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HI Guys 

So a bit the bullet and went in for my first FUE experience. I could not find a lot of info on here in Ireland so I decided to give a full account of my experience. 

I spoke with 3 different surgeons before I came to the conclusion that Dr Andre was my best option. 

Dr Feriduni  - PROS - One of the best in Europe- great gallery of work on here. Very skilled surgeon. Highly recommended . CONS - Hard to get a space, Expensive, Had to travel. 

Alyesbury Hair Clinic -  Bit of a joke, very strange experience on first visit. Told me I would not need meds etc post, Too cheap to be true. 

Hair Restoration Blackrock - PROS- A lovely clean and modern surgery, Lovely staff, seems all very professional CONS -    VERY EXPENSIVE, a very vague pricing structure ( SMALL, MED, LARGE AND EXTRA LARGE) I wanted to know the basic graft count I needed but they would not really confirm it. They said on first consult I needed a medium and would not have to shave 2 weeks later on second pre surgery consult they said I needed a large and had to shave. As far as I can tell a Medium is 1000 - 1200 grafts for €9000 and a large is 1500 -1700 grafts for €14000...Big difference. Big prices 

Dr Andre Nel  PROS - I liked Andre. He did not seem like he was a salesman of FUE. He made me know the facts and sort of scared me in the sense of how big a decision it was and how important the aftercare included the right meds were. He is a no Bull S*** kind of guy. He has had FUE himself by DR FERIDUNI in Belgium. He has also trained under him and a few others.  He has a fab team that made me feel relaxed and we had a good laugh during the session. 

  CONS   The only con was the surgery is above a womens beauty clinic so you enter through their entrance.  The toilet / changing room could do with a little facelift. 


tonight is my first night post op just back in hotel...


Will have more updated photos once I get from Dr Nel















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Wishing you the best. Thanks for the documentation. Please continue to keep us updated.

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Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Best of luck Ciaran and well done on biting the bullet. Your HT looks nice and clean. I had my consultation with HRBR also, the price is extortionate. How much did Dr. Nel charge?

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Dr Andre done the incisions on the evening before the surgery. I liked this idea. He explained that doing all in 1 day can cause alot of trauma to the scalp area. This made sense. He measured and drawed up a hair line that we were both happy with and shaved my head. 

He numbed up the recipient area ( which by the way was not very sore at all as he used the vibration technique that distracted me from any pain) he spent  around 3 hours placing the holes for implanting the grafts the following day. 


I was bleeding more than average Dr Andre said. I did consume alcohol 6 days before the surgery and he thinks this was the factor as it thinned the blood. It probably made it a bit harder to see what he was doing because he had to keep clearing the area.  Mixed messages and feelings on alcohol consumption prior to surgery some say 48 hours is fine other day 2 weeks before is needed. I think the week before should be fine but it’s hard to really know.  When I shave the back of my neck and behind my ears with a razor I bleed really badly too so maybe just my skin type. 


Here is day 3 photos from implantation 


Let me know what you guys think 


no pain 

no itching

no bleeding 


please note i have just washed my whole head.


Had the donor covered in vasiline each night to keep the donor area moist and prevent too much scabbing (see bottom picture) I have been spraying using a mixture of salt water and bepathen every 30 mins.  Which I got 2 full spray bottles of Dr Andre. 

I have been given meds to take -

•antibiotics to prevent infection 

•steroids to prevent swelling 


i will begin regane foam and special shampoo in the next few weeks. 






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  • Senior Member

All looks very clean and good work. Not much redness at all. Your aftercare routine is working wonders.

I never heard of making the incisions on your scalp the evening before hand.

What type of device did the doctor use?

Was it motorised or manual and what size head had it got?

How many technicians were there the day of removing your graphs?

What is the vibration technique when the doctor was injecting your recipent?

Thanks and all the best for now......Paddy

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Hi Paddy 

he used a special neddle. A hand punch that he had made. He inserts it between existing hairs using microscopic glasses it means he doesn’t damage exsisting hairs and to prevent bursting too many blood vessels. Also means he has complete control of depth and angle. Doing this the night before reduces the chances of shock loss and means he scalp is nice and settled for the insertions on day 2. 


I don’t remember the size. Everything was done by hand. Hand made v machine made always much better. Dr Andre done it all himself the night before. Only 1 other technician in New York does this. In my opinion I think it has made the post op healing better.  If am buying any item that involves skill and craft that cost money I would be looking for a craftsman with hand to eye skills way before machine made. 

Pennys make great value clothes but you can only wear them twice and then they get dumped! 


In the theratre he had 5 technicans 

he led the transplant - framing the hairline himself and checking in on the other techs implanting. He was guiding them on graph placements with 1s 2s and 3s 


The hand punch he used was 0.9mm.  He had about 6 on the go at a time with a tech inserting which graft he wanted next. 

mostly he led the job with the filling in the gaps left to 2 technicians and then one other was setting the graphs up and handing them to the implanters as they called for what  number of graft they wanted. It was very much a team effort which speeded up the process. Again I was bleeding more than average so made their life’s a little harder and probably added about 1.5 hour to the process. 


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Here is a photo pre op of the top of my head. Taken 2 weeks before I shaved my head.


*This one is taken by blackrock and the hairline marking  is also by them.  I have not got the pre op pictures off Dr Andre yet. 




Edited by Fivehead89
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Here we are now 10 days post op 

had a bit of numbness and tingling last few days. Especially around the back of the head in donor area. It’s the nerves just acting up after the little unrest caused by the extractions. It’s not too bad but defo annoying.  My scalp is a little purple and red too. If you look close you can see it. 

Going to wear hat socially until the native hair grows back more. 




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Thanks for the update and information. You have a lot of native hair on the front.

I  presume the Dr. Implanted grafts into your native hair?  What did the Dr. Say if you loose your existing front hair over time, what way will your  HT look ?

Thanks again..................Paddy.

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HI Paddy 


The Finastride  (proscar 3 qtrs a week) and regaine foam will prevent that from been drastic. Yes he filled out the native hair to make it thicker. 

I am not worried about that to be honest. I have another 6000 grafts to fill it out if I fancy in the years to come

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