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First Post-op Haircut


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Does anyone have a good idea of what's the best way to get your first haircut after strip procedure? I don't feel comfortable going to my regular place with the scar and all. I remember somebody mentioning going to hairclub from men. Is it an option? Any other suggestions? Thanks.

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Does anyone have a good idea of what's the best way to get your first haircut after strip procedure? I don't feel comfortable going to my regular place with the scar and all. I remember somebody mentioning going to hairclub from men. Is it an option? Any other suggestions? Thanks.

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I did have a small FUE session last year. At the same time, I was so impressed with Cureus hairline that I decided to go all they way and had 2800 graft strip a few weeks ago. I went for maximum density, and as aggressive as common sense allowed.

I went for strip because it would cost way too much ($30000) and take forever with FUE. Also I think that at that quantity you might end up with some scarring even with FUE.

I'll probably post some pics after a 5 month mark, when the hair starts to grow in. Thanks for asking.

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hi Microprose, it is great to hear you are back. An additional 2800 grafts?? You already got 500 FUE and you were a NW2. How can you put 3300 grafts on a NW2? Cureus had max density, i believe 100 grafts/cm2 in the hairline with a NW3 and got 2580 grafts. I have no idea where you had them put, but it must become a very dense hairline. What other plastic surgeries did you have?

Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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At almost 24, I didn't lose any hair (chances are, I never will, due to my family history). I always had a high forehead, as did every other male in my famiy. I believe the standard is that forehead should be one third of the length of your entire face, or something like that, and mine just wasn't adding up. I had forelock lowered by 1cm, and corners by about 3cm, with maximum density at the forelock, gradually decreasing towards sides.

Pictures can be deceiving - what looks like a straight line on a picture is actually a curve (as is the case in the after photo above). Also due to the bandage you can't see how high my forehead is, and trust me - it is (was) pretty high, plus on top of that it's also pretty broad.



My pre-op forehead (before my first HT) was pretty much like yours, except my recessions weren't quite as deep. I wouldn't say I was NW2 - I was probably closer to NW3. According to me - if you're planning on going for an HT - remember that high density is almost as important as proper hairline placement. I figured I'd rather go for 2800 once and end up with 1 scar than go for a 1000 now only to have to come back later because my density wasn't high enough. If you read around, you'll see plenty of posts where people are unhappy with their results when comparing them with others - a lot of them is due to low density.

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Have you ever posted your FUE results? I saw your post-op photo, but I don't recall seeing any pics of your hair grown out.


Look at these Norwood scale pics, especially the side profiles. I seem to remember you as a definite Norwood 2. If you have some pre-op profile pics that resemble the Norwood 3 pattern, I would love to see them. I suspect that when a guy really wants surgery, he tends to rate himself higher on the scale than he actually is.


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Welcome back. I'd also like to see your results from your FUE session. You were a very vocal advocate for FUE and having the size session you did to fill in your temples. I know there are a number of us who'd like to see how it turned out.


I went to the local $9.99 haircut place for my first haircut after the strip. I told them what had just happened and they were very careful. They see so many people in a day, week, month, they don't really remember me when I went back for a trim and that will be fine with me as the hair grows in.


Mr. T

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I suspect that when a guy really wants surgery, he tends to rate himself higher on the scale than he actually is.


This is very true. I also tell i am a 2 going to a 3, but looking at these pics, i am nowhere near a 3. But there are so many different NW-scales on the web, that i dont even know what i am.

Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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Mr T:

Thanks for being the first person who actually answered my question. I still think I'm going to try hairclub before I attempt some regular place.



I think you misinterpreted my comment about scars - I said that my main objection about strip (as opposed to FUE) was the fact that you end up with scars. I am absolutely sure mine will be invisible (1-2mm). You probably didn't catch the fact that I was also talking about scars left from other plastic surgeries.


As far as my post FUE results I'll try to attach them to this post (excuse flash and poor quality). I stopped taking pictures once I made up my mind about getting strip (which happened around 6 months post op), so that's the latest I have.

