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Originally posted by Severn:



I still stand my my original premise that it's going to take a few generations of telogen phases for them to get out of sync on a shedding pattern.




Severn bro, can you break that down for me. I dont know what that means.

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Originally posted by Einstein:

What my biggest worry is is that i had a lot of hairspray and gel practicaly glued to my hair when it was styled when we went camping. Then all of a sudden we were out of shower usage for 7 days, with my hair yucky, sticky and filled with gel and hairspray. I came home early and the first thing I did was jump in the shower. I have NEVER lost so much hair at once in the shower in my life.


That's when the biggest difference from thickness to see-through thinness was seen.


Was this possibly dut's shedthroughout that week but coudl not fall out because hairs were stuck together and all of sudden a weeks worth of shedding came out in the shower?


Or did the hairspray and gel actually destroy my transplanted hair?


Correct me if Im wrong but I feel the latter part of your conversation explains the former.

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Originally posted by Einstein:


Severn bro, can you break that down for me. I dont know what that means.


Well, our hair goes through a growing phase and a resting phase(telogen) where the follicle will shed the hair. Then a couple of months later start to regrow again.


However, normally we don't notice it because while some of our hair is shedding and starting the resting phase, there are plenty of other hairs on our head that are still in the growing phase. However, if all the hairs start growing at the same time like yours apparently did, they will likely start their resting phase and shed at the same time as well.


This is what happened to me when I took the finisteride. I was lucky in that the finisteride had amazing results. It grew back all my crown hair. But it grew it back all at the same time So as a result, when the newly grown hair started its normal shed, they all shed at the same time and it was very noticeable. I went through about three growing/shedding phases before the growing patterns got broken up enough where it looked normal.


Also as Abby pointed out from your original post, the hair gel and spray might have been holding all those hairs in place that were trying to shed. And the duta might also be contributing to the shed. So it could be a combination of all three. But I still think the most important factor is the fact that since the newly regrown hairs all came in at the same time, you will have to go through about three shedding phases until the hairs start breaking up their timing on when their growth and shedding phases take place.

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Originally posted by Severn:
Originally posted by Einstein:


Severn bro, can you break that down for me. I dont know what that means.


Well, our hair goes through a growing phase and a resting phase(telogen) where the follicle will shed the hair. Then a couple of months later start to regrow again.


However, normally we don't notice it because while some of our hair is shedding and starting the resting phase, there are plenty of other hairs on our head that are still in the growing phase. However, if all the hairs start growing at the same time like yours apparently did, they will likely start their resting phase and shed at the same time as well.


This is what happened to me when I took the finisteride. I was lucky in that the finisteride had amazing results. It grew back all my crown hair. But it grew it back all at the same time So as a result, when the newly grown hair started its normal shed, they all shed at the same time and it was very noticeable. I went through about three growing/shedding phases before the growing patterns got broken up enough where it looked normal.


Also as Abby pointed out from your original post, the hair gel and spray might have been holding all those hairs in place that were trying to shed. And the duta might also be contributing to the shed. So it could be a combination of all three. But I still think the most important factor is the fact that since the newly regrown hairs all came in at the same time, you will have to go through about three shedding phases until the hairs start breaking up their timing on when their growth and shedding phases take place.


Ok now I understand. It makes a lot of sence and hope thats my situation. Thanks again bro.

Really appreciate everyone's input here.

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Thought I'd give a quick update for all the bros here...


I feel little pricks of hair and quite a few of them throughout my scalp. When I use the mirror woman use for their eye brows (the one that magnifies 10x) i see the little hairs just coming out of my scalp. Kind of looks like 3 day old beard coming in.


This is especially gratifying to see in the hairline area of the transplanted hairs I lost.

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I have further researched the administration of ketokonazole and dutasteride usage together and found that the two drugs have a "moderate" drug interaction.


How bad is this? And can this be the cause of the fatal hair shedding? If so, why would it be almost all transplanted hairs?

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Originally posted by Einstein:

How bad is this? And can this be the cause of the fatal hair shedding? If so, why would it be almost all transplanted hairs?


Pure speculation on my part, but if it's just the transplanted hairs falling out it might be because they are a bit weaker right now and more prone to get "shocked" into a telogen phase. My guess is transplanted hair might take a few growth cycles to get as strong as the surrounding unminiturized hairs.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Severn and everyone else,


Just a quick update. After posting here I thought my shedding had stopped but it didnt. But the los of transplanted hairs don't fall out anymore - I think. My shed has slowed a bit but not stopped. Now it's slowing down and stil not halted still. As far as my natural hair goes, it's significantly lesser than before. My crown loss has expanded drastically and the top of my head and right behind my hairline has thinned significantly as well. My transplanted hairs are...well...very sad. I honestly remember looking thicker than this at 3 months post-op. This morning I reached to scratch my temple and in my nail caught a scab. In the scab were tiny hairs on one side and bulb on the other side. Looks just like the hairs shedding with the scab a few weeks post transplant. I saved it for a photo. Since my surgery I've had bumps on my hairline and temples, visible scars/bumps from either the insicions they made or from the needles (consulted with H&W and confirmed these scars/bumps are permanent). I wasn't concerned about them after 4months post-op because hairs covered it. But now that most of the hairs fell off the bumps are visible and ugly.


