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Considering HT - Estimation of grafts/Long term strategy

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Hi All,


This is my first post here, so grateful to have a forum to seek advice.


I'm 36 y/o and have been experiencing hair loss for 10+ years. I have been shopping around and sending pics for online consultations (principally in Turkey for the cost benefits- I live in Europe). I am aiming to get a HT to increase overall coverage, but with the knowledge that as per my family's genetics I will need another HT in the future, unless Finasteride works like a charm for me.


What is your guys advice and observations? I have attached pics.


Many thanks in advance.











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Dear Mr. Investor99,


If you have lost this amount of hair in ten years, and you are 36, then your future holds more loss coming your way. Your first priority should be to reduce the chances or slowing the degree of loss to come with medication. Finasteride, either orally or topically, as well as minoxidil are your two best weapons in this regard.


The game plan would be determined by your goals. Do you wish for the most aggressive approach possible or do you prefer something sensibly conservative and appropriate for moderate coverage and achieving an age appropriate hairline?


If the former, then a bigger session of 5000 grafts over two days would be an approach that could give you strong coverage and a moderately placed hairline that is lower than your current hairline. The crown would still be somewhat thin as most of the grafts would be placed further forward.


The second approach would allow for a new hairline in the place of your current hairline but the density would be significantly increased. This will give you temple recession that would be quite natural while allowing for better coverage into the crown. This second option would reduce the need for more surgeries but nothing can guarantee that any procedure will be the only procedure.


I hope this helps with your research.



Dr. Bhatti

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  • Administrators

Dr. Bhatti, is spot on thanks for providing such a detailed and concise response Dr. Bhatti.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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