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Advice around medication

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Hi all.

Could really do with some advice around medication, more specifically finasteride. Initially I tried finasteride around 1 year ago 0.25mg EOD. Was only on it for like 6 days in total. Felt weird whilst I was on it, felt ‘numb’ downstairs like there’s no feeling and struggled to get an erection whereas usually no issue. Looking back Im certain it was all in my head. 

Recently I’ve been thinking about giving finasteride another shot as my hair is getting worse as I’m a diffuse thinner. What I’m unsure of is whether to try topical this time or to give oral another shot. 

Apologies for the long post.
All suggestions and advice is welcome. 

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I think it’s a good idea to use it topically. 6 days seems like a short time to feel side effects. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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You could try topical this time or even topical dutasteride instead (I'm not a doctor however so discuss this with a good dermatologist). In my opinion and from my experience with finasteride is that if you are going to have sexual side effects they generally don't manifest until at least a month or so (often longer). For me it was around the 4-5 month period where I noticed my libido began dropping dramatically. Upon cessation of the drug my libido had a corresponding rebound effect (the babes are back!!!!!)!!! I then challenged the drug again a few months later and the exact same thing happened once more. This is also another reason why I suggest that people try finasteride if they are thinking of taking it long before surgery if finasteride is part of the hair restoration plan. You don't want to have surgery and then realise that the other half of the plan (finasteride) has to be thrown out due to side effects and you're left wishing you never had surgery in the first place!

I think at 6 days the sexual dysfunction may have been psychological but you can never discount it as everyone is different. Speak with your doctor about topical options and all the best!

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