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Avoid post-op swelling

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I'd like to know how to prevent potential post-op swelling. Does sleeping in a 45 degrees position with a neck pillow help? My process would take up to 3 days and each day they'll inject new anaesthesia. How'd it look like the 4th day?

What was your experience?

Edited by Fred88
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A lot will depend on how much fluid there is.  Typically you want this to drain as quickly as possible.  Sleeping sitting up, in my view, minimizes swelling.  

Will you be doing PRP?  If so, you have to swell - otherwise the process will be ineffective.  

Why would you be doing multiple days of anesthetic?

This is short lived. I would not worry about it.

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In general, sleeping at the 45 degree angle with the neck pillow and keeping yourself elevated will help prevent the swelling. The swelling is typically worse with a Strip procedure (and it sounds like you're doing FUE), so it already should be less than you're concerned about. And lastly, I'm not sure how much any of this changes considering you're doing a 3-day procedure, so ask your doctor for any other tips given the circumstances. I don't think you'll find many people on here able to speak from personal experience about a 3-day procedure. 

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

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55 minutes ago, LaserCap said:

A lot will depend on how much fluid there is.  Typically you want this to drain as quickly as possible.  Sleeping sitting up, in my view, minimizes swelling.  

Will you be doing PRP?  If so, you have to swell - otherwise the process will be ineffective.  

Why would you be doing multiple days of anesthetic?

This is short lived. I would not worry about it.

There'd be no PRP.

Each day they'll do up to 1700 graft (manual extraction), hence 3 days, and I assume each day they have to inject new anaesthetic (isn't it the case?)

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You will have swelling , it dosent matter whether it's a 2 day or 3 day procedure. 

The swelling will occur over your eyebrows and forehead.  Every 20 minutes put both thumbs up to your forehead and push the fluid away to both sides and down the side of your face where it will give you a great improvment. 

Avoid reading or anything that makes you to look down as best you can.


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If it were me, I would put more time between the 3 sessions...I mean you would have less swelling, potential for a better overall yield, etc.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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