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Good surgeons to fix / operate in between diffuse thinning to thicken hair appearance

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Hi. Im looking for some surgeons with a good ability to thicken the appearance of diffuse thinning. Work in slightly lowering the hairline. I had a previous op I'm not happy with. I also value keep the donor as Scarless looking as possible and I'm willing to use chest hairs etc in the crown to add density. I've seen bisangas reputation but I need to get an in person consultation and it's too far to go twice. I'm aiming for December op. Any suggestions would be helpful. Willing to pay around 10 to 12k. Thank you

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We would need to see some pictures please. 

Are you on medication ? It is strongly recommended at least 6 months prior to any hair transplant surgery. 

Diffuse thinning can be very tricky because 

A. It's often a very large area to treat thus it requires a lot more grafts than you think. 

B. Low survival and poor yield often happens. Existing miniaturized hairs can be damaged and in some cases they can be permanently lost. 

There are not many good surgeons able to perform sucessful procedures on diffuse thinners in that specific price range....

Depending on the number of grafts you need, with 12k you may be able to afford Bruno Pinto, Bruno Ferreira, Ximena Vila, Rafael de Freitas. I've seen really good and consistent work from them on diffuse thinners. 

But if you are already Norwood 4-5 with severe diffuse thinning then you will pronbably have to save more money. 

The Belgian surgeons (Mwamba, Bisanga, Feriduni) as well as the top US surgeons will probably be out of your budget.

Bicer is good too at 2€ per graft but I haven't seen much from her on diffuse thinners specifically and she is not at the level of the previously mentionned surgeons. 

Dr. Gur has built up a good reputation recently. 

Other than that, I wouldn't recommened Turkey at all for diffuse thinners. They are terrible and have extremely poor yield. I've seen cases where patients end up actually worse than before surgery because they try to implant too many hairs in between native hairs....

Be careful. 

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I myself am a diffuse thinner starting medications from tomorrow. Give time to medications if the recession isn't that bad. At the same time try to get in touch with a good HT surgeon who can asses whether it's DPA or DUPA. Transplant in case of DPA is possible but very difficult to perform if the thinning isn't extensive while in case of DUPA transplant isn't recommended because the donor is affected as well. In any case DPA or DUPA medications work really well from what I have gathered. Good luck.

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Screenshot_20220612-032939_Gallery.thumb.jpg.729220934d7d2240aee4e0fb71f95c81.jpgScreenshot_20220612-032803_Gallery.thumb.jpg.28e936e870cfc06a1ac841c4063d047a.jpgScreenshot_20220612-032939_Gallery.thumb.jpg.729220934d7d2240aee4e0fb71f95c81.jpgScreenshot_20220612-032322_Gallery.thumb.jpg.1c179b29afcb7433ac2b9af65c10da91.jpgI had 1 op. I'm still about 9 months post op. I've had some growth but some hairs have not shed nor grown yet. Some have pricked through for a few months but don't grow. I don't mind using chest hair to help fill in certain places. I don't have a full bald spot. Just thinning all around. Not sure if I'll get any more good growth. I went to a turkish clinic unfortunately.  Now my main focus is getting a hairline I'd be okay with so if I buzz cut, it'll frame my face.  I kind of want to do about 2k grafts on the hairline and 1500 on the crown mid scalp. I've thought a lot about this. So I want a surgeon who'll be okay with what I think I'll be okay with. I obviously want to limit donor scarring but considering it'll be my 2nd op, not sure how bad it'll be. I added pics of the top under very harsh sunset type of sunlight and my donor at different lengths.  A few are my donor razor shaved.



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Hi @Hah6788887

This is Hala, working for @DrTBarghouthi

I tagged Dr Taleb so he could give you an advice regarding your case.


Kind regards,


Edited by Vertexhairclinic

Patient Adviser to Dr. Taleb Barghouthi - approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with us here  or via WhatsApp at +962778837839 (Jordan) or +962798378396 (Jordan). 

Social media Instagram & Facebook : vertexhair



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Do you have any pre op pics before surgery you could share and can I ask how old you are? Who was the surgeon and and how many grafts were used? You will want to use scalp grafts (and beard grafts second to that) and there is no surgery that is scarless. If it's FUE then it comes down to the size of the punch and how well you scar but scarring is unavoidable. Chest grafts should never be used as a first choice as they are simply to untrustworthy for success. The anagen phase of chest hairs are anywhere from two months to one year. Whereas scalp grafts are in the anagen phase from two years to eight years. Are you taking a 5ari to slow down your hair loss? All the best!

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I'd say pre op my hair wasn't too different.  Most of what u see if my own hair with only some transplanted hair I've noticed grow on the hair line but that too with little denstiy. I do see some growth on the hairline they put. More on the right side but that too there isn't enough density. It was just some random techs in a turkish clinic. Tbh they didn't butcher the donor because scarring isn't bad and they took from beard and chest as well but they did graft too high going into areas that started thinning which makes 0 sense to me. Idk in what world they thought that was smart. I'm about to be 30. I want to get another procedure. I posted pics of my donor shaved with a razor to show what my fue scars look like. Maybe I'm naive but it doesn't look like I scarred too bad

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The scarring from your first procedure doesn't look too bad, but you can tell it was not extracted with care or overall homogeneity in mind. I would get a few online/live consultations to see what your donor capacity is right now and temper your expectation for a 2nd procedure. I think you can def get the frontal zone & some of the mid scalp looking really good, but attacking the crown might not work (this depends on the donor you have left). Personally, that's not a big deal- you can always use some topic in the crown when you go out and look really good. Focus on the the front and mid scalp when having your next consultations. 


Good luck!

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When u say doesn't look too bad, Iol is it noticeable? That's basically razor shaved. I'm not sure if that's a result of how I scar or has to do with how many grafts are taken.  If I taken say 1500 to 2k more grafts from the donor from a good surgeon, how bad do u think those scars would look shaven down 

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I'd just be careful. I'm not sure of your age, but diffuse thinning usually means you'll be chasing hair loss until most (or all) the hair on top has fallen out. It's unfortunately very progressive. 

Your last transplant might be fairly successful, it's just that the native hairs had fallen out in that time, idk. You look young in the photos -- there's never any harm in waiting it out a bit.

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11 hours ago, Z-- said:

I'd just be careful. I'm not sure of your age, but diffuse thinning usually means you'll be chasing hair loss until most (or all) the hair on top has fallen out. It's unfortunately very progressive. 

Your last transplant might be fairly successful, it's just that the native hairs had fallen out in that time, idk. You look young in the photos -- there's never any harm in waiting it out a bit.

I appreciate the sincere advice.  That's why I'm aiming to keep donor scarring minimal,  build a hair line I'm okay with and just cut it down to a 1 or so to frame my face as I'm keep the future in mind.

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13 hours ago, Hah6788887 said:

When u say doesn't look too bad, Iol is it noticeable? That's basically razor shaved. I'm not sure if that's a result of how I scar or has to do with how many grafts are taken.  If I taken say 1500 to 2k more grafts from the donor from a good surgeon, how bad do u think those scars would look shaven down 

Theres a lot to consider based off the photos you provided. One being your skin contrast helps to blend with the fade. Another being lighting, photos that arent really captured well vs visually looking at it in person will make a significant difference. But seeing as you said it was razered down I think your donor looks well. I can tell the scarring is there mainly because you mentioned it and because I can zoom in on the photo. I would assume in person it blends well. Especially, will once your hair starts to grow in I suspect.

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3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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