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Shedding After Month 4 - Need Opinions

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Hello, it's been 4 and a half month since my hair transplant and I've encountered an issue I need clarification on. Today, I isolated some hairs in my transplanted area and gave them a light tug. I noticed that some hair came out without any resistance (I swear I can hear a squeaky sound when I do this). These hairs appear to be about 1/2 to an inch in length and don't appear to be shaped like terminal or healthy hairs. They have funny-looking bulbs as well. I'm concerned that I'm still shedding this far in my hair transplant journey and would like to know if this is normal and hopefully glimpse an insight into the nature of such shedding.

I've attached a photo of mentioned shedded hairs in this post. Please zoom in to notice the bulbs.


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9 minutes ago, spex said:

Hi there, 

the shedding process is normal and can happen at variety of timelines so please don't stress to much. Videos on my site to on shedding and growth times to help assure you.



Hey Spex,

Thank you for responding to my topic. I understand that shedding might continue after the first 1-2 months, but my concern is with the peculiar characteristics of the currently shedded hairs. They appear to be atypical of the hairs that I've shedded earlier and seem to be of substantial length, which is rather strange. I know I wouldn't stand to gain anything by concerning myself with it, but it would be great if someone could actually give some input on what these hairs actually are.

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On 11/5/2018 at 7:06 AM, spex said:

Hi there, 

the shedding process is normal and can happen at variety of timelines so please don't stress to much. Videos on my site to on shedding and growth times to help assure you.



Hiya Spex,

According to the OP, i read it as if LeftwithRope is concerned that his newly sprouted and grown 4.5 months transplanted hair is shedding after only a short time of growth, how common is it for newly grown transplanted hairs to go thru a shed after only a month or 2 or 3 since having sprouted in the first place?...is this normal?...and will a new transplanted hair once again sprout and grow?



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34 minutes ago, VicTNYC said:

Hiya Spex,

According to the OP, i read it as if LeftwithRope is concerned that his newly sprouted and grown 4.5 months transplanted hair is shedding after only a short time of growth, how common is it for newly grown transplanted hairs to go thru a shed after only a month or 2 or 3 since having sprouted in the first place?...is this normal?...and will a new transplanted hair once again sprout and grow?



I do not know whether these hairs are transplanted or native hairs. Though I gather that they could be native because of their thicker texture.

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Some of them look like grafts which remained in the growth phase for several months and eventually have shed.

As long as you are experiencing normal regrowth of your grafts, you should be fine.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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