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COVID Hair Loss Prior to FUT?

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My wife and I are recovering from COVID. Thank the Lord mild symptoms. A friend of mind had hair loss (Telogen effluvium) after COVID which apparently is common.

I read the hair loss can occur 3 months after COVID which is when I've been scheduled for my FUT.

Could the donor site be compromised and the hair loss interfere with a successful FUT?

Should I push out my FUT procedure?

Edited by hairyharry
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  • Regular Member

Good question.  I guess you can generalize it to “can you do an HT during a bout of telogen effluvium “.  Would be great to hear a good answer on it.

We know that Covid hair loss is essentially telogen effluvium so the hairs should grow back within a few months of the loss.  However the timing of it with an HT does seem suboptimal.  Maybe it depends on whether doctors can see the telogen remnant areas (under microscopic magnification they look like tiny low contrast yellow holes, so much harder to see than healthy hair stubs) when doing the operation so they don’t add in follicles to where there are already healthy but hiding hairs, or affect where they take donors from like you said?

The good news is that TE usually happens due to a fever or bad illness, so if your symptoms are mild maybe you’ll he less likely to get it? 

Edited by Lightmare
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Telogen Effluvium is temporary. It’s basically your hairs going in the dormant phase. It subsides in a few months.

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If you had mild symptoms then it should be much less likely that you will experience any temporary hair loss.



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(formerly BeHappy)

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