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UPDATED- 4 MONTH Pics Posted - Dr. Hasson ~ 4,159 grafts

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yes, that's exactly what mine looked like a few days ago. It's gotten worse since then but as long as Dr. Hasson said it's perfectly normal, then I feel ten times better about this!




So am I haha....I'm just hoping that I look like a normal human being by August 30th, thats when I start school. I'll update my blog tomorrow morning.

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I've seen this quite a lot, although I've seen it referred to as valleys.


Don't worry about it. The next few months will be difficult while you wait for your grafts to grow in.


Try not to think about it too much. It will all be worth it nine months from now - You did your homework, you chose the best surgeon, now relax and just stick it out for a little while.


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey guys, I just wanted to give everyone an update. I'm currently 23 days post-op and I would say about 2/3 of my transplanted hair have fallen out thus far. I stopped the use of the vitamin e oil because i think it was actually irritating my skin. My scar is healing very nicely and I no longer have any discomfort with sleeping; I still use the U-shaped pillow because I find it to be very comfortable and easy on the scar. I finally went back to the gym on Monday, it has been a very long 3 weeks and I couldn't wait to start working out! While I was warming up on the treadmill, my whole entire scalp became extremely itchy. It drove me crazy but I sucked it up and finished my workout. I will update my hair loss website next Monday with 1 month post-op photos.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Sorry I should have been a little more specific in regards to the donor area. In all honesty, I think I was pretty lucky because my donor area did not hurt that much after 3 or 4 days post-op. The donor area felt great the day before the staple removal; it's just that it was difficult for me to sleep with the staples in. After the staples were removed, sleeping became much easier for me. The day after the staples were removed the entire area was a tad sore but it wasn't unbareable. My main complaint is how itchy the area became when I began exercising. I feel a lot of tightness throughout the entire scalp (especially when I cough and sneeze), although the tightness has gotten better. As far as the actual staple removal, it didn't hurt as much as I anticipated. I would definitely suggest soaking your head about 10 minutes prior to having the staples removed, it makes a world of difference. Let us know how everything goes Azn. Good luck!

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The difference is that Armani would have transplanted these hairs into the temples only - meaning that future loss would mean this guy would be in big trouble.


Dr Hasson has addressed the front third and mid scalp - consistent with the fact that if further loss occurs - there is plenty donor left to cover the rest.


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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Originally posted by JimJohnson:

Don't get me wrong, but this case reminds me of work from Dr. Armani. 4100 grafts into the frontal third of a NW 2?


He very well could have seen a lot of miniturization. Get it all done in one shot or chase it for 3 or 4 operations 1000 grafts at a time.

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splitting hairs and severn are both correct. Dr. Hasson did see slight miniturization in the frontal 1/3 region. He also made a comment that my hair shaft diameter in my donor region is excellent, which in turn will provide me with a "nice dense look". He said that hair shaft diameter is the single most important characteristic.


It should be a crime to say that Dr. Armani's work looks similar to Dr. Hasson's icon_smile.gif

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Finger, what % of grafts do you think survived at your 1 month mark? to me, it looks like there's still quite a bit when I look at your 1m side profile pic.


LOL with regards to the Dr. Armani comment. first off, I don't think Finger paid $21 per graft, did you!?!? j/k


I think Finger had great hair to begin with and therefore, to match his natural hair density I think it was probably necessary for Dr. Hasson to do dense packing. In all likelihood, I think Finger will be a "1 and done" patient so long as he continues to use rogaine/propecia.

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I hope you're right Megatron, but I'm willing to get the crown done down the road if it's needed. I would say about 90% of my grafts shed during the first month to 6 weeks; what you see in the 1 month pics is native hair. I'm hoping that I don't experience any shock loss in that area...I'm 7 weeks post-op, I probably would have experienced shock loss by now huh? Surprisingly, my temple points are still in tact...hardly any of the grafts have shed.


HAHA no I didn't pay $21 per graft, I wouldn't even go to Dr. Armani if he paid me $21 for every graft that he inserted into my scalp.


My Hair Loss Website - HT with Dr. Hasson

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Originally posted by Fingers Crossed:

Surprisingly, my temple points are still in tact...hardly any of the grafts have shed.


oh, that makes sense now cuz I noticed too that it looked like you kept the transplanted hairs in your side.


Originally posted by Fingers Crossed: HAHA no I didn't pay $21 per graft, I wouldn't even go to Dr. Armani if he paid me $21 for every graft that he inserted into my scalp.


LOL - Dr. Armani's website / videos are always a good laugh

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Originally posted by hair_me_out:

Looking really good, Fingers. Believe me, you'll be referring back a lot to these 2 week photos for the next 3 months saying "remember when?" The hairline looks absolutely killer -- it'll be back!



Your scar is really visible even all the way up to the 3 month mark! Weren't you alarmed by this? How do people go back to work after 1 or 2 weeks if the scar is visible like that?? I thought the scar should be invisible once there is a cm of hair. Also, your scar is super high up to the temples... how do you know that area is not immune to future loss.

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I'm noticing the same thing with the scar on FingersCrossed, as well as Bill. Is this by virtue of the fact that the donor strip is taken so high up the temples by Dr. Hasson? I don't know why else the scar would be visible from the sides (and back) of these guys months out from surgery.


You can't tell me these scars are not detectable in person and people don't wonder/ask about them????


I've seen Dr. True's work and you can't even see the donor scar if you have a comb and are parting the hair. I know people say H&W are great, but what's going on with these scars? It must only look worse on darker hair/light skinned individuals I would think.


Fingerscrossed, your scar is really assymetric in the pics -- did H&W explain why?

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Referring to Hair-Me-Out, his hair is not at 1cm. It is a quarter inch per his web log. This is closer to half a centimeter than a full centimeter. In fact it is .64cm. In addition, it appears that he as a bit of temporary shock along his donor area that will begin to fill back in anytime now. Donor scars are never fully healed by the three month mark and are more visible on some patients compared to others during this "ugly duckling" stage. No doctor or clinic can show multiple examples of donor scars being invisible at the three month mark with .64cm of hair length. That really isn't a fair expectation. There may be a few but they are certainly the exception. HMO also has chosen to keep his hair shorter than most during this phase of his progress. Most have their hair longer at this point and have zero visibility of their donor scar.


With regards to FingersCrossed and the asymmetry of his donor scar, I'm not sure what the relevance is. The goal is to go after the best hair and sometimes this means one side the donor strip may be higher than the opposite side.



I hope this addresses your concerns.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Originally posted by tremblant:


Your scar is really visible even all the way up to the 3 month mark! Weren't you alarmed by this? How do people go back to work after 1 or 2 weeks if the scar is visible like that?? I thought the scar should be invisible once there is a cm of hair. Also, your scar is super high up to the temples... how do you know that area is not immune to future loss.


Hi Tremblant:


As Jotronic mentioned, I've been cutting my hair to 1/4 inch for my photo updates. I wear a cap to work so it being this short isn't an issue. Just took photos for my month 4 update (which I'll post later today or tomorrow) and the scar is less visible than month 3 -- so things are going in the right direction. I'm really happy w/ the HT and can't thank Dr. Hasson and staff enough for their great work.


As for how high up the scar is, Dr. Hasson explained to me during the HT the technical reason for doing this but I can't remember exactly what he said. Perhaps Jotronic can have Dr. Hasson pass this information on through the forums. I trust that he made the right decision.


Take care,



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Yes I do agree my scar looks assymetrical, but who's going to be able to tell 8-10 months from now? You bring up some good points but I trust Dr. Hasson's decision. I'm updating my hair loss website today with 2 months post-op pics.


My Hair Loss Website - HT with Dr. Hasson

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Thank you very much for the comments and explanations. I almost had a heart attack looking at those guys pics, but I guess if they are cutting their hair that short (and w/shock loss given they are soon after HT) it could look as such.


I would be VERY interested in seeing more pics of your scar at the 2 month point, FingersCrossed, esp. from relatively close. Your back looks good.


I also looked at more pics of Dr. Hasson's patients on the site and their scars blend with hair after several months out, even for black hair/white skin combo. I guess you can also use some concealers early on.


I was super concerned about the scar b/c where I work I won't be able to wear a hat, and I can only take off 2 weeks MAX before returning after HT.

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