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Why do some doctors put up roadblocks for getting a hair transplant.

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Did you  ever notice some doctors make it more difficult to get a hair transplant they talk about percentage of minuturization how may hairs per sq centimeter on and on why cant they just do what the patient wants irregardless .

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  • Senior Member
28 minutes ago, Jerome said:

Did you  ever notice some doctors make it more difficult to get a hair transplant they talk about percentage of minuturization how may hairs per sq centimeter on and on why cant they just do what the patient wants irregardless .

Doctors don't have to do anything they don't want to do. If you want X as a patient and Dr is only willing to do Y, then you can walk. 

At the end of that journey if the Dr simply had your best interests in mind, saw you had a distinct lack of patient education and even when they tried to teach you saw that you were not listening, then they're fully within their rights to reject having you as a hair transplant patient. 

That attitude of "Do whatever i want" is how people end up in a Horror Mill that "Does whatever you want(!)" and wrecks your donor, leaving you with a disgusting mess of a pluggy multi graft hairline and almost no ability to get it fixed. 

Oh, and who is it that usually you turn to after a horrible Horror Mill? That's right. Dr Sensible. The same person who tried to warn you against your own impulsive uneducated self. Funnily enough the same self who probably after getting butchered at a Horror Mill suddenly decided it might be time to get a little "Edumacataion" and figure out what went wrong. 

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  • Senior Member
34 minutes ago, Jerome said:

Did you  ever notice some doctors make it more difficult to get a hair transplant they talk about percentage of minuturization how may hairs per sq centimeter on and on why cant they just do what the patient wants irregardless .

When you've been in the industry for a while, you become aware of many things.  Mannerisms, quirks, etc. I think, for the most part, all doctors mean well.  They are "libraries" with wealth of info that sometimes they can't wait to share with a patient.  Does it make them look better in the eyes of the patient? Sometimes.  I do think, however, most doctors do want to do right by the patient.  They will also keep you from making mistakes. 

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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Because there is a thing called ethics and the great surgeons, and in general, great people, have it. It's a character issue

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My advice does not constitute a patient-physician relationship nor as medical advice and all medical questions/concerns should be addressed to your medical provider. 

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A good question and for sure it can be frustrating for a patient to be told wait or no or to get onto medication etc but a clinic may have two decades of experience, while the patient is at times barely older. So, for the clinic who have assessed many thousands of patients and given surgery to also a good few thousand, has a great deal of knowledge and experience that the patient simply won't have. The patient for sure at times can be desperate, wanting to just replace what has been lost, with little thought to future loss or as you mention, miniaturisation or donor limits etc. 

Some clinics will be yes clinics, and to have the patient in the chair is for them the end goal, with no real thought to if the surgery is right or what will it be like in 5 or less years for the patient. They would even join up their eyebrows if it means revenue and the conversation and goals are controlled by the well meaning patient, but who is often ignorant of the challenges then they will face. 

A good clinic will give an in-depth assessment and really seek to do what is best for the patient and not a quick fix and we see in our repair work a very high volume of patients who deeply regret their decisions and not doing as some day their due diligence in research.

Ourselves, aside from age or loss potential, if  patient has high miniaturisation then we would not wish to take money off them because if the result is poor, and there is a chance it will be, then the patient will not then a year later appreciate that the surgery was done with such issues, even if they have insisted on it. It is important a doctor is only willing to put also his/her name to surgery they believe in and not just what will get someone in the chair, and we have turned down of recommended the patient does not proceed to surgery based on the data from assessments, while others have given the green light and at times played on the insecurities of the patient with no real care or concern for the future.

For the clinic, they have seen it all before, for the patient it is new and with so much conflicting advice and information it is easy to be drawn into the wrong decision. I used to say to such patients, we are not saying no because we have too much money or too many patients, but because we believe it is not in the best interest of the patient and we seek also to put a high and consistent volume of educational articles, posts and videos out in the public domain to help those who are seeking. Thankfully we are not alone and patients are getting more hair educated and seeing the future and not just the immediate, but I do also appreciate for some, this is also frustrating.




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I represent Dr. Bisanga.


Dr. Christian Bisanga is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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