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Should I do it?

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Hi there,

New joiner here. Balding since 15 (maybe), started noticing it around 17. Still remember the day one of my friends stood behind me at a party, put a finger on my head and in front of everyone said "you are going bald man". I laughed pretending I did not care but was crying inside. That was the beginning of my obsession with my hair. Saw him a few years ago and he was completely bald so that was kind of nice!

About me:

Healthy male
35 year old
Been on fin for the past 5 years
Fine hair (see myself as a NW3 vertex)

Do you think I should have a hair transplant to fix the crown? If so, how many grafts would be required approximately?

I have a mature hairline but that has never been an issue for me. It's the back of the head that bothers. However, if I were to do something I would probably do a touch up to fill in the temples.

Would be keen to get your thoughts




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I recommend not touching it. You've got a great head of hair. I would add minoxidil to your regimen. 

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My advice does not constitute a patient-physician relationship nor as medical advice and all medical questions/concerns should be addressed to your medical provider. 

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I wouldn’t do anything, you can barely see anything and that’s with a bad angle. I imagine in normal day to day life it looks normal. You could use some fibers to make it look 100%. That’s what I would do.

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Thank you very much all for your replies
I know it seems like a minor thing but I find myself thinking about it a lot throughout the day. The amount of pictures I have taken of my crown over the past years are probably in the thousands.

Fin has definitely helped improving the overall quality and thickness of the hair. 

Will think about adding minoxidil. Tried it in my early 20s but was not that consistent with it.


Edited by TheBarber
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Adding minoxidil to the fin will help thicken up your hairs and extend their growth cycles so you have more hairs growing at the same time. You can also add a little concealer like hair fibers. Or just do some hair fibers without the minox. It seems like alot to you, but on average you don't have much crown loss currently. You could go years doing minox and/or sprinkling a little hair fiber to completely conceal your loss.

And since you don't have a well defined 'barren' area the doc will be transplanting among your existing hairs. That surgical trauma could cause some permanent shock loss to the surrounding hairs that you'll need to go back and have addressed. That can become a viscous cycle.

Waiting sucks, but you need to appreciate what you are thinking about embarking on. In the hair transplant world the crown is known as the "Black Hole" for grafts. Because It takes more hairs than any other part of the head to create the appearance of fullness. And you're still young enough that you can't take having your frontal hair for granted. When the front starts to go it usually goes faster and is less responsive to finasteride and minoxidil. Save your bullets for later.


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9 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

I wouldn’t do anything, you can barely see anything and that’s with a bad angle. I imagine in normal day to day life it looks normal. You could use some fibers to make it look 100%. That’s what I would do.

will try adding the fibres. thanks for the advice

It's hard to explain but sometimes I take a picture and I say to myself it's not that bad

other days I see a massive hole that makes me feel like a completely different person

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7 minutes ago, ciaus said:

Adding minoxidil to the fin will help thicken up your hairs and extend their growth cycles so you have more hairs growing at the same time. You can also add a little concealer like hair fibers. Or just do some hair fibers without the minox. It seems like alot to you, but on average you don't have much crown loss currently. You could go years doing minox and/or sprinkling a little hair fiber to completely conceal your loss.

And since you don't have a well defined 'barren' area the doc will be transplanting among your existing hairs. That surgical trauma could cause some permanent shock loss to the surrounding hairs that you'll need to go back and have addressed. That can become a viscous cycle.

Waiting sucks, but you need to appreciate what you are thinking about embarking on. In the hair transplant world the crown is known as the "Black Hole" for grafts. Because It takes more hairs than any other part of the head to create the appearance of fullness. And you're still young enough that you can't take having your frontal hair for granted. When the front starts to go it usually goes faster and is less responsive to finasteride and minoxidil. Save your bullets for later.


thank you very much. appreciate the detailed response and advice

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  • Senior Member

Agreed with the general consensus here, I would not get any grafts implanted. You do have excellent hair overall. And being on fin should help retain it as much as possible. And yes you could add minox also. 
Quite a lot of people’s crown/vertex would appear like yours in that kind of lighting.


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4 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

Agreed with the general consensus here, I would not get any grafts implanted. You do have excellent hair overall. And being on fin should help retain it as much as possible. And yes you could add minox also. 
Quite a lot of people’s crown/vertex would appear like yours in that kind of lighting.


thank you very much for your reply

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33 minutes ago, TheBarber said:

will try adding the fibres. thanks for the advice

It's hard to explain but sometimes I take a picture and I say to myself it's not that bad

other days I see a massive hole that makes me feel like a completely different person

It’s definitely not massive, my crown is massive, but with concealer I can get it to look normal.


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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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