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Micro Sapphire DHI method from Dr. Levent Acar from Cosmedica - is it legit, just a gimmick, or risky?

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This doctor's technique is to mix DHI with a new "micro sapphire" blade, where smaller channels are opened than for normal FUE, and then a DHI implanter is used to plant the grafts into these smaller channels. Apparently because the grafts are protected 360 degrees in the implanter pen, they have a better chance of survival and apparently because the channels opened with the micro sapphire blade are a bit smaller, your head should recover a bit faster.

I saw a guy made a vlog about his experience with this at cosmedica where he did 2 back to back days and the results seemed alright. I only plan on doing one day (up to 3500 grafts they say) to see how things go and to not ruin my donor area if it doesn't turn out great.

Because the DHI technique is slower, it is more expensive which is honestly fine with me because Istanbul prices are affordable to begin with and I don't want to do a mega session for my first time anyway, but I'm wondering if this technique is worth it since its new and not extensively tested, or if I should just do a traditional FUE procedure?

For more info about me, I have a norwood 5 pattern. I still have hair on top of my head, but the entire top has thinned out, with the crown and the front of my head being the most thin or even slightly bald parts.

Here is a video showing the method:


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It’s just a gimmick. Don’t pay attention to so-called techniques. Look at the real results and reviews.

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  • Senior Member

Sapphire is really just a gimmick. There is a nice video about it even though the guy is not popular here any more.

Implanter pen is another story, there are pro's and con's. However, using blades to create pre made slits + implanter pen takes some of the arguments pro implanter pen away. 

In the end @Melvin- Moderator is right: it is all about the results. In my opinion there is a clear negative correlation with clinics using buzz words like "sapphire" and their quality of their results.



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  • Senior Member

It's a marketing gimmick. Dr. Bruno Ferreira made a post about it.


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