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1410 grafts FUE - Dr.Keser


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
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On 5/16/2022 at 7:17 PM, Kaelthost said:

Are you happy with your results so far? I think by month 6, you should be like 80% of the way there.

Also, I’m booked with Keser for August. What was your experience like in Ankara? Any advice?

Hey man!

In terms of recovery and early growth things are above expectations. The corners are not looking as refined at this point as I had hoped for. And I can see a bunch of two hair grafts scattered in the first row of the hairline, which is a bit concerning. I'm able to disguise things in a decent way however, so no regrets so far, and if needed I'll have a touch up at a later stage. The most important thing for me is for the end result to look as natural as possible.

To be honest I didn't experience that much of Ankara. I was tired after the surgery each day. Cash is king and the inflation in Turkey gives you the opportunity to visit fancy restaurants at prices you'll laugh at. Me and my mom ended up at this premium establishment by accident. We were the sweatpants and hoodie island in the sea of suits and evening dresses. A 3 dish deluxe menu was cheaper than visiting the neighbourhood pizza place back home. Heyooo.

Your head will be bandaged after every day of surgery, so buy yourself a big cap and pull up the hoodie and no one will notice any signs of an ongoing hair transplant.

I'll upload pics of the 6 month results within a couple of days. Cheers!

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Here are pictures of the left and right side dry and under bright lighting. I feel like the hair texture is closer to my beard rather than the surrounding native hair. Also there are double hair grafts in the first row at a bunch of places. There's also a lack of density at the moment.

Hopefully it will blend better with time.




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Dry pictures of the front. No products, but I've used the air dryer. Right under the bathroom lights and then a small step away from them.




I'm gonna try and snap a couple of pictures of my hair with products outdoors.

Cheers everyone!

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  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member

Negative observations to report:

- I don't find the hairline all that refined looking. Reasons for this are likely more than a few double grafts placed in the front rows and the cherry picking of very fine hairs from the donor being overlooked. The transplanted hair strands looks too coarse.
- I'm a bit insecure about how natural or not the results are looking. I'm not styling my hair so that the corners are exposed. I feel limited in that sense.

Positive observations to report:

- The design really suits my facial structure.
- The results keep maturing. I'm expecting the process to keep moving forward, but probably at a slower pace and effect.
- I feel like I'm able to style my hair, so that I still feel comfortable and relaxed in social situations. Even if I have to be more strategic than I'd wished for at this point.
- The overall look has had a big impact on my appearance. I've been unusually successful with the ladies lately. Might be a combination of hair style and a general confidence boost.

This is how it looks when styled:


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  • 6 months later...
  • Regular Member
I find your positive and negative descriptions very helpful. 
Thanks a lot for this. 
I'm with you on the negative points. 
if necessary, you could condense with a second op.

how does it look now. can you list more photos and your new findings?
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  • 10 months later...
  • Senior Member
On 5/22/2022 at 11:47 PM, MachoVato said:

As perfect of a hairline as you can get. He was my very first choice for a transplant, but the pandemic changed all that.


Did you change because the pandemic or because the doc had family issues?

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