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Propecia in Australia ? Where and how to get it ?


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Propecia in Australia ? Where and how to get it ?


just wondering how and where you get it ?


do you have to see a doctor at a general practice to get it ?


does it work well ??


ive been slowley loosing hair since i was 22..


last 6 to 12 months its thinning in the part section, crown and temples.


Wondering if propecia would help.


was considering and transplant straight up with National Hair institute. I have emailed them pics and they said they would get back to me next week.


But i figure i should explore less drastic measures.


i have been to a trichologist and they didnt give me any advice but to see a doctor.


recently discovered this forum and it helps a lot.


was wondering what was the best method for thinning hair in the middle part section of the head, crown and temples.


Ive had long hair all my life and if possible would like to keep it asap.


sides are down past my shoulders. Used to have thick hair but yeah thin on top.


Im currently only using nanogen fibres with locking mist which seems to conceal well.


i went about a hair piece the other week and was qouted $1200.. but later thought it will most likely look un-natural and silly. Also it was a clip in and may fall off. Major embarresing.


anyway sorry ... back to the subject..


were do i get finistride or propecia ???


thanks all

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So ..


does anyone know were and how to get propecia in Australia ?


is it as easy as going to your GP doctor and asking them for it to and control the loss of hair ??


is propecia on the government subsidie list ? So you can get it cheaper ?


looking forward to someones advice ?



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I joined the forums to ask about this too.


I know you can buy it in Australia. It is available here...



It's quite expensive though. Be looking at $65 a month.


I know you need a prescription to get it but will a regular GP give you something like that? Or do you have to see a specialist?

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thanks for the reply


yes it is expensive huh. But if it works it is well worth it huh.


Wonder if propecia is on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) or if you can get it cheaper with a health care or pension card ?


if not... chemist warehouse say they give cheaper perscriptions.


Im going to make an appointment with my local GP doctor to ask questions. They would know better than anyone i guess.


Hey frank have you looked into a Hair transplant ?? Im waiting to hear back from National Hair institute. Ive sent them pics. Shall be interesting to see what they say. No doubt 7 grand plus.


Also thinking of contacting doctor knusden and ask them for an opinion.


Is there a large percentage of any hair regrowth taking propecia ??

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Hi Steak,


It is expensive. I posted another thread in this forum about Proscar. It seems on that same site you can get 30 5mg proscar tablets for only 90 bucks. From reading the forum I get the impression you can split them into 5, so they are like 1mg propecia. This would be very reasonably priced.


I haven't looked into the transplant yet, I don't think I'm quite to that stage but will be there in a year or something. I've looked at a few of their sites including nation hair institute. Unfortunately it seems to cost a lot more than 7 grand...


"During the consultation, you will be informed as to the number of grafts that could be removed and the ultimate cost of the procedure. On average the cost of one procedure is around $15,000 for men and $11,000 for women. As mentioned, these are just averages and should not be used as a basis to estimate the cost of your procedure. Your price may be more or dramatically less depending on what you require and what we can possibly obtain."


I hadn't heard of Dr Knusden but just checked out his website. Is he meant to be good? Are you aware of any Australian forums on hair loss?


I think 66% of men regrow some hair on Propecia mainly around the crown. Check out the website, it has the info on there http://www.propecia.com/



It would be great if you could update this thread again you hear back from national hair institute. And once you have visited the doctor. I am visiting the doctor on Wednesday but I'm almost certain she knows nothing about Propecia so hopefully she refers me to someone.

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Hi Frank,


Thanks for the reply..


Is proscar effective ??... Is it as good as propecia ?


Yeah i will book to see the doctor next week. Im going to see a male doctor as i feel it will be a lot easier to talk about rather than a female doctor. Silly i know but yeah. I dont know if they will know much about it but no doubt they will understand are worry as no doubt they get all sorts of stuff like guys asking for viagra etc. No doubt they have seen and heard it all by now.


i dont know about you but yeah the hairloss has worried me on and off for years. Makes you feel sick with worry to be honest. The last 12 months its become a real issues i have to do something about.