I've decided that this weekend I am going to make an effort in post detailed pictures: pre-tranplant, graft placement, immediate post op, 2 months post-op, 3months post-op, 5 months post-op, and recent ones. I even took pictures of my crown just to document dut's progress.

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Man, I'm no doctor but I'd get off the duta if I were you. I got off that stuff quick when I tried it. It was wrecking my hair bad. Years ago when tried it, I was reading other peoples accounts. It helped some, but others it wrecked their hair. Many of those (like me) who quit had their hair return. Some of them didn't though. Duta is too strong of a drug on the hair IMO.

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I spoke to H&W clinic 2 days ago (man, its eating me alive that I didnt go to them in the first place) and they suggested I stay on dut. They don't think dut was any reason for the loss of my transplanted hairs because they are "supposedly" not prone to dht and dut only sheds hairs prone to dht. They said getting off dut will cause more shed. They also suggested that it can be possible shockloss, and that shocklos rarely comes back. They were however troubled by why I have bumps in my temples and hairlines!


The irony here is that the transplanted hairs and my natural hairs shedding began all at the same time, same day.

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Originally posted by Einstein:

They don't think dut was any reason for the loss of my transplanted hairs because they are "supposedly" not prone to dht and dut only sheds hairs prone to dht.


I can only speak from my personal experience from duta. Based strictly on what *I* experienced, this is absolutely not true. My hair was falling out all over. The hairs on the side and back of my head which are *not* subject to DHT were falling out just as quickly as the hair on top and front of my head. I could very lightly pull on the sides and back of my head where transplanted hairs are removed, and a lot of hair would come off in my hands. Even my beard hair was becoming very thin which is normally quite thick and coarse.


They said getting off dut will cause more shed


Again, this is only from my personal experience, but this is not what happened to me. I quit and continued to shed for about 5 weeks. Duta stays in your system for a long time. After about 5 weeks, the shedding started to slow then stopped roughly 2 months after I stopped. About 3-4 months later, the hair I lost on duta started to come back. I probably regained 95% of what I lost but it took several months.


Again, it's up to you to make your own decisions on this. But for what it's worth, if someone offered me $50,000 tax free cash to get back on duta for one year, I would turn it down.

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hi im going through the exact same thing as you but not quite as bad just yet im hopring, basicly i have alot of those bumps in my hairline from the tool they used to make the holes to place the grafts, and mine also look ugly under bright light. when i emailed the armani clinic they just told me it was the monixidol and it will go and i replied saying im not stupid and i know when i have scaring and that it was not the monixidol all they told was to wait and that it would improve witch it did a bit like all scars do, anyways back to the original topic my hairtransplant looked far better at 6 months like yours did at 3 than it does now at 10 months basicly it looked allot lot thicker and just better at the 6 month stage then gradualy over the past 3 months it began looking thin and is the same as how you describe your hairline the hairs getting gappy and thinning out on the hairline and thinning out just behind the hairline, the thing that got my attention from reading your posts were that you got a reponce from the clinic telling you to use betaderm, well the armani clinic gave me betaderm post op and i know you said you didnt want to menstion the docs name but please tell me if it was armani or not becuase if it is then there is 3 of us now all going through this so called shedding phase which is woring us all me you and scopion. if you realy insist on not saying the docs name please private message me with the answer and i wont mention it puplicly, how much worse has the shed got since the camping to todays date? and have you noticed any of the areas getting better, also my head is realy itchy at present as i am going through this stage and nothing seems to be helping it, are you going through anything similar, i have recently gone back to a ragiem of wasing moisterising scalp etc. to try and stop all this i have started taking more MSM and vitamin C Zinc. and including Flaxseed/Linseed in my diet for the Omega 3 benifits which i have always found to make my hair thicker and more healthy, i only started doing all this a couple days now so i will let you know if it improved my shed, do your transplanted hairs that are shedding, minimize first before shedding, what i meen by this is do they get thinner and go lighter before they are falling or are they comeing out at the same thickness all the way along the hair? damm what a long post im guessing i way have blabed on and may have repeated myself a little but i cant be botherd to read it back lol

Dr A. Armani 2500 Fue

Dec 2008


Proscar X1 Day

Monixodil X2 Day

Msm Daily



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i think by that message you have confirmed that it was armani. god damme it what is the so called surgion playing at he is messing are lives up on a mear experiment


and also about not wanting to say your docs name to give him a chance????? surly the bumps scarring alone is enought to name and shame

Dr A. Armani 2500 Fue

Dec 2008


Proscar X1 Day

Monixodil X2 Day

Msm Daily



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  • 4 weeks later...

Severn I hope you read this.


I want to thank everyone who responded with imperitive imformation and insight, especially severn. You guys were right. My hairs shedded ARE starting to grow back! THe only thing I did differently severn, was I didn't stop using the dut. I continued because for some reason i had hope that it was just a shed and regrowth will follow. For 3 months as you know my hair was murdered and stabbed to death. THen the shed slowed down, then it halted for about a month, and now I see a lot of regrowth terminal hairs and my hair is exceptionally thicker. Thanks everyone. This site rocks.

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Thanks man. I thought about that Maxxy, but it's just too many hairs growing in at one time. And not only in the transplanted area (only in front) but all over the top of my scalp. I'm 8.5mnths post-op. Ofcourse, there may be some hairs growing in which may be the new hairs post transplant, but if they are they're growing in in conjunction with my shedded hairs too.

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