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Hair transplant advice

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how old are you? i think it might be diffuse hair loss... and if that is the case, not that you're just "thin", then you're looking at a nw6 in the future. i can't tell if your donor is affected or not, but if it's unaffected, you'd need grafts all over your scalp for density. no idea on your front since there's no picture of it. 

you can also just get concealer if you're worried about the view on top if the front is ok. i recommend taking meds though if you haven't. i doubt there'd be many clinic willing to operate on you if you are a DUPA guy with no meds.

*there is chance of side effect on meds, so do your research and think on it if you're willing to jump at it.

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whoa yeah you don't seem to lose any on the front. i think best bet is to go to  a... trichologist? *might be wrong spelling

i've never seen a naturally thin top but it might be stress/thinning, so you can benefit from minox for example which thickens the hair. if you aren't balding, there's no need to get a HT yet, unless then after your consultation, the result is that you have poor density and no baldness problem at all, then a HT to top up your density would be a great cosmetic improvement for you.

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Your case is an interesting one for many reasons. First the age. You are really not all that young. So, why not move forward and try to keep your youthfulness for as long as you can? The reason why this comes up is because doctors want to make sure the pattern reveals itself. In your case, it does seem you are destined for an advanced one.  As long as this is well planned and designed, it should not be an issue. Let's address the pattern for a minute as this dictates the course to take.

Go to the Norwood chart and look at the 5A pattern.  Now, with a pencil, cover the top of the head lightly. This means that a patient can have hair but, if you can see through the hair and identify the pattern underneath, that's where you'll be found to be.  And because you've lost, you will continue losing.  it is just a matter of time.  When? Wish I had a hair crystal ball from time to time.

One of the basic premises in this industry is the limitation of the donor.  There is normally not enough hair available to allow for a full set of hair in the front, top and back.  So, if there is a limitation, where do we want to put it so that it serves the patient well now and in the future? What is the area you see when looking at yourself? How about the area others see when they interact with you? The front.

A typical range to start working the front and blend grafts to about 1/2 way is 2000-2500 grafts.  You could consider both FUT and FUE. This way you have access to your entire donor area. In the meantime, let's get into what I consider to be the most important aspect, medical therapy.

Propecia, Rogaine, PRP and Laser are the modalities we refer to when dealing with this condition.  These work in different ways and there is synergy when combined.  Propecia and Rogaine are considered to be the best for retention in the crown.  The problem is that of expectations.  Most patients become frustrated a year later when they see no visual improvement - not understanding - the meds are not intended for you to grow anything.  Rather, they are to help you retain.  So, if a year later you look the same, the meds did what they were intended to do.  PRP and Laser can help reverse the thinning.  I would check into this.

The most important thing for you is to visit with a few doctors so they can do an in person evaluation and look at your donor.  Given your photos, it is difficult to tell what is happening back there.  Regardless, give the meds a good year and take photos in the interim.  A year later you can decide if the time, effort and expense are worth the outcome.  (You do seem to have a lot of miniaturized hair).  

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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10 hours ago, thisisasupersaiyan said:

What kind of hair transplant do I need and is there a particular clinic best suited to my case that I should visit? I don’t really notice any shedding so I think I just have naturally thin hair.






You have a diffusive pattern hair loss. Instead of a hair transplantation procedure, you should try finasteride and minoxidil for at least 12 months. Finasteride helps prolong baldness. However, you should take it a couple of months to observe its effects on you. Then you can decide whether to take it or not depending on whether it is suitable for you. It is known to have side effects such as erectile dysfunction, loss in libido, watery semen etc. However, the side effects are rare and the medication seems to work on majority of the population.

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I think it’s great that you’re here on this forum asking for advice. But my opinion, take your time and do your own research on hair transplant surgery, developing realistic expectations and how to find and select an outstanding surgeon with a proven ability of producing consistent, outstanding results.

Just as with life in general, not all surgeons are created equal.  In my opinion, take your time and browse through clinic and patient posted results, consult with surgeons that impress you the most and ask questions in order to learn as much as you can.  Also, I recommend that you don’t select a surgeon strictly based on price or location as its far better to travel and spend a little more to get it done right the first time.

I hope this advice helps to get you started with your research.  If you have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to ask either probably or send me a private message.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant 

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Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Diffuse hairloss + No medication = very bad candidate for HT

A hair transplant will not do anything for you at this stage...It will quickly deplete your donor area and give you also no improvement from baseline on your recipient area. 

You gotta get on Dutasteride 0.5mg daily as well as oral minoxidil 2.5mg daily for at least 6 months. 

Stay away from turkish hairmills.

VERY FEW surgeons in the world have the necessary skillset to perform hair transplants on diffuse thinners without causing permanent shockloss of the existing native miniaturized hairs in between. 

Be careful. Take your time. Spend time on this forum. Do your research, do your research and do your research. Don't rush into surgery. 

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This is when I remove all product and blow dry. I was born with a double crown which does make it naturally thinner in around the crown, but it’s definitely thinner on top than sides and back where it is very thick.

What’s strange is I don’t notice any significant shedding.

I’m seeing a dermatologist tomorrow.



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Surgery is always a last resort. Medication in your case could make having surgery completely unnecessary. However you need to give finasteride a good 12 months (same with minoxidil) before making an in informed decision. I recommend taking photos of your baseline hair now and taking pics every month for one year. Wishing you all the best!

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Based on all the photos you presented including the picture showing your hair on n a dry state with no products in it, I still believe you are experiencing androgenetic alopecia. Mind you, it’s obvious that you aren’t experiencing as much thinning as the first set of pictures would suggest but those of us who have been on this forum for a while know that hair can appear thicker or thinner depending on a number of factors.  These include whether the hair is wet or dry, whether the hair is styled or messy, lighting conditions of the room, whether a flash is used while taking the picture, etc.

So it sounds like the dermatologist you went to confirms my thinking and that you are experiencing hair loss, albeit more moderate than we may have initially thought.

again, if you’re not already on finasteride I would strongly consider it prior to undergoing surgery especially because if you diffuse thinner.

Best Wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant 

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Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member

Fin + Minoxidil for a year and then reevaluate. Not sure if it is pattern baldness though. Stress or environment can also cause diffused loss. Meanwhile try hair fiber. Works perfect on top and crown. Your hairline looks good even now.

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Take fin in small doses to see how you tolerate then up the dose as necessary.  Dutasteride is significantly more likely to lead to side effects (and more of them - including gyno) than fin.  Please do not just jump immediately onto dutasteride.

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