It wouldnt be so bad if i didnt have long hair all my life. If i shave it off people are going to spin out and ask why? Not looking forward to it at all.


I dont know how long this nanogen nanofibres will conceal it for. Like i dont know how fast it will shed.


Anyway back to the subject.


Frank, what are you using or doing at the moment to try and holt or stop the dreaded baldness ?? Im curious.


Have you tried Rogaine ? If so, has it worked ?


Has your problem just started recently or has it been an on going thing for awhile and you have decided to tackle it now like im doing ?


rogine makes my hair greasy. I placed on another thread if anyone has tried out nanogen nanogaine ??


ive tried out nanfibres and it works good with the mist spray. I have also tried out nanothick but it doesnt seem to do a lot. Makes your hair feel a bit weird.


But yeah im still waiting on NFI (national hair institute) to get back to me. I will let you know what they say. But if they qoute me 11 grand well as dissapointing as it sounds i dont have that kinda cash.


Will be interesting to see if i can get my hands on propecia to see if and how it works. And to see if there is any growth from it. But at the moment i dont have high hopes.


Silly as it sounds but im going to really miss my long hair.. well hair all together. lol. Sorry tried to throw in some humour.


talk soon frank


thanks for the replys

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Hi Steak


I have tried generic propecia. It is Finpecia 1mg from cipla. It works as much as branded propecia. You can give finpecia a try. Its also lot cheaper. I dont know where in Australia its available. In UK we get it easily ordering through Online Pharmacies




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i got a reply from National Hair institude Melbourne, Australia..


i hope its ok to cut and paste on here and doesnt bend the rules. If so let me know and sorry in advance.


here is a copy of the email i got. Frank maybe interested.




My name is John Mandic and I am the Client Counsellor at the National Hair Institute.


I have reviewed your photos and can see that your hair loss is in the moderate stages and that most of the thinning has occured within the front half of your scalp.


Whilst you may possibly appear to be a candidate for a hair transplant my recommondation would be the you consider trialling hair loss medication for a year.


Minoxidil lotion (Rogaine or Hair A-Gain) can be obtained from any chemist over the counter.

Finasteride (Propecia or Proscar) can be obtained with a script from your Doctor. Go to www.propecia.com for more information about it.


I recommend that after doing your research, that you trial at least one of the two medications listed above for 12 months and to let us know how it is going.


My biggest concern is that if you have a transplant now and you continue to find the rest of your hair thinning, you will not remain happy for long.


If you wished to transplant the front half of your scalp, it would take about 3000 follicular unit grafts (around 6000 total hairs) and this would cost $16,500.


Please do email me if you have any further questions.







I thought it may of been about 7 or 8 grand.. but 16k... wow... i fell off my chair. I dont have that kinda cash.


So im going to book an appointment with my doctor and ask about propecia.


I am going to also email back John and ask more about propecia.


Frank, have you been to see your doctor about propecia as yet ?? Let me know how you went.


Thanks all..



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Originally posted by tedguy:

I have tried generic propecia. It is Finpecia 1mg from cipla. It works as much as branded propecia. You can give finpecia a try. Its also lot cheaper. I dont know where in Australia its available. In UK we get it easily ordering through Online Pharmacies



I emailed one of those online pharmacies and they said they don't ship to Australia because of some laws. I'm guessing they would all be like that if it's because of Australian law.


Steak, I haven't been to the doctor yet but am going on Wednesday. $16,500 is serious cash for a transplant, especially if you will need more done in the future

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I totally agree... 16,500 is very serious cash .. especially if I need 1 or more transplants.


He did say in the email that. About dissapointment after spending such money. At least he was very very honest.


Im going to go to the doctor myself, and as

John from NHI advised, im going to try propecia. Im curious but i dont know if its the wonder drug. But i shall stay positive and try it out. icon_smile.gif


I have tried minoxidol twice and it makes my hair very greasy and uncomfortable.


So i will see the doctor and ask about propecia and try it. I will stick with it for over 12 months and see how i go. Its an option and hey i may as well try it.


The website you linked me, chemist warehouse, etc have propecia etc. Just need to obtain a script from the doctor which wont be hard at all. Especially if you explain what its for and they can look it up on the computer.


This whole loosing hair thing is very very distressing huh. If i was 56 i would say oh well im old. But 36 isnt old and it sux bad.


So yeah i will try propecia for over a year and see how it goes. Shall see my doctor this week.


Sad fact is that a peice maybe in need in the not to distant future and im unsure and nervous about that. No doubt it will look obvious and i shall feel like a goose.


I guess i could try it out and see how it looks. Its only 1000k instead of 16k.


Anyway shall let you all know.


thanks for the reply frank... let me know how you go at the doctors. I shall let you know also.


thanks all


have a great day

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Hi Frank,


Lot of pharmacies dont ship to Australia. I guess as you mentioned its got to be the laws. I have ordered finpecia from www.buy-generic-rx.com Maybe you can email them & check if they send to Australia. They are quite cheap. I saw on their site another brand of generic propecia which is finax 1mg. Looks much better than finpecia. Once my finpecia gets over i plan to try finax. I am still trying to find more about finax & trying to get feedback from anyone if they have used finax 1mg. Any information on finax would be great



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Originally posted by Steak:



I totally agree... 16,500 is very serious cash .. especially if I need 1 or more transplants.


He did say in the email that. About dissapointment after spending such money. At least he was very very honest.


Im going to go to the doctor myself, and as

John from NHI advised, im going to try propecia. Im curious but i dont know if its the wonder drug. But i shall stay positive and try it out. icon_smile.gif


I have tried minoxidol twice and it makes my hair very greasy and uncomfortable.


So i will see the doctor and ask about propecia and try it. I will stick with it for over 12 months and see how i go. Its an option and hey i may as well try it.


The website you linked me, chemist warehouse, etc have propecia etc. Just need to obtain a script from the doctor which wont be hard at all. Especially if you explain what its for and they can look it up on the computer.


This whole loosing hair thing is very very distressing huh. If i was 56 i would say oh well im old. But 36 isnt old and it sux bad.


So yeah i will try propecia for over a year and see how it goes. Shall see my doctor this week.


Sad fact is that a peice maybe in need in the not to distant future and im unsure and nervous about that. No doubt it will look obvious and i shall feel like a goose.


I guess i could try it out and see how it looks. Its only 1000k instead of 16k.


Anyway shall let you all know.


thanks for the reply frank... let me know how you go at the doctors. I shall let you know also.


thanks all


have a great day


Hi Steak,


16500 is really a big amount. you have to really think twice before you go for such a expensive treatment. If no results that would be a total ripoff



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Originally posted by Steak:

This whole loosing hair thing is very very distressing huh. If i was 56 i would say oh well im old. But 36 isnt old and it sux bad.



Geez, I wish i was 36. I'm only 26! It's not too bad at the moment, especially when my hair is at a nice length that isn't too short or too long.


Anyway, just got back from the doctor and told her about it. She knew about finasteride and looked it up on her computer. I told her about Proscar rather than Propecia because it's the same thing but in 5mg tablets rather than 1.


She gave me a prescription for Proscar. I have to split the tablets into 4 and take a quarter each day and skip the 5th day if I want seeing as you only need 1mg per day.


I'm going overseas in a month and a half for a couple of weeks so am going to wait till I get back from there before starting on it.

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Hi All..


thanks frank for getting back to me..


i asked John from NHI about propecia after sending him pics of my head.


this is what he sent back





In answer to your questions, it is not too late to see an increase in density using medication.


However the older you are, the less likely you are to see a visual improvement.




I would not expect to see much of an increase in density using either Propecia or Minoxidil. Perhaps an improvement within your crown may be noticed.


If you are lucky the front and mid scalp may improve a little.




I have seen a number of patients using medication see a noticeable increase in density but it is usually within the mid scalp and crown.


We don't tend to see the hairline thicken up on medication.




Some patients will notice increased shedding on these medications which can last for 8 weeks.


If it keeps going for longer than it is best to stop it completely.




You will have to see your local GP to obtain a prescription for Propecia. Every chemist sells it.


We do offer it at NHI but we can not offer it someone that has never been into the clinic.








in reply i asked him if its worth trying and if hes basically saying not to bother either 1.my age of 36 isnt worth taking the drugs or 2. my condition is to bad.


im waiting on his reply


thanks all

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Steak, (I like that name lol)


the chances you at least maintain hair count or considerably slow the hair loss process, as well as improve thickness and hair quality using the combo finasteride / minoxidil is statistically "very high", even at your age (36).


Where are you on the norwood scale?


Good luck

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i would say norward 4 or 5..


i have pics of my disaster in the "hair piece" thread under "clip in".


if what the consultant john said is true, im waiting on his reply to my question if it is a waste of time taking propecia and minox, i guess my only other option is a piece.


I cannot afford 16,500 for a transplant. I wish. But as he said, i thank him for his honesty, that it could be a waste of time as more loss will happen and i wont be satisfied with the result.


hair loss is most frustrating. Especially when you wake up each morning thinking about it. Also when its on your mind most of the time and constantly checking the mirror.


So yeah thats why im thinking of just biting the bullet and going with a hair piece as i dont have the balls to shave my head and im ugly enough without doing so.


anyway thanks for everyones advice. I may still look into propecia next week. See what happens i guess.


oh before i go .. hey frank.. got a question for you.. proscar.. is that on the PBS.. meaning is it cheaper because its subsidized by the government ?... or is it always full price ?


thanks icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by frank2097:
Originally posted by Steak:

This whole loosing hair thing is very very distressing huh. If i was 56 i would say oh well im old. But 36 isnt old and it sux bad.



Geez, I wish i was 36. I'm only 26! It's not too bad at the moment, especially when my hair is at a nice length that isn't too short or too long.


Anyway, just got back from the doctor and told her about it. She knew about finasteride and looked it up on her computer. I told her about Proscar rather than Propecia because it's the same thing but in 5mg tablets rather than 1.


She gave me a prescription for Proscar. I have to split the tablets into 4 and take a quarter each day and skip the 5th day if I want seeing as you only need 1mg per day.


I'm going overseas in a month and a half for a couple of weeks so am going to wait till I get back from there before starting on it.


HOW???????? please reply lol im aussie can't get a prescription anywhereicon_frown.gif you in melbourne?

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Originally posted by micky4567:

HOW???????? please reply lol im aussie can't get a prescription anywhereicon_frown.gif you in melbourne?


Go to your GP and tell them you are balding and mention finasteride. She told me there are some possible side effects that effect are very small amount of people and asked if I am willing to risk that. I said yes and that was it.


I haven't started taking it yet as I'm going overseas in October and have heard it can cause some shedding at the start. I'd rather this happen when I was in Australia than ruin my holiday. Can anyone tell me how bad the shedding can be? And at one point it happens? I am going overseas in 6 weeks...


Yes I am from Melbourne.

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Originally posted by micky4567:

could you please find out the doctors name? or the location for me?


i have asked a few doctors and they said its illegal for them to give to meicon_frown.gif


it would be so much help mateicon_smile.gif


Really? That seems strange that they said it was illegal to give to you. My friend is taking it and he went to a different doctor as well. I went to a doctor in north west of Melbourne.


Where were the doctors that you went to?

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one in epping and greensborough. though i got a blood test for many things as he said he wanted to see if there is anything there before prescribing me with anything. so maybe in 2 weeks he willicon_smile.gif


it is annoying

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Why don't you buy online?

I am sure there are some safe places to buy. My first experience was with unitedpharmacies. I bought one year supply finasteride 1mg, the product was ok, but I have only received 180 pills icon_frown.gif

I have bought from 4RX since 2007. They have a number from Australia on their contact page.



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