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10 weeks post FUE operation

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Hello everyone!
Hope you're all keeping well. :)

Just hoping to get some feedback in regards to my current hair transplant status.
We're coming up to three months and I was wondering if the patchiness is normal?

One side is much patchier than the other.
I made the mistake of using a Derma Pen one month after the surgery (1mm).








Apologies for posting outside of my review thread, just hoping to get some feedback asap. :)


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Looks completely normal to me; you look to have some grafts that didn't shed and have grown and also some just starting to sprout hairs which is as expected for nearly 3 months 

Edited by JDEE0
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8 hours ago, JDEE0 said:

Looks completely normal to me; you look to have some grafts that didn't shed and have grown and also some just starting to sprout hairs which is as expected for nearly 3 months 

Thank you for confirming sir.
My biggest concern is that while one side you can see hairs sprout; the other side you don't see any at all.
This is causing that side to look rather patchy (first three photos).   Is there nothing to worry about?

It seems the post-operation waiting can be more stressful than the operation itself!


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It's very normal for one side to grow faster than the other.  Happens to many people.

Some people have very fast growth while others don't.  I think it is partially genetic, and partially dependent on the clinic you went to (how the surgery was done, the post care, etc.).

You look absolutely fine for 3 months, it is within the normal expectations.  Myself personally, I seem to be a very fast responder, and have gotten pretty good growth at 2 months 19 days atm, but for other people they see almost nothing at the 3 month mark.  There's a reason the 6 month mark is usually the period that people reserve for making any initial judgements.   That's usually a point at which almost everyone sees some decent growth.  But I've seen people at 4 months have more growth than the average 6 month person.

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At just over two months you are entering the ugly duckling phase so any judgement at this point is irrelevant. At about three months and on wards things will start to get exciting! I look forward to your future updates. Thanks for sharing!

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4 hours ago, Fue3361 said:

It's very normal for one side to grow faster than the other.  Happens to many people.

Some people have very fast growth while others don't.  I think it is partially genetic, and partially dependent on the clinic you went to (how the surgery was done, the post care, etc.).

You look absolutely fine for 3 months, it is within the normal expectations.  Myself personally, I seem to be a very fast responder, and have gotten pretty good growth at 2 months 19 days atm, but for other people they see almost nothing at the 3 month mark.  There's a reason the 6 month mark is usually the period that people reserve for making any initial judgements.   That's usually a point at which almost everyone sees some decent growth.  But I've seen people at 4 months have more growth than the average 6 month person.


3 hours ago, Gatsby said:

At just over two months you are entering the ugly duckling phase so any judgement at this point is irrelevant. At about three months and on wards things will start to get exciting! I look forward to your future updates. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you both for the feedback, it's very much appreciated! :)
Certainly a huge confidence boost, with less worry now.

Hope the best in both your journeys also!  


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This does look like a normal progress at this stage. It doesn't look at its best around this time. Patience my friend. Best of luck!

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At only 10 weeks post-hair transplant, expect uneven and sparse growth.  Some hairs will grow in thick and terminal immediately while others will start as fine, vellus, invisible looking hairs that will thicken and darken in time.  New growth doesn't really even start to occur for most people until 3 to 5 months after surgery and it typically doesn't start looking "normal" until 6 to 8 months post-op.  Of course, this is an average and everyone is different.  The best advice anyone can give you at this point would be to be patient, post your progress pics and follow the post-op advice of your hair restoration physician.

- Rahal Hair Transplant

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Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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