I was happy with my FUE results, but I knew I needed more density in order to be fully satisfied, and as I mentioned in my previous posts, I really wanted to go for more coverage and totally close my temples - and I believe I finally achieved that, but of course time will show in 12 months (I will also try to attach one post-strip pic).


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I used to use a piece and I imagine that Hair Club or another hair system place will cut your hair, but they will most likely charge you an arm and a leg to do it. Just be aware of that when you go in there, and, when you call, ask about price. My mom went to beauty school when she was younger and always cut my hair, and taught me the basics of cutting hair, so I have cut my own hair for years. The back was somewhat dificult to do at first, but now it's a snap. If you decide that you want to go to a hair system place, I'd look in the phone book and call around. Usually the smaller, non-chain places will give you a better deal (like I said before Hair Club and Apollo will most likely charge alot).



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I wore a hairpiece for more than 11 years. You have haircut alternatives other than HCM. Look in your local phone director and find out who else is doing hair systems for men other than a chain. They will usally have someone who can cut hair to meet your needs. I'm still getting my hair cut post-strip at the place that makes and fits hair pieces for men in my hometown. Many know how to work with post-op scares on the mend.



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Just go to a barber/hair salon that is on the other side of town or in another town altogether. Here is my experience with having my 1st hair cut. I basically waited till about 3 weeks from the surgery and I actually cut my hair myself with a 20 dollar professional hair trimmer from Target. I set it on the #7 sheild (1 inch) and cut the sides and the back. with the top and the front, I used the #7 shield plus i placed my fingers in the way so it was more like 1.3-1.4 inches long in the front and top. i then waited until 1 and a half months post op to go to a hair salon. by that time, noone could tell i had a transplant performed.

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Interesintg suggestion, I may just try it. How many grafts did you go for? Also, I know what you are saying about going lower, but you can't really tell until it's all grown out. I too enjoy the shape of my new hairline, and can't wait to see how it will all look with actual hair. I attach the only pic I have of side and front, it's 3 day's post op or so.

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oh my god, that looks so good, you will be so happy when your hair grows in. You will get comments like that is too agressive but i love the hairline. I think it is about the same as the lines i drew on my forehead in my pics, but i only want to lower it half a cm so 2000 will do it.

Did you have any side-effects like shock or scar-issues?

Happy healing

Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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No, so far I haven't observed any shockloss after this year's strip procedure (I haven't had any after last year's FUE either). So far no scar issues, although it's too early to tell of course, but I can tell you this: I had at least 50 staples in my head, and nobody noticed for 2 weeks - even though they are metallic and shiny. I don't think anyone will notice a thin line, so I'm totally not concerned about it.

Again, my thinking about me going for a big (for NW2/3, at least) strip was the fact that I wanted no regrets after surgery, especially since this is strip, not FUE, and you are paying with 1 scar. I asked the doctor to go as aggressive as possible, and I also pointed out, that I want nicely closed temples. I'm sure a lot of ppl think this is too aggressive, but this is what I wanted, and paid for, and this is what I got. In my opinion it's not worth going through the whole ordeal, if the final result is not much different than original. I would also like to point out, that I would have probably not done this if I were headed for NW5 and higher, but as I stated on numerous occasssions, that will most likely not be the case, and I wasn't going to let a crappy hairline control my life just because there is some small chance that I will end up high on NW scale. If that were the case, I wouldn't get in my car every morning, because there is always a chance that I will die in a car accident. My ancestors maintained their hair without taking any meds, so I'm sure I have pretty good chances with Propecia.

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Congrats on taking another plunge!


You gotta get what you want. What you feel you can live with.


That is some super aggressive work. You know, I know it'll look great.


I know that adding another 1800 or so to "lower and close" my front would improve my appearance with my current facial features. I have no doubt on that.


But still, I'm a NW5 waiting to happen. I'm staying with NW2 with good top density. Gotta save some troopies just in case some more weirdness happens with my baldness pattern.


I respect the guts! I know you made the right decision for you.


My second HT is almost 4 months post op and everything is going great! I'm relieved to be "done", and having a blast.


Take care, thought I'd say "hi", best of luck, and happy regrowth!

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