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how do i know if i have fine, medium or coarse hair?

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I know there are tools designed to measure the coarseness of hair because physicians including Dr. Rahal will measure hair shaft diameter in microns on each patient he performs surgery on.   In terms of the name of this tool and where to purchase it, I don’t know off-hand although I could probably find out if you really want to know.

That said, you can probably gauge by looking at it whether or not your hair is more fine or coarse.  Are you considering hair transplant surgery? Are you trying to determine whether or not the thickness of each hair shaft will work in your favor or against you?

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant 

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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You can measure it against a piece of regular sewing thread. Take a hair follicle from the back of your head. Place it next to a single strand of thread, make sure it’s a regular size thread. If it’s barely visible vs. the thread it’s fine hair. Almost but not as visible, it’s medium. If it’s identical, its thick hair. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Also, just as a heads up, generally speaking most of your hair could be fine, medium or coarse but sometimes there's also a bit of a blend om certain areas like the nape of the neck, temple points, over the ear etc. where the hair may vary a little. 

However, hair thickness is only one part of the equation. Having finer hair but a high density can give quite a thick-ish looking appearance. Similar with medium hair and with even thick hair some can have a higher density but each can come with their own issues when styling it. 

For hair transplants, thicker hairs usually give the most coverage which is why people want them but imo, medium hair usually is the sweet spot if you have a good amount of density. It's able to be styled a little easier and keep volume, but also avoids some of the finer hair issues. 

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10 minutes ago, Eli_Avdikian said:

I've plucked these two hairs from my lateral humps. Does it mean that i have fine haire ? or are they just miniaturized ?


This is an interesting question and one that doesn't come up often. I think we can all agree the hair in the donor area is the best hair available for everyone. The issue, however, is the fact that there are over 100 different qualities of hair in that area. (Fine, medium fine, coarse, etc), with the finest found behind the ear, and the coarsest in the center of the back. So, I would take a hair from that area and use it to compare the caliber of everything else. Trick will be identifying the miniaturized hair, unless you keep track of where to took the sample from. If from the temporal areas, likely miniaturized.

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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41 minutes ago, Eli_Avdikian said:

I've plucked these two hairs from my lateral humps. Does it mean that i have fine haire ? or are they just miniaturized ?


Pluck them from the back of your head where the hair is healthy.  Also, this thread looks too thick. You need needle thread. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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30 minutes ago, mr_peanutbutter said:



does this look like fine or medium hair to you?

Not a complete expert but fine to medium hair is my guess for this. It's not too far off how my own hair looks per se and i have been told mine is medium fine. 

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