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2100 FUE - Dr. Taleb Barghouthi @ Vertex Hair Clinic


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Hello guys,


I am a 27 year old with a NW 3v MPHL for the last 7 years. We do have a decent family history of NW 3-4 at most. Maybe one uncle with a NW 5. I have been on Finasteride for the last year and a half with no issues. I'm talking 1 tablet every other day. 

I have recently been thinking of a hair transplant. Actually my initial research started few years ago but I was advised by a good Doctor in Canada that I should delay surgery. Anyway, I went through a period of stress and family issues and put it all off together. Recently however, and with the COVID lockdown and a better mental status and a good deal of working from home :)) I decided to get it done. I do live in Jordan and went for a consultation with Dr. Taleb sometime in April/ May. We discussed the options and the long term possibilities. I did outline my concerns are mainly in the frontal region and that it has been quite stable for sometime. I am also happy with finasteride so I hope I will be on it for the longrun. He inspected my donor area and we decided to go ahead with 2000-2200 grafts. i was looking to fill in areas of my crown but given my age he advised me against it at this stage. I booked an appointment for the 6 th of August as there was a couple of months of waiting time anyway. 

Few days before surgery, I was contacted and given specific instructions other than the ones that they emailed previously. I was reminded to have a light breakfast, wear a buttoned or zipped shirt and to stop Seafood products or foods for 5 days before surgery. I found that part unusual but I did stick to it. I never craved fish like those 5 days before :))

Surgery started at 8 am that day. Beautiful clinic, very Zen with soothing music and you can tell that it's really me that is going to be there. I was greeted by his staff, around 3-4 nurses and a clinic manager. I filled my consent forms, took my vitals, meds, chose my meal (good selection that suits anyone really) and even my music preferences. I then went into a changing room and had all my belongings safely locked and changed into a gown. 

I then met Dr. Taleb. We had a good chat about the hairline which took around 20-30 minutes to draw- freehand.  He was against me going too low for obvious reasons. Once this was drawn, he personally shaved my donor area and the areas we will work on. I had a good hair wash and massage after that and photos taken during these stages. 

I went into the procedure room. Again really lovely nurses. Very chilled and always talkative. I think the valium started kicking in too. The donor area was prepped again and Dr. Taleb started with one tiny injection in the middle. He then told me that he will no longer use needles at this stage and will only have a cannula under the skin for anesthesia. According to him it is a new technique that he found very useful. I really felt nothing more than pressure under the skin. I have no way to compare with the original way but I would say pain was 2/10 overall. 

Dr. Taleb then started all extractions with his senior technician using the forceps to pull them out. There was constant counting as I kept falling asleep and waking up . Extraction took around 3 hours. I was allowed to walk and take a short break during it. Once that was done, I was bandaged had another short break and the second part was being prepared and the room cleaned. 

Again, same way of anesthesia for the front. A bit more sensitive but nothing dramatic. Dr. Taleb made all channels. It probably took around 45 minutes-1 hour. Once that was done, I went into the lunch room, had my steak sandwich, made few phonecalls and just rested a bit. 

I went back in, had a chat with the two techs implanting. i then switched on to Netflix and watched a documentary. Implanatation took around 2.5 hours I would say. I did sleep during some parts. The final count was around 2100 grafts and the average hairs per follicle around 2.4. 

i was happy I'm done. The work looked good. A long day but I was out of clinic by 6 pm after discussing all instructions with the Dr. 

My appointments for next days wash, Day 10 scrub and thereafter were all made for me before leaving and emailed. I really am hoping for a good result. I'm 6-7 weeks out. Will share some photos now ofcourse (They were all sent to me after each appointment). 

Overall, very pleased so far. A real world class practice and team. I know now is the worst part of waiting. But at least I did something useful in this unusual year :)))


Day of Surgery: 


After surgery that evening: 



1 month check: 



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Looks very good, the donor is healing well. Happy growing.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi guys,

It has been a while since my last update, but I had a recent check with Dr. Taleb at around 13 months after my surgery. I am extremely happy with my new hairline and frontal area. I think it looks natural and would suit me for years to come hopefully. Going well with my meds too so hopefully things will stay stable given my family history which is not too bad in terms of hairloss. Here are some photos of me taken at the clinic. 





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  • Administrators

Excellent results 👏🏼

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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