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Covid vaccine affect new hair transplants?

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Hello, I am one month post op and am eligible for the covid vaccine. I'm very apprehensive about the effects it could have on my new grafts given the lack of research on these new vaccine technologies. If i were 6 months+ post op I would feel less nervous but as many of you know, your hair is sensitive to the smallest changes in your body. I also experienced some shock loss to the donor site - it is my second procedure. My doctor says the recommended time is to wait at least one month post op, but he was frank in saying that this is based on the biology of the vaccines but there is no clear information yet. I have also seen that the covid virus itself can cause hair loss - so there is also a risk in not getting vaccinated. Has anyone gotten the vaccine after a recent transplant? If so, which vaccine was it? Any insights?

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Interesting topic. Ofcourse there is still not much evidence on covid vaccines and hair transplants or loss. I personally dont see any concern or effect on the transplant in theory. I prefer people to have their surgery few weeks after their vaccine as it is important to minimize any immunity/ exposure risk in the first period after vaccination. Again there aren't clear guidelines regarding that, just being on the cautious side of things. 

As for the hair loss following COVID infections, this is typically a telogen effluvium type of loss and is temporary. It is not specific to COVID, but to the general stress on the body and it can happen following any illness, flu, stress etc. 

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Dr. Taleb Barghouthi approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with me here.

Contact me via WhatsApp at +962798378396 (Jordan) 

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@DrTBarghouthiinstead those who have already had the administration of the vaccine (AstraZeneca in particular, so much discussed due to some deaths after, precisely the administration of this vaccine, due to thrombosis) think that taking Minoxidil by mouth  , could it be somehow dangerous?

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It is unclear. I do think the majority of them offer protection and are safe. I wouldn’t be an expert in the actual differences but RNA vaccines have been used before and are safe. I personally took Pfizer. 

Dr. Taleb Barghouthi approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with me here.

Contact me via WhatsApp at +962798378396 (Jordan) 

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1 hour ago, Egy said:

@DrTBarghouthiinstead those who have already had the administration of the vaccine (AstraZeneca in particular, so much discussed due to some deaths after, precisely the administration of this vaccine, due to thrombosis) think that taking Minoxidil by mouth  , could it be somehow dangerous?

Thanks @Egy. I am not too sure I completely understood the question. Can you clarify it for me? 

Dr. Taleb Barghouthi approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with me here.

Contact me via WhatsApp at +962798378396 (Jordan) 

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  • Regular Member

thanks again @DrTBarghouthi. Sorry, I guess I meant risk in regards to my new transplants. But it sounds like we just don't know at this point. I'm just really protective of them as it has only been a month & is my second time going through the procedure. Thanks for your opinion though! Very helpful 

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3 minutes ago, Nasau said:

thanks again @DrTBarghouthi. Sorry, I guess I meant risk in regards to my new transplants. But it sounds like we just don't know at this point. I'm just really protective of them as it has only been a month & is my second time going through the procedure. Thanks for your opinion though! Very helpful 

Yes I can say with more confidence that vaccines have no effect n HT (or I mean I see no medical reason for that). 

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Dr. Taleb Barghouthi approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with me here.

Contact me via WhatsApp at +962798378396 (Jordan) 

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1 hour ago, DrTBarghouthi said:

Thanks @Egy. I am not too sure I completely understood the question. Can you clarify it for me? 

I'm sorry doctor, but I don't speak English and I use the google translator, which I know well, which is often not very reliable.  My question is, if taking oral Minoxidil can create problems for those who have already had the vaccine.  There have been some cases of deaths with thrombosis, of people who had been injected with the AstraZeneca vaccine, and considering that Minoxidil is a blood vessel dilator, I would like to know if there could be any contraindications to taking it, after doing this "blessed"  vaccine.

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I don't think the COVID vaccine will have any impact on hair transplants. Don't worry about it. The flu vaccine doesn't impact hair transplants and I don't expect the COVID vaccine too either.

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My advice does not constitute a patient-physician relationship nor as medical advice and all medical questions/concerns should be addressed to your medical provider. 

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