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Hi everyone, my first thread. Just had fue on Sunday, lots of questions 😊

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Hello everyone, I’ve just undergone an fue transplant on Sunday 15th December 2019 and came across this site while doing some research on post aftercare. I have a few questions that I hope you experienced guys can help with please. 
1. I’m using the saline spray every half hour on the donor area and recipient area to keep it clean and moist, and to soften the scabs, how long would you recommend I do this for ? I was thinking 4-5 days ? 

2.   plan on washing hair over sink using warm water in a cup and gently poring over and then using baby shampoo on a sponge squeezed over head but not contacting actual head with sponge then rinsing off. And slowing to dry naturally. Is tomorrow (day 3 post op) advised ? Or wait a little longer ? 

3. is there a moisturiser that you recommend ? If so is it for donor area or recipient area or both and when would be best to use please. 

4. I should be receiving my Finasteride tablets tomorrow and will start taking them immediately. Hoping to thicken up my original hair on my crown. Good idea ? 

5. I’ve been using minoxidil 5% for the last few years, now I’ve had the front of my hair fue transplant should I carry on using it, if so just on the crown or on the new transplanted hair or both ? 
also what’s your thoughts on derma rollers ? Thinking of getting one. 

6. finally last one, what shampoo or oils do you recommend for future use please, is it worth getting the dht blocker type or not as I’m going to be on Finasteride tablets. 

sorry for such a long post, hope you guys can help me get the best results 😊











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I am a little surprised nobody has responded to your post.I like your plan of washing your hair.  I also let my hair air dry, and my hair is longer than yours. I continued doing that for 2-3 months, but others will tell you that you only need a week or so.  I err on the side of caution.  I can't say anything about the medications because I don't use them.  As far as shampoo goes I use Biotin Collagen Shampoo and Conditioner that I buy at Walmart, and I like it.  I am 14 months post transplant and I experienced no shedding, but that is not the norm.

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Saline every 30 minutes? Perhaps overkill. You can keep washing daily pouring baby shampoo on the area, (you can gently tap but don't scrub) and rinsing with the cup method.  You can also gently massage the donor area and the sides. On the 7th day, get in the shower, let everything soak and scrub away.  You'll probably be left with a few persistent crusts. Do the same thing the next day and that should do it.

No need for a moisturizer.

Finasteride, excellent idea. (Stay on the med).

Rogaine is systemic. By putting it in the crown, (or anywhere else), it's working your entire head.  Continue using it.

Avoid using shampoos that contain alcohol.  This dries your scalp and that's when flakes begin.  Baby shampoo should do just fine.

Don't apologize. The more questions the better.

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Saline in my opinion isn’t necessary at all. I used it on my first procedure every 30 minutes, and on my second not at all, my second procedure was way better. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Things are looking good man I agree. Feel free to create a thread in our surgeon review section. I would love to follow your progress.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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