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Dr. Dorin 1200-1400 FUE planned


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I’ve booked my HT with Dr. Dorin for Dec 2020. To say I’m Nervous, is an understatement. I lurk all sorts of forums. Today, I felt it was time to start my process/progress with some help. Hopefully, this will help others and possibly myself along the way.

Treatment: topical finasteride and minoxidil blend from Murray Ave Appothecary

Currently I’m a stage 3v-4. Leaning 4. 

My goal is to improve hairline and thicken front/middle through the forelock. 

Dr. Dorin says that he feels a 1200-1400 graft transplant will be suitable for me. After all my searching on here, I’m calling BS. I feel like I easily need 1600-1900. I’m very hopeful he’s the right fit for my situation and takes good care of me. 


thoughts? Advice? Yes I have money down already. 08920522-9474-4441-8415-AD84B99E31FF.thumb.jpeg.cd4d6bf613185035ee816d9c8a8a28d5.jpeg

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It depends on how low you want your hairline. Will you be getting grafts in the middle. 1,200 sounds conservative, but if you only want the corners slightly lowered, it would suffice. So again, we need to know more about your goals. Y


I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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16 minutes ago, Krech84 said:

@Melvin-Moderator I’m looking for a conservative NW2 hairline. A very cleaned up but mature look would be the goal. Naturalness being the top priority 

Can you draw how low you want the corners? Dr. Dorin is a legit doctor, I don’t think he’d steer you wrong, and im sure he’s willing to work with you on design and grafts. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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6 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

Can you draw how low you want the corners? Dr. Dorin is a legit doctor, I don’t think he’d steer you wrong, and im sure he’s willing to work with you on design and grafts. 

x2. Doctor Dorin's clinic specifically posted some recent-ish cases along the line of what's being described here with the same graft count, but it depends on goals.

Hair caliber wasn't mentioned at all either. Did you see the doctor in person @Krech84? Did he mention anything about the thickness (not density) of your donor hairs? I've seen some doctors achieve staggering coverage with lower graft counts.

Some other things to keep in mind:

Since there is thinning in the forelock but seemingly a reasonable amount of density, the doctor would likely only blend a small number of grafts into that area. Likewise, his goal with reconstruction of the barren areas is to blend and match with the appearance of existing hair, so your case wouldn't call for those areas to be packed as densely as somebody who had a strong forelock with no signs of thinning in that area.

I suspect this can definitely be done in the graft range you gave, depending on what your desired hairline placement is. It might also help if the resolution on your photos was slightly better so we could more clearly see what the native hair in the forelock looks like. 

How old are you? You mentioned that you're on medication, but how long have you been taking it? These are also factors that might have influenced the doctor.

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Due to COVID, we met virtually. I too wondered if it was our visit type that has the count slightly disconnected. 

hair type is med-fine. Age 35. On topical blend for about 1 year. I had previously done rogaine foam from 2016-2018. In 2018, I shaved my head to try that first....while I can pull off the shaved head, I felt like I also needed to become Jason Statham. I.e. lifting 6 days week, keeping a slight tanned look (otherwise I looked like a cancer patient), hard-a$$ style etc. it was too much and wasn’t my persona. 

I’ve tried finasteride from keeps in early 2019. I get brain fog at week 2-3, plus an odd constipation. No weird stuff with my Johnson though, we were good. 

I appreciate your follow up. All these comments are helpful with my rationale on my case. 

as it relates to the forelock, I agree, it should be salt and peppered. The corners should be closed up. A conservative hairline should also emerge along the old (broken-up) forelock hairline. Similar to the picture provided below an EXAMPLE only. 

However, my case will require more in corners and a little less in forelock. Also, I think my head shape is longer/deeper in recession. This has me thinking I’ll need more...Regardless, it’s a mature hairline (about NW2) with clean corners and fully intact hairline. this would be similar to my goal.


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Okay, with the caveat that I am only going based off that example photo, I think the doctor can do it with the numbers quoted. If you think you need more, I'd just budget financially for your higher projection and be sure, on day of surgery when the doc is able to look at you in person, that you reiterate your goals prior to any anesthesia etc being given so you two can discuss whether a higher graft count might be needed. Sometimes people who have virtual consults wind up getting different opinions from a surgeon once they're examined in person. For some people they need more grafts, for some people less. In your case I would build in a monetary buffer for your peace of mind.

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