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My FUE beard transplant operation in London


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Hello everyone - I want to share my story of my beard transplant operation I had in London, UK.

When I was in my early 20's I could grow a bit of a beard and moustache but it was never full - I had a good basis but could never grow a full beard properly as the cheek areas always looked a bit thin.

I approached Westminster Medical Group and had a consultation with Dr. Rogers & Dr. Sebastian to discuss how I could make my beard thicker with an FUE hair transplant procedure and decided to go for it finally 

On the day of the operation I saw the Doctors again in the morning and designed the beard line with them and then started the operation - the whole day lasted about 6 hours and I was told over 1000 grafts were implanted to thicken my beard.

The first few days after was interesting as I was trying not to touch any of the implanted hairs - which is really hard to avoid when it’s on your face.

Sleeping was also challenging as I always sleep on my side and front and had to sleep on my back for about a week - I got through it though 😴

Here’s the pre operation pic -



After the operation -



1 year later -



All in all I’m glad I’ve done it - my girlfriend even says I look more mature now as I looked a bit baby faced before - I'm 37 now. 

It's nice to have some good beard growth - I’ve even got a beard brush for it 😂


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  • Administrators

Nice man, I've never heard of these doctors, but that is quite the beard you've got now.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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