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Thinning above ears

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Hi iam 23 years old now i am planning for a hair transplant for my frontal area alone coz am very much depressed about it, feeling hesitated. Recently i noticed some thinning above my ears iam so frustrated and confused is it a bad sign that iam not a candidate for hair trabsplant will it affect my permanent donor area 



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I am a little confused.  It sounds  like you’re saying that you’re planning for a hair transplant for the thinning above your ears? I only see a couple pictures that show part of the top of your scalp however, it doesn’t look like you have any thinning there.   I’m not seeing its iimpossible to get a hair transplant in other areas other than the top of your scalp however, first, you would have to figure out why you’re experiencing thinning there.  Because this is not typical of male pattern baldness, if there is a particular condition or situation causing this, you would want to remedy or rectify that situation before anything else. Besides, the hair may grow back on it on its own without any need for surgery once you find the cause and eliminate it.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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23 is way too young for a hair transplant, sorry. Come back in 5 years. 

As @Rahal Hair Transplant said as well, first investigate the cause of your hairloss. It looks like you have MPB and retrograde alopecia? 

Get the situation under control before worrying about hair transplants. 

For what is worth, yes you are obviously balding, but I think it looks decent enough on you.....mainly because the forelock/middle part is still holding strong. Also you have no crown loss which is great. 

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OP, you need to start on medication. Finasteride and maybe not Minoxodil just yet but try using Microneedling with a Derma Pen for your temporal areas. You might be able to save your hair that's thinning out. 

Also, as you are younger. Using medication for a couple years will allow you to see if you stopped/stabilised your hair loss and see whether the issues on the side and back of neck which appears to be retrograde alopecia worsens. 

You can also do your research and start saving up to go to a proper quality clinic. Also, it will allow you to get some consultations with a reputable clinic to get an idea of what you need. 

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