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FUT incision pain?

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I feel like I’m experiencing some symptoms out of order here.

I had FUT done on Wednesday. I took antibiotics and painkillers as prescribed. I missed an antibiotic dose last night. Haven’t needed painkillers since the first night but I’ve been taking Tylenol. Never had any swelling in my face.

I woke up this morning and the incision is pretty tender/hurts to the touch way more than it did the past few days. It could be that I slept with my neck pillow putting a lot of pressure on the incision, but I slept the same way every night and this is the first time it feels like that. For the most part, there hasn’t been any pain, just a feeling of tightness.

I never felt like I had any numbness, but could it just be that I’m getting back some feeling that I didn’t realize I lost in the incision? 

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You just had surgery! All of what you're experiencing is to be expected.  My post experience was similar to yours.  Wait until the sutures are removed, you'll feel better.  I would encourage you, if possible, to return to the clinic for a wash. That will also help.

Please avoid any weightlifting exercises that involve pulling on the neck for a good year. Push-ups are OK as well as leg presses. This can lead to a stretched scar.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the reply! Good to know it’s normal. There is so much post-op anxiety hoping that nothing is getting messed up. 10 days cannot come soon enough.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the option to return to the clinic. I will definitely be taking it easy for a while!

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Back again because the pain hasn't really gotten any better at day 6 post-op. I don't have much feeling above the incision, but I have substantial pain along and below the incision. The incision is closed with staples for what it's worth, and it doesn't look inflamed or infected. It's been manageable with Tylenol, but I can only take so much Tylenol in a day. Occasionally, I get sharp/shooting sensations along the incision in addition to the constant pain, which I believe are the nerves regenerating. I took antibiotics for the first 5 days post-op. It also feels pretty tight still, which I expected. This seems like more pain than other people describe after their FUT at this point. Should I be reaching out to the doctor or is it reasonable to still have a fair amount of pain at day 6?

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There is considerable swelling and inflammation that accrues post-op including where the staples are...this is normal.

Did your post-op instructions inform you to use ice for the swelling?...you may not necessarily see a lot of swelling and inflammation, but trust me, it's occurring.

Some docs prescribe or supply their patients with a steroid like Prednisone for the swelling.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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2 minutes ago, gillenator said:

There is considerable swelling and inflammation that accrues post-op including where the staples are...this is normal.

Did your post-op instructions inform you to use ice for the swelling?...you may not necessarily see a lot of swelling and inflammation, but trust me, it's occurring.

Some docs prescribe or supply their patients with a steroid like Prednisone for the swelling.

My post-op instructions don't really mention anything other than taking Tylenol within the daily limit for pain and to call if there is excessive drainage. It only said to use ice for swelling of the face. My incision actually looks closed and very clean...no drainage at all. Additionally, I had a day's worth of vicodin, but that's long gone, and I wouldn't want to take more of that anyway.

As long as it's normal to still be experiencing pain then all is good, I can deal with it. I was just a little worried because it seems nearly everyone who posts about it says they experience nothing more than mild discomfort by this time post-op.

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No Prednisone?...well, it's a good thing that your strip incision has closed well, no drainage, no infection.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Some of the pain is due to the staples dug into your skin. Once you get those staples out you will feel so much better.



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There were 2 staples that got buried beneath my scalp tissue...my primary doctor had to literally cut them out and there was no anesthesia used...very painful.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Staples came out yesterday, all 40 of them. It does feel better in that it doesn't feel so tight anymore, but the incision is still pretty tender. It hurt to sleep on yesterday, and I'm guessing it is going to hurt today too. Hopefully a few more days will take care of it. 

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Try applying some rich Aloe Vera gel or cream to the scar and you will find that it will cool, soothe, and even help with inflammation.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Another week has gone by and the pain has stayed the same. I am now about 3-weeks post surgery. The whole scar area is still pretty tender feeling, including above the scar, which is tender/numb, especially around the sides. The pain is more than bearable without medication, but sleeping isn't comfortable. My surgeon said this is normal for some people. I will try aloe vera gel. Is there anything else I should be doing? Thanks for the replies!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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15 hours ago, NicoAustralia said:

Approximately what day did your pain subside mate?

The area where the stitches are is still pretty painful for me 6 days post op and feeling really tight. Worse in the morning after sleeping on it all night 😭

I'd say day 7 was the last day I took Tylenol. After that it was tolerable. The staples were pretty uncomfortable the whole time, especially when sleeping.

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9 hours ago, Mbenol said:

I'd say day 7 was the last day I took Tylenol. After that it was tolerable. The staples were pretty uncomfortable the whole time, especially when sleeping.

I'm day 7 now. It's fine during the day but as you said, at night I wake up and the staples are incredibly sore.

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