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Dr Pathomvanic or Dr Tykocinski

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Hi everyone,

thank you for replies to previous questions. Im from Australia & pretty much narrowed down my search for a hair transplant to Dr Dr Pathomvanic or Dr Tykocinski. I cant find any real patient related information about Dr Tykocinski ( a lot of the forum threads seem to not link to the original posts anymore??)and there doesnt seem to be any recent patient blogs about him. From the pictures though his work looks really good & it looks like he can do dense packing exceeding 50 grafts per sq cm and uses really small incisions. HIs clinic looks really nice & clean as well. I have read the patient blogs about Dr Pathomvanich and they sound supportive but his information says he can dense pack as high as 50 cm sq (i assume no higher then?) and he seems to use slightly larger incisions and i cant find any pictures of his clinic to see if it looks tidy & sterile. Also, the pictures on his website are not as good quality as some of Dr Tykocinski's so its hard to compare actual hairline quality. I guess the question im really asking forum members is based on what they have seen & heard, which of these two doctors would they reccomend for the most natural looking hair transplant?

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  • Regular Member

Hi everyone,

thank you for replies to previous questions. Im from Australia & pretty much narrowed down my search for a hair transplant to Dr Dr Pathomvanic or Dr Tykocinski. I cant find any real patient related information about Dr Tykocinski ( a lot of the forum threads seem to not link to the original posts anymore??)and there doesnt seem to be any recent patient blogs about him. From the pictures though his work looks really good & it looks like he can do dense packing exceeding 50 grafts per sq cm and uses really small incisions. HIs clinic looks really nice & clean as well. I have read the patient blogs about Dr Pathomvanich and they sound supportive but his information says he can dense pack as high as 50 cm sq (i assume no higher then?) and he seems to use slightly larger incisions and i cant find any pictures of his clinic to see if it looks tidy & sterile. Also, the pictures on his website are not as good quality as some of Dr Tykocinski's so its hard to compare actual hairline quality. I guess the question im really asking forum members is based on what they have seen & heard, which of these two doctors would they reccomend for the most natural looking hair transplant?

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Both doctors are using the latest ultra refined techniques and producing excellent results. Since I already shared my opinion and linked to Dr Pathomvanich's profile, results, and patient blogs on your other thread, I'll point you toward examples of Dr. Tykocinski's work here for a helpful comparison.


There should be examples of Dr. Tykcocinski's surgical photos as well as results in the "Results Posted by Leading Hair Transplant Clinics" section of the forum. I know you will find some on his Coalition profile. As an example, click here. At this time, it doesn't appear that any of his patients have created weblogs, but feel free to do a search for "Tykocinski" on this forum.


Best wishes,



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I am basing my opinion on Dr. Tykocinski solely upon the 30 or so pictures that I have seen of his work, so take this with that in mind. That being said, from what I've seen his work seems on par with the top surgeons always mentioned on this forum. I called his office a few weeks ago and the girl that answered did not speak English though, so we had to communicate with broken Spanish on both ends. That was a slight concern of mine. I ended up e-mailing the clinic for more information and found out that Dr. Tykocinski's prices are a bit higher than I would like to pay. He charges $7.50 for the first 2,000 and then $5 for each graft after in Brazilian reais. If you were to get 2,000 grafts it would cost you $7,218 in US Dollars after the exchange rate. Of course that is significantly cheaper than the $8,000 to $10,000 you would spend if you went to a US doctor, but after you factor in hotel and airfare it is very comparable in price to the top US doctors.


Again, from what I have seen I absolutely LOVE Dr. Tykocinski's work, but I would rather pay the extra $1,000 or so and be closer to home. If his rates were instead $5 R for the first 2,000 and then $3 R for each after, I would most likely take the trip to Sao Paolo. The only other thing that might make me hesitant to visit Dr. Tykocinski is that I haven't seen enough of his work just yet. I'm not trying to scare you, but just recognize that very few people on this forum have first hand experience with either doctor you are considering, and there is not as much posted work as there is for many other physicians. On baldtruth Dr. Tykocinski has about 15 or so pictures that are not posted on this site and I was blown away with all but one of them. Good luck!

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  • Regular Member

thank you everyone. im from australia so the travel to brazil will be closer than to USA. obviously, bangkok is much closer but im happy to travel further if im likely to get a better result. it does worry me if Dr. Tykocinski's clinic dont speak english though. TC17- do you have any links to those pictures on bald truth. i could only find about 5,



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Hey man i'm from Brazil!!! I can tell, most of his staff don't speak english. But the doctor himself speaks english very well, and he will treat you in personal. Don't worry man, if you want any help just Pm me i can translate some portuguese things to you, and share any doubts ok?

Ty and good luck!

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- one final thing, although the girl I spoke with didn't speak english, I am sure there are people there other than Dr. Tykocinski who do speak it. I do not want to appear as though I am telling you not to visit either Dr. Pathamvanic or Dr. Tykocinski, but since you are prepared to travel great distances, do yourself a favor and consider all doctors in the US and Canada as well. If cost is not a factor with you at all, I think it would be a mistake to limit your options to only two physicians because they're closest. I've made it clear that distance is a factor for me personally, but since you're willing to go half way around the world anyway, what's the big deal in going a little further?

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thanks Aska,

do you mind if i ask you how you found Dr Tykonski and how your hair transplant turned out? Did you get good results, any shock less etc? Would you reccomend him or go with him again?

thank you for your assistance. Im very nervous about finding the wright doctor

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Originally posted by cautious:

thanks Aska,

do you mind if i ask you how you found Dr Tykonski and how your hair transplant turned out? Did you get good results, any shock less etc? Would you reccomend him or go with him again?

thank you for your assistance. Im very nervous about finding the wright doctor


I am 5 months out, so far my results are going good, i rebuild my hairline so it was dense packed i belive with 75 grafts cm/2 or more.

I do still have a MINOR shock loss on Donor, i think it i'll come back, my hair is just 1 inche long so...

Of course i recomend and would go again with him...


Tell me what NW are you??

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My only qualm with researching Dr. t is the scarcity of patient photos. There are some on this site but unfortunately you can't request to see more because of brazilian law, that's a point of hesitation for me.


I don't doubt he's good but i want to see a plethora of pictures.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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I understand, you may e-mail him to request some pictures, in his clinic he has an Album with the results, i can assure you, them all looks great. And he has to make a surgery almost everyday... So..

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Oh, he'll be great for you... He's, in my opinion, one of the ebst on the world in grafts vs Coverage, and naturality. E-mail the clinic with your concerns, they will answer you! Any doubt, i'm here. Ty

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See Bill, I disagree with you and agree with Speegs. While his profile does have about 20 pictures of men, there are no patient profiles on this site and more than half of the pictures are one before and one after shot, with at best average quality. While Dr. Tykocinski cannot control the fact that no patients of his have created blogs, the truth of the matter is that one can reasonably assume that the pictures he picked highlight his better work. In addition, 20 pictures is a very small percentage when one factors in that he most likely performs 200+ per year. I'm sure a vast majority of Dr. Tykocinski's patients experience the same high quality work that is showcased on this forum, but I too share Speegs concern of a lack of pictures when compared to some other physicians on this forum. For what it's worth, I wouldn't feel comfortable in choosing a doctor unless I see dozens of patient profiles of his work, or 100 or so doctor posted results. That might come across as unreasonable, but it's my head and that is the only way I would feel comfortable.

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Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:



I'm not sure how many photos you're looking for, but I'd hardly call the 16+ cases on his profile scarce.


See Dr. Tykocinski's patient results in his hair transplant patient photo gallery.


Best wishes,



I want to see loads of pictures in my baldness class, I want to see a best case scenario and a worst case scenario, I want to see how his megasessions turn out.


I want to see how he handles those in my age range, there aren't any 25 year olds in his porfolio on this site. I want to see it, if i don't see it i am not going to blindly pay to fly to Brazil and have someone cut a chunk out of my head without any clear expectation of what to expect when he's done.


Not trying to be disagreeable, I'm just very thorough and picky, one scalp and if i can help it one procedure to hold me off from more until my youth is passed.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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thanks everyopne.

I have emailed the clinic so hopefully someone who speaks english will get back to me. I am in a similar boat with Dr Pathomvanich where there arent that many pictures posted. Certainly the ones posted of Dr T's work look really good...just hoping thats a decent representation of the type of work he always does.


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Keep me posted please. Like you, the pictures I've seen from Dr. T look great, but if he sends different ones to you forward them along to me as well please.

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Originally posted by cautious:

thanks everyopne.

I have emailed the clinic so hopefully someone who speaks english will get back to me. I am in a similar boat with Dr Pathomvanich where there arent that many pictures posted. Certainly the ones posted of Dr T's work look really good...just hoping thats a decent representation of the type of work he always does.


His consultant Leo will likely let you see his personal restoration photos but brazilian law will keep him from letting you see any more of his patients. Leo is like a class 5 bald class so if you were looking for a less aggressive pattern and how he dealt with it I'm afraid beyond what you find on this site Dr.T remains a bit veiled in available photo evidence of his work.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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Thanks TC17 & Speegs,

I'll keep you posted. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of pictures of Dr Pathovamics work either & they are really the two Dr's that are closest to me outside of australia (and whos prices are reasonable). I really dont want to shave my head either so that cuts down my options regarding hasson & wong etc.

Aska, have you got a weblog about your experience with Dr Tykocinski or any pictures that you would be happy to share?


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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by cautious:

Thanks TC17 & Speegs,

I'll keep you posted. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of pictures of Dr Pathovamics work either & they are really the two Dr's that are closest to me outside of australia (and whos prices are reasonable). I really dont want to shave my head either so that cuts down my options regarding hasson & wong etc.

Aska, have you got a weblog about your experience with Dr Tykocinski or any pictures that you would be happy to share?


Be patient and picky, I understand you wanting bang for your buck, perfectly reasonable and the Australian dollar probably matches up favorably against the Brazilian Reias and i expect there is probably near parity between the Canadian and Australian dollar, likewise American surgeries will be more expensive because of the exchange rate that places the American currency as a stronger one, same too if you sought EU doctors.


Dr.T is recommended by a lot of sites but that doesn't mean hes for you personally, only you can decide. Check out a site called IAHRS, many of the doctors on here are on there as well and you can research them from a consumer advocacy perspective, chances are if a doctor is on here and there, but especially there then they have a good track record of patient satisfaction.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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