5AR inhibitor. Minox could strengthen the possible miniaturisation you have going on behind the hairline, but I think for you, finasteride will be more than enough. 

And if your hairline bothers you, it’s a pretty straight forward fix for any good surgeon worth their salt. 1200-1800 grafts depending on who you go to, should leave you looking like a rockstar. 

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14 minutes ago, Curious25 said:

Research finasteride (oral and topical) and once you understand it, if you feel comfortable, this will more than likely completely slow down any potential progression you are due to experience. 

From what I can make out in the pics, Minoxidil won’t do anything of major benefit for you - perhaps you have some miniaturisation in the zone 2 area I suppose, but the areas of obvious recession you have faced in the temple area are slick bald, so your best course of action is to preserve what you currently have (which is very good for 36) through a 5AR inhibitor. Minox could strengthen the possible miniaturisation you have going on behind the hairline, but I think for you, finasteride will be more than enough. 

And if your hairline bothers you, it’s a pretty straight forward fix for any good surgeon worth their salt. 1200-1800 grafts depending on who you go to, should leave you looking like a rockstar. 

My actual hairline has hardly moved since I was 18, it's a better hairline than my dad had or maternal grandfather.

My actual hairline is actually stronger than the hair behind it although you won't tell in the pics. I don't mine My hairline, I just need to bit the bullet and take fin to maybe stop the diffusing. 

Here's another pic, lighting is more direct and looks worse. Another of my right. Any idea why left is so much worse?

Should add my hairs between 1 1/4" to 1 3/4" in these pics.



Screenshot_20220715-232128_Video Player.jpg

Screenshot_20220715-231932_Video Player.jpg

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Get on fin at a low dose .. it will save u years … with a low dose u might not feel anything, n ur current hair is still strong but beginning to show some weakness in areas.. kinda like me .. so a low dose I feel will be a good start.. n be effective for ur situation .. don’t deny the hairloss , do something about it before u need surgery .. 